Sunday, February 01, 2015


If Eva Moskowitz can basically close her schools for an all day civics lesson (rally) up in Albany on March 4, why can't the supposedly progressive Mayor Bill de Blasio and all of the other so called pro-public school district leaders push for the same civics lesson for our kids and their parents on that day? 

A group of my students from Jamaica High School went with the NAACP to Albany to meet state lawmakers on an approved public school trip during the school day back in 2011.

How about a huge counterdemonstration-civics lesson for public education in Albany on March 4?

Instead, we have UFT members apparently jockeying for limited seats on lobby day buses headed for Albany the same day that Eva's masses will descend upon the seat of state government.  It looks like we are being outmaneuvered by the charter people again.


  1. When will teachers wake up and realize that so-called education reform is the war that their union misleaders secretly love to lose?

  2. Why would they want to lose? Makes them look bad.

  3. Makes them look bad, yet keeps their pockets filled and their power in place.

    Don't ya' get it? They lose on purpose.

  4. Wouldn't winning do a better job of keeping their pockets filled and power in place? Losing means they have to bs the membership more.

  5. And more charters means less dues too.

  6. I agree but , unfortunately, it is unlikely to happen. How about someone going into our public schools and capturing scenes of the fantastic learning that occurs each and every day? On March 4, strategically set up large viewing screens at the rally site and show the production. We need to highlight the charter rally for what it is, a 1% financially supported PR stunt. We need to strengthen the message that public schools are educating all students each and every day in brilliant ways.

  7. A March 4 counter rally with 100,000 people from all over the state would do that.

  8. Combine both- a rally of 100,000 strong and the visual of our students learning.
    Eva is bringing her students as props. We must counteract this use of the wonderful charter school children by showcasing our equally fantastic public school children .

  9. Spread the word when they say ICE offers no ideas.

  10. Don't close the schools - just arrange hundreds of school trips to Albany - and watch the rabid pro_Eva press sqwauk.
    Problem is de Blasio who is from Boston has deflated balls.

  11. Yeah and we have Pete Carroll calling passes from the one yard line. The press couldn't criticize us if charters are up there in Albany.


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