Tuesday, February 04, 2020


We are still not sure who the front-runner is right now in the Democratic Party nomination for president. We all predicted that the establishment would go into total freak out mode if Bernie Sanders comes anywhere close to getting within a few thousand miles of the nomination. The party's Iowa caucus debacle would seem to reveal that the establishment conniptions are only going to get worse as the lengthy campaign season unfolds since win or lose, Sanders and his people aren't going away. One notable establishment figure who knows where he stands is UFT President Michael Mulgrew.

New York City teachers’ union president Mike Mulgrew is backing Joe Biden for president.

Mulgrew, head of the United Federation of Teachers, is listed as a Biden delegate on petitions of voter signatures the former vice president is submitting to the state Board of Elections this week to qualify for ballot status in New York’s April 28 Democratic primary.

It's not a UFT official endorsement but it may as well be as the UFT is one of the most top-down organizations on the planet. Now if Biden sinks, which is very possible, there will be plenty of egg on Mulgrew's face. The answer at that point is not to quit the union but to rise collectively to take it over or start something better.


  1. Iowa Democrats need more time to send their results to NYC Dept. Of Education to "change the scores". Expect results later.

  2. James, you say that every day. Show me. I dont even care about Sanders or Biden. But everything else, sorry, shame on you, not paying for this shit, this mess, those thieves.

  3. AFT/UFT endorsement is, sad to say, the kiss of death.

    Except for when R. Weingarten robo-called for Kathy Hochul in a tight primary race, I can't remember the last time they picked a winner.

  4. I could give two shits about who Mulgoon endorses. However, since he happens to be the president of a massive union, he should at least have the common decency to keep his personal political views private so as not to piss off the tens of thousands of teachers he is supposed to represent. In other words, his personal endorsement is a de facto UFT endorsement. The shit storm is just starting to to brew my friends. Stay tuned!

  5. Say it aint so!
    Crime jumped 17% in NYC in January, coincident with no-bail reform. Who could have predicted that?!? Look at the sub stats. Truly frightening.
    Democrats Werner/deBlasio and Cuomo have made our schools a showcase of education.
    Now let's put these people in charge of our healthcare and other aspects of our lives.
    What could possibly go wrong?
    --for Maria Fuertes

  6. "7 million people have come off of food stamps and 10 million people have been lifted off of welfare”

    Thunderous, standing ovation from Republicans. And not a single clap of support from the Democrats.

    WAKE UP AMERICA: They are the party of government dependency.

  7. James, who dont you ever report this?
    7 million people have come off food stamps. #SOTU2020

  8. Uft? Sanders? Cellphones and laptops can be distracting for students in classrooms, and new research also shows that using electronic devices can even lower students’ grades.

    Scientists who studied the effects of divided attention in people know that when attention is divided between two tasks, fewer items regarding those tasks may be recalled later -- a concept called “retention” in psychology.

    Additional research on electronic devices shows that smart phones can reduce the ability to think to a person’s full potential, and additional research from Stanford University reveals that intense multitasking decreases the efficiency of completing a given task.

    1. This makes brilliant sense.
      We need to follow France's lead and ban the electronics scourge from schools.
      10:05 for Secretary of Education!

  9. Good point. Dems sit as Trump announces low black unemployment numbers.

  10. Yeah 947 Trump took my 90 year old vet father off food stamps. He gets $800 a month to live on. He’s in a lot of pain and can’t get pain medication because of all the dirt bags in the pharma industry. So the blonde douche bag punishes the innocent. Half his neighborhood are heroin addicts because he pulled the pills with Jeff Sessions. Pops asked me to start buying him some heroin or shoot him. He can’t live with the pain. He still has his gun and I have to keep an eye on him. He just tried to shoot the TV when Trump came on for the State of the Union. Trump is making fools of a lot of people.

  11. James, did you see Pelosi rip the speech in half? That was disgusting. I will never vote dem. Pathetic. You know damn well if a republican did that 5 years ago they wouldve been called racist. How dare the disrespect president obama like that. LOL. This is what the uft supports?

  12. Pelosi and other Democrat extremists will only have themselves to blame when
    wins again in November.

  13. As if I needed another reason to enjoy Biden campaign's implosion, Mikey Mulgrew, the old woodshed doctor, gives me one.

    Reality Based Educator

  14. Lies,lies, lies from Trump's SOTU. Medal of Freedom to Rush. What a farce.

  15. What's the Trump deficit for 2020? $1,000,000,000,000. That was a political speech, not a SOTU.

  16. The Republican Congress tried to get rid of covering pre-existing conditions.

  17. JFK average growth rate for economy: 5.7%, LB Johnson:5.1%, Jimmy Carter: 3.2%, Bill Clinton:3.8%, Trump: 2.5%. Best economy ever my ass.

    Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis

    2.3% economic growth for 2019 after all those corporate tax cuts. Tax cut was a huge stimulus.

    Job growth slower under Trump's first three years than Obama's last three years.

  18. Adjust for inflation, wage growth went up 1.1% in Obama's last three years and only 0.6% in Trump's first three.

  19. Trump’s economic numbers are statistical smoke and mirrors. (DeBlasio and Trump are brothers from different mothers.) Everything is based on ͏͏debt and low wage jobs. People are forgoing doctors and hospitals and dying because they can’t afford healthcare. There are more addicts now than ever , but his focus was on curtailed opiate prescription drugs, and average everyday citizens are suffering because they can’t get pain meds - ( don’t get a tooth pulled unless you have a pint of Jameson in your pocket). Another step was taken toward the demise of public education last night. It’s inevitable. Every ethical adult in that room should have walked out. The only thing I give him credit for is stopping partial birth abortion and it’s one that outweighs all his illusions for many. (Abortion remains one of the greatest evils of our country.) It was his night big time. His Supreme Court picks ensure this country will be conservative for many years to come. (Did you catch his inference against Ruth?)

  20. Nancy pelosi is an embarrassment to our country our culture and our government. The real problem lies with this wicked witch who is 80 years old and should NOT be in government. She has too much hate and is too old.

    Further, leadership has the ability to mold the rank and file but because she is such a poor leader the democratic party has gone wild. Same in teaching as some teachers know how to tame their students and the classrooms are a model of excellence in learning.

    Many times a change in leadership proves worthy in all aspects of life in business, sports, etc. No different here and until the party gets a new leader expect more insanity from the dems....

    1. And similarly old Grassley and McConnell are models of fairness, either blocking Obama's court appointments?, blocking Obama, who had the biggest first election win since LBJ in '64. ?? Pleasd.

  21. With that said, the dems are proving to be ass clowns. Im not the biggest trump fan in the world, but will still vote for him after all these pathetic stunts and the give everybody a free ride dem platform.

  22. Thanks dems...NYPD Commissioner Shea says new law to free defendants without bail is behind 17% spike in crimes in NYC for January.

    Assaults, robberies, shootings all up over last year.

  23. the school numbers are all bullshit but the crime stats are sacrosanct. You gotta be kidding if you really think they went down like the NYPD said they did and now that there is this political pressure they are suddenly up. Smoke and mirrors like a prior comment said.

  24. Tear up that speech Nancy. Democrats growing a spine? It won't last.

  25. The dems are a party of free everything for people who dont deserve it. If you are "unwilling" to work you should not get paid or have the govt give you free housing, free food, etc. Sorry, will never vote for that. I dont care what the uft tells me to do. So goive everyone free college, and those will destroy those colleges like they have destroyed the high schools. Reward those who chose to waste monet instead of saving for college, while I worked to pay for myseld. Punish me. And then punish me for going to work everyday, waking up at 5am, and give my money to those who want to wake up at noon, stay out all night, smoke and curse at cops and teachers. Those people who are so broke, yet have an $800 iphone and $200 sneakers and a $1200 handbag. Doesnt seem like they need govt help for food and shelter.

  26. Dems are split between establishment pay to play wing which is Republican lite and progressives who want real change. There hasn't been a real progressive in a power position in ages.

  27. Biden is using Trump to attack Bernie saying Bernie can’t win because he’s calling Bernie names (Communist! Oh My!). Well he’s calling Biden, Sleepy Joe, and rightfully so. The Democratic Party is going to be split in two very soon.They are doing Trump’s work on themselves. Pathetic. Trump is an enormous buffoon and the only guy that can beat him will be stopped by his own party.

  28. There are people commenting here who actually believe a word Trump says. That alone should disqualify you from commenting as Trump tries to remove people from food stamps. Why not take them all off and let them starve and then brag how many people came off food stamps?

  29. Welfare is supposed to be temporary. Some make a career of it. Is that not true?

    1. @9:28pm: You won't be able to have it both ways. Welfare will be a lifestyle due to the f-ups of a system that is graduating students who will struggle to make ends meet. If you are part of the "crew" who goes along to get along, zip your lips. You helped create the monster called lifetime welfare recipient.

  30. I thought it was good to not get or give food stamps. Now the expectation is to live off the govt forever?

  31. Wanna hear a good one about grade fraud? Student got a 65 in algebra 3 and a 65 in algebra 4. His attendance---14% in algebra 3 and 27% in algebra 4. How is that not an immediate investigation? And, he was absent for the regents exam.

  32. 9:33, Who said it wasn’t good to get or receive food? Trump, that fat ass mofo? 243 lbs=325lbs. I know a 90 year old vet that gets very little in SS. His food stamps were cut by fat ass. Trump throws away more food in one meal than this guy eats in a week. Trump is a draft dodger who claims to be a patriot. Open your eyes - Trump is making a fool of half this country.

  33. No problem with SS or vet assistance. Problem is bums getting free rides forever.

    1. Ooh child...i see why sh%$ is f@#&÷! up. Insanity is running through this blog like water running from a faucet. You see kids not receiving a true education but blame the same kids for not working. Who is going to hire them dumbazz? Who? WHOOOOOO? These can't be educators making these ridiculous comments.

  34. Means tested govt assistance vs cradle to grave dependency. 2 different things.

  35. WHen Romney made that comment, 47% of the country will vote for obama, they want free stuff, he got destroyed. He didnt mean vets, senior citizens, he meant people who game the system and drain it...

    1. @8:59 am: I hope you've included yourself as a gamer of the system. R u not gaming the system? If you are passing students so that your principal won't get in your azz, consider yourself a gamer and hence--A BIG AZZ DRAINER.

  36. Is it just me, or does anyone else feel like 85% of these posts could be coming from their school. It is sickening the abuse we put up with. Who out there works in good schools?!?

  37. I have a mandatory doctors appointment for the Friday before winter break. The doctors appointment cannot be rescheduled unfortunately. My administration has approved the request to take off however they mentioned I will most likely be docked pay for the absence. Does anyone know if this is true ? Also, does anyone know if I will be docked pay AND have to use a day from my available CAR balance?

    1. Yes, the worst case scenario.

      I only take a sick if I am so obviously that even the toughs will wear surgical masks around me.
      Chalk it up and let it go out of your CAR.

  38. I am LIVID right now as someone has changed my grades for all three of my self contained classes. Their grades, the grades that were averaged in Skedula, were reflective of their assignments, assessments and (40%) for the effort of hw, i-Ready and packets. For chapter leaders in this group, please tell me what is the "rule" about this?

    1) they are straight LYING about student grades. The inflation of a student that had a 70% going to 100% when the 70% was only because of homework and i-Ready averages and a few passing exit tickets is unheard of.

    2) For students that don't do the things mentioned above AND still don't pass their test (released state test questions), their average is reflective of their competency and their effort. You did zero work, you get a zero... 55% whatever.

    3) I am certain these practices MUST be illegal, particularly when promotional criteria is not a determining factor if a student doesn't even have promotional criteria on their IEP, which only looks at the percentage of standards they would have passed and lower the necessary percentage for those particular students.

    4) If I tell a child they are failing because they haven't done anything and they get a 80%?!?

    Any advice to not lose my ENTIRE mind would be appreciated.

  39. Is admin allowed to ask for an entire units worth of lesson plans and work way before a teacher is even in the unit?

  40. One day last week my class was being unruly after lunch, which is not unusual for them. That day inparticular, it was bad. I raised my voice to get their attention, you might even say I yelled at them. My AP heard and came to my classroom, only to stand at my door and not offer any help/support. Figuring I had to yell, you would think she might say to me, "Is there anything you need?" Or "Do you need a minute?" NOTHING! Just stood there! The next day, Friday at around 1:45, the secretary walks to my door to hand me a letter telling me that I had a meeting scheduled for today with her and my principal which could results in disciplinary action and to bring union representation. We had our meeting today, which was a waste of time. I asked her why she did not offer any support and her response was, why didn't you ask me for any.... REALLY! I am so tired of the misuse of power.

    1. DOE is a mini dictatorship in most schools.
      As I for advice, and they sit and observe and then rate you 'I.'
      Welcome to the Gulag.

  41. This is kind of a personal, long, depressing post. But I really need advice.

    I feel trapped & I need A LOT of financial help.

    I am married. No kids yet. I make about $64,000 a year, but I have about $70,000 in student loans. This is my BIGGEST and only debt. We currently rent so no mortgage. I made some poor choices. I took out loans for undergrad and then took out more loans for grad then consolidated them without thinking it through. I was unemployed in my field for many years. About five years ago, I finally got a teaching job and signed up for the Public Service Loan Forgiveness plan. I have about 5 more years of payments left. In order to stay on this plan, I HAVE to be on a income based driven plan, thats part of the deal. These are the 4 types of plans:

    1) Revised pay as you earn: This is 10% of your discretionary income divided by 12. It includes your spouse’s income even if taxes are filed separately. (My husband has a much higher income then me. If I go on this plan my monthly payments will be about $800)

    2) Pay as your earn: Same as above. But your loans need to be Direct Loans taken after 10/2011 and you have to be a new borrower as of 10/2007. (I do not qualify)

    3) Income Driven Repayment Plan: (I an currently on this plan) It is 15% of your discretionary income divided by 12. Does not include my spouse’s income. I am paying approximately $480/month. My monthly payments will increase as I make more money. At this rate, my last 12 payments will be somewhere around $800/month. I have chosen not to do my +30 for this reason.

    4) Income Contingent Plan: 20% of discretionary income or fixed rates based on a standard repayment plan, whichever one is less.

    How do the newer DOE teachers with families do it? How do you survive? Is paying $400-800 a MONTH for student loans normal for teachers in NYC?

    I dont know if I can do this for another five years. My husband and I are in the process of growing our family. We are modest and live within our means. I want to get my money right but I dont know where to start. Do I stay in this program? Should I get off this program and just go back on standard repayment plan? Try to Dave Ramsey it and pay $70,000 in two years? Dave Ramsey definitely doesnt approve of the PSLF program.

    If I go back on to a standard repayment 20 year plan, Its $380/month with a 10% increase every two years.

    The loan consultants at FedLoan Servicing told me that PSLF is terrible for NYC teachers bc we make decent income. Our income is decent but the cost of living is so high? She advised me to reach out to SOFI to inquire about refinancing my loan.

  42. Today, I was called in at the end of the school day to be told that there are allegations of verbal abuse against me.

    The meeting is set for the end of next week. My school does not have a UFT Chapter Leader or any Union delegate but I spoke with my district rep earlier, who will find someone to represent me.

    I’m beyond distraught! I can’t even imagine a student accusing me. I’ve been teaching 19 years with a clean record. I wasn’t given any details and won’t until the meeting. It’s more than a week away.. how can I go to work, teach with a smile, knowing that someone is gunning for me??

  43. HAHA. Passed math with 14% attendance. WOW.

  44. 9:03, Personal business day. You get paid and a day comes out of your CAR. If docked, grieve. We can help. Email us at iceuft@gmail.com.

    9:05, Admin can't ask for everything like that in advance. Go to chapter leader if that doesn't work, contact us if you need assistance at iceuft@gmail.com.

    9:06,Go to UFT. Also, you can Email us at iceuft@gmail.com. We can figure something out with this.

    9:11, Email us also if you need assistance. We were a chapter leader for 18 years and dealt with verbal abuse nonsense many times. We were a lead voice on the UFT Executive Board who got verbal abuse out of the corporal punishment regulation.

  45. What about passing math with 14% attendance? You skipped that ingenious answer.

  46. "Hey, who needs reality when you can just live on Fed free money and horseshit?"

    Ok for the rich people to get Federal Reserve welfare.

  47. I am a teacher. I am in the stock market. As are many retirement accounts, 403B, TDA accounts...I am not rich. That is money people EARNED and invested.

  48. I wrote about the student passing math with 14% attendance. I will add some further info. In what world is this acceptable? Mastery in 2 social studies classes with 54% attendance? What a disgrace.

    algebra 3-grade 65-attendance 14%
    algebra 4-grade 65-attendance 27%
    pe-grade 90-attendance 59%
    earth science 3-grade 74-attendance 60%
    earth science 4-grade 74-attendance 48%
    lab-pass-attendance 66%
    us history-grade 86-attendance 56%
    govt-grade 86-attendance 54%

  49. Keep it going uft doe. So glad I'm out next year. They can keep the money. Just tell all the students not to cone in, why make more work for yourself. You can use those grades as an example.

  50. Maybe 3 comments about MULGREW running for Biden. Abolish ICE.

  51. I think grade fraud is more important. Us president has no affect on doe uft.

  52. It has a big impact who is president. Bush and Obama almost killed us.

    We do plenty on grade fraud here. Call Sue Edelman.

  53. Fine. So mulgrew and the uft, your union, who you pay $1600 a year to, endorse people you dont want. So you keep paying dues? Or, what will you do? And I dont remember a dem in the world saying a single bad thing about obama. Ever. He was the messiah. A transformative figure. The 2nd coming.

  54. Obama was as bad as Bush on public education. DeBlasio has kept the Bloomberg education policies going except on expanding charter schools. Cuomo has been a disaster for us for the most part. There are Dems who support us but generally the corporate dems have an awful record on public ed. It is a bipartisan attack on us along with the Republicans. Read Ravitch's new book. It describes it perfectly.

  55. I try not to listen to simplistic talking points. I do analysis and draw conclusions. You are welcome to disagree but you are inaccurate saying things like "and I don't remember a dem in the world saying a single bad thing about Obama." This blog has said negative things about Obama's ed policies for years and I am a Democrat.

  56. If sanders just said this, he would capture more people. To avoid poverty, one must do three things.

    1) Finish high school.

    2) Don't have a child before twenty.

    3) Get married before having a child.

    How does "institutional/systemic/structural racism" prevent blacks from following that formula?

  57. Those 3 make sense for everybody.

  58. @9:25: There are more whites on welfare than any other group.
    Many educators on this blog are %itching about how the DOE'S ed policy is leading to many students of color receiving a useless diploma.
    The privileged young white unmarried girls having babies should be lumped in with the young unmarried girls of color. Makes sense right, @11:25pm?

  59. Gawd this creature hates white people. S/he steeped deeply in The Narrative.
    How long have you been waitingforsupport?

  60. Let's not make it personal. Doesn't help us.

  61. Disappointed that all but one of the comments were related to your well written post.
    Mulgrew' s timing is the worst. Announced right before news came out that he didn't make the 15% cut out of Iowa. This is egg on his face.
    Sanders, I'd prefer, but I can't fathom what he sees in Biden, and he didn't even consider Warren?
    Buttigieg has eclipsed Biden as the media's favorite. The latter is poised to make a mediocre showing in IA, NH and NV. Watch Sanders and Warren cut into his SC firewall.
    A giant embarrassment of a move.


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