Wednesday, April 10, 2019


I have been saying since 2005, before the infamous 2005 UFT Contract, that the only way working people are going to turn it around in this country is if we are willing to work together with other unions to credibly threaten really large actions.

At the suggestion of my friend Sam Lazarus, I proposed to Randi Weingarten at the UFT Executive Board in 2005 that the UFT should combine forces with the Transport Workers Union to truly threaten to shut down the city in a huge combined action. Randi responded that she spoke to Roger Toussaint, then head of TWU Local 100, but soon thereafter the UFT conceded to the worst contract ever and the transit workers were left out alone in their strike. Weingarten did not even have the guts to call the TWU strike courageous.

Fourteen years onward, it is encouraging to see a real labor leader talking about working people coming together. Sara Nelson is the President of the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA.

This is from Sara on Twitter:

Could you even conceive of AFT President Randi Weingarten or UFT President Michael Mulgrew saying anything like this?

Until we are willing to fight together as working people, we are going to continue to be stepped on by the government/corporate elite. Non-violent labor militancy is the best way forward, not looking for a seat at the table with the corporate Democrats.

For more Sara Nelson, here she is on MSNBC talking about the grounding of the 737 Max 8 and 9 after two related crashes.


  1. The ATRS have been offered a $50000 buyout. This is the second time that this has bee offered. The first time was in 2017. This to me is a disgrace. Why only the ATRS. Why not everyone. What this says is that both the union and the department of education are targeting ATRs.
    I say lets target Mulgrew. Vote him out of office. Make him go back into the classroom and actually earn his salary. He does nothing for union members except collect there dues and have fancy lunches.

  2. Whats even worse is how the UFT is splitting staffs at schools that are eligible for the Bronx plan. Some teachers will receive $7200 while others will get nothing. How can the UFT allowe this to happen. They just created a 2 tier system of teachers in each school.

    Solidarity no more.
    Time to not pay union dues for the next five years to recoup my $7200 because I am not eligible.


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