Wednesday, November 10, 2021


It is now up to three NYC schools closed because of COVID. This is from Chalkbeat:

Village Academy in the Far Rockaway section of Queens will close Thursday after health department officials determined COVID-19 is spreading in the school, according to the education department.

It is the second New York City public school closed this week, and the third closure this school year.

As of Wednesday, city data show there had been nine partial classroom closures at the middle school, which shares a building with other schools. The school reported 14 cases among students over the past week and two among staff, according to state data.

Students will transition to remote learning for the next 10 days and can return to in-person learning on Nov. 22. Any student without a device can pick one up tomorrow at the school.

The co-located schools will remain open.

This building's ventilation issues have been reported by the press.

Here is what one teacher said about the building last year:

"Of all the buildings to go to, they decide to go to a building that was built in 1973 by a modernist architect, and his intent was to have no windows that would distract [students]," one teacher there, who asked not to be named, told Gothamist. "That building is a death trap, as far as ventilation. There's no supply fan, no ventilation unit. No intake or outtake for fresh air. We don't have any air conditioners."

I don't know if the ventilation issues were addressed properly but I am skeptical for sure. I also wonder why only one school in the building is closed. Why not the whole building? I guess the DOE, and probably the UFT, have figured out that the virus only goes to the Village Academy part of the school building. 


  1. Another day and another way for criminal mismanagement in our Potemkin village school system.

  2. The entire building should be shut down. All teachers in the other schools in that building should report to the google classroom. The UFT SHOULD TELL ALL MEMBERS FROM THAT BUILDING TO NOT GO IN STARTING FRIDAY. The DOE knows there is covid in the building. Theu also know their are many many break through cases. They should not take a chase with people's lives no need for anyone to get sick.

  3. The democrats who run the city know you’ll vote for them no matter what. They know UFT members will turn on their fellow members before turning against the political party that has dominated and controlled nyc for decades. Enjoy the poison air. It’s all nyc will offer you.

  4. "and probably the UFT" ... We knew that was coming. God forbid a post without required anti UFT comment. So predictable. Do you think it harms your credibility? With me, you have none. You're just a man with an ax to grind.

  5. Why doesn't the UFT tell members to stay out? If COVID spreads further in there, it is on the Union too.

  6. If the UFT acted like a union, no need for anti UFT comment. Where is the DR and where is 6Mulgrew? Shut the whole building. We pay dues to be safe. Do your fucking job UFT.

  7. Also schools are very lax at mask enforcement. You have to go through a whole bunch of hoops before a student can be removed from the building for mask removal. At my school, more and more students each day are pulling them down and few teachers are enforcing the rule.

  8. It doesn’t matter —the DOE revises the rules and guidelines for Covid protocols —since last year—and the Mulgrew team offer little push back.

  9. Don't worry, James said change is coming...20 years ago. Keep paying and waiting. Good luck.

    1. 1142. join us in our opposition to Unity instead of promoting that you've given up.

  10. A student continues to tell me that what I do is very caucasian and I display a lot of caucasity. How is this ok?

  11. Hate to break it to you guys, but if you have been to a restaurant, movie theater, a plane, bowling alley, a gym or left your house that you are exposed to covid. It happens.

    We have to live our lives. Stop whining and go live!

    Keep your mask on at work in the class and you’re fine!

  12. Teachers are sick and tired of trying to enforce the mask rule. For one thing, Admin is not following DOE policy of inputting the information into OSSR, or whatever it's called, and then setting up a meeting with the parent, and finally sending the student home. The attendance is so low that they are NOT going to send any more students homes. So why should we bother ourselves with the daily battle of the masks when our hands our tied? Still, I would write it up 1 or 2 times, and if nothing is done, I'm done. If they come in and ask about a student not wearing their mask, I will tell them I did my part and that's that.

  13. 4:11 who said it's ok? What have you done about it? You expect Mulgrew to know about that too?

  14. Uh oh. Gov Hochul just came out and said that employers should bring their employees back from working remotely. There goes her election in 2022.

  15. @4:11 did you bother to ask the student what's an example of displaying a lot of "caucasity"?

  16. 4:11: True, but still many kids are not vaccinated and those places aren't as crowded as a typical nyc classroom. Also, they say masks or only about 10 percent affective in preventing Covid spread.

  17. Just read in Chalkbeat that the city spent 18 million dollars on the DESSA Social Emotional Screening for students over a 3 year contract. Yet, still no pay for Spring Break, no smaller class sizes, and broken school buildings. Great work again doe.

  18. @4:43pm... an educator WOULD ask but alot of folks are afraid to speak up or even teach. This blog is the closest some will ever come to speaking up for themselves.

  19. So many are hopelessly gaslit. Paralyzed with fear to the point where rational thinking is nonexistent. They turn to cnn and msnbc for guidance.
    No amount data can calm these headless chickens down. They want to believe covid is a death sentence and they do. If this pandemic has taught me one thing it is the huge percentage of pathetic souls that walk among us.

  20. @6:37 - no amount of data can calm people down? You mean like the near 650,000 dead? Just promise you won't go on GoFundMe and beg for help like the rest of the moronic conservatives who thought it was all a hoax. Thanks in advance.

  21. Yeah, I'm sure the teacher should engage in a conversation about "caucasity." Perhaps the teacher should then engage by asking about the black crime rate and ask for a nickname for that.

    1. @712 pm. Better yet, the "teacher" should ask about the burning down of towns communities churches, lynching, bombing churches and the hysterical laughter of the animals cheering it on. Ask about the rabid communities that spit and cursed at children on their way to school. If the US history books told the facts about ALL American citizens maybe that student and teacher wouldn't have to ask. Just saying.

    2. 712. US crime rate is one of the highest in the world. Sounds like an American problem. Try a class analysis of these crimes and you'll see that they are crimes of poverty. And what causes poverty, and what maintains it? Meanwhile, wall street crimes, war crimes, go completely unchecked. Instead of demonizing the poor as criminals, go after the system the creates these conditions.

  22. Very true, waitingforsupport @5:38. And I know you use the word "educator" very loosely.

  23. @7:12 You sound like a very stupid person and a racist to boot. The poster mentioned that the student referred to her as such so it's not unreasonable to ask what the student meant by that. Why would you bring up black crime rate and nicknames for that? You're such a p.o.s. But do try it so you can then post about how you were brought up on charges.

  24. waitingforsupport @7:43 - exactly. 7:12 has her panties in a bunch because, who the hell knows why. Some of these people are extremely dangerous to be teaching students of color and the students see right through them, and were probably right on point about their "caucasity".

  25. @853pm... a few years ago i said the same thing about how "the students see right through them" and folks loss their sh^t. For some crazy reason they don't believe students can smell the bullsh^t. Every time they post, they prove that there is a system in place and they are a tool for that system.

  26. I'm confused, this was the quote...

    "A student continues to tell me that what I do is very caucasian and I display a lot of caucasity. How is this ok?"

    That somehow became that the person shouldn't be a teacher and the teacher deserved it and the person is extremely dangerous.

    And then, caucasity is ok, which seems to be prejudice, but talking about black crime, which is factual, is not?

  27. Or, perhaps, 9:03, students like the teachers who pass everyone and hate taechers who grade honestly.

  28. But no comment...guess who...
    Sex fiend just released from jail two days ago busted for NYC assault

  29. Except 10:56, that's some bullshit and you are lying to yourself. I've observed that the students like and RESPECT those teachers who hold their feet to the fire. Not all the students, but if they can't take the heat, they just don't come. I remember watching a witch of a teacher who would not cut them even a little slack, and I would see the students coming by respectfully and in her classroom you could hear a pin drop. But go ahead, and keep thinking that it's those teachers who are just passing everyone who are liked and respected. They're not.

  30. 9:26 you're confused because you can't read. Where has anyone said that telling a teacher that they exhibit" caucasity" is ok? The first response to the post said it was NOT ok. Then it was commented that the student should be asked what they're referring to. Since you are clearly lacking in reading comprehension let me go slower.

    This is what was said in response "@4:11 did you bother to ask the student what's an example of displaying a lot of "caucasity"?"

    Waitingforsupport then said that an educator would ask their student but the people here won't speak up for themselves.

    The comment about "these people are dangerous" had NOTHING to do with the caucasity comment but about the RACIST snowflake who pivots to saying that teachers should talk about "black crime" and giving that a nickname. Let me guess what nickname they have in mind. Yes, DANGEROUS to have a RACIST teaching the students. Somebody like THAT, who may or may not be the same person who made the original comment absolutely, positively is displaying "caucasity". And yeah, students can smell a racist a mile away and maybe the student was on point. I still remember my first racist teacher and calling her out on her shit in SECOND GRADE.

    And just as you say that "black crime is factual", so is every single thing that waitingforsupport mentioned yet you have parents all around the country with their panties in a bunch about the topic, just like you.

    1. @303 am... lol. They live in a delusional state and are quite comfortable wallowing in that state. The last thing they want to think about is the terroristic behavior unleashed upon POC. All one needs to do is read a book about the crimes perpetuated. However they are TERRIFIED about black crime. Sheeeeeeeet. Tulsa. Pequot massacre. Red summer. Draft massacre in nyc. Japanese internment camps. Assassinations of Medgar Evers. Emmett Till murder. Mlk. Charleston church. The war on drugs and locking up of black men and the destruction of families. The government delivered the f^cking drugs into communities of color. I can go on and on but it's pointless. Those weakass crime single parent and welfare comments are made by ignorant racists. They may or may not wear their hood but they are precisely that: Racists. When you know the architects of crime violence and mass hatred but don't acknowledge how their behavior continues to hurt others--you're a zombie. Stay woke!

  31. waitingforsupport @9:03 they think students can't sense what is thought about them because oftentimes it's so insidious that the students may not be able to articulate exactly what is going on, but they sense it. Some of these teachers are foul, and play the "who, me?" just as they act innocent on this blog when they're called out on their shit. And again, they are VERY dangerous especially if they're unable to keep their racist tropes out of the classroom like the poster @ 7:12 and their "I'm confused" apologist @ 9:26 (although they may be one and the same).

    1. @3:13 am precisely. I used to challenge these people in the teachers lounge. Lmao. They hated me.
      @806am would probably try to have me written up for harassment if we worked together. I'd have them on edge every day. Lmao.

  32. and btw @10:56 the teachers who pass everyone are usually the ones who are NOT organized and don't let the work speak for itself. They don't take the time and effort to grade individual assignments in a timely fashion so they just throw any crap in at the last minute and pass underserving and then wonder why their classes are out of control. But you were busy being delusional as to why the students like and dislike certain teachers, so carry on.

  33. It’s Friday. We had report card night last week. I played the game, passed most kids and had no fights etc that went back to admin. No stress!

    The only thing on my mind is how can I do what I have to do and be ready for next week so I don’t have to do any work this weekend at home.

    That’s teaching in the doe.

    Anyone who wants to be a martyr, go ahead. Not me. Life is too short.

  34. I would ask the student how my perceived caucasity makes them feel and then conduct a feelings circle and have the class reflect on their feelings about their perception of my caucasity. Followed by how my caucasity relates to the lesson at hand. I’d even have them create a rubric around the whole idea… in small groups of course. My woke AP would gobble that up and give me highly effective. Woke administrators following the lead of woke chancellors have prioritized political cultish ideology over basic academic skills. I still get paid. Embrace the bullshit and make it work for YOU. The citizens of nyc want it this way. Do the job THEY hired you to do. Then go home and laugh your ass off at how dumb and gullible they really are. Then cry because it’s your tax dollars paying for all of this woke nonsense. Then laugh again because it’s tax dollars paying YOU to undermine the very community the tax collectors claim they are trying to help. It’s all an absurd circus. Like they say in the military “embrace the suck.” The current woke environment in nyc schools is the easiest environment to manipulate. Learn how to manipulate it to your advantage. ( yes I’m a psycho, loser, sociopath, blah blah blah. You wokesters have called me names before. Whatever. Woke nyc fools not only pay my salary, I get per session gigs from them too. Call me names, just keep the cash flowing, suckers)

  35. Translation for 4:52: In other words you're a bum who is unqualified to teach or manage a class. Fixed it for ya.

  36. LOL. So if a student fails can I say they are dispaying their blackness? Or the insults only go one way?

    1. 9:42 are you serioisly asking that question? What a dope.

  37. Wow. Just wow. I would laugh in the face of the student and say you will be a career minimum wage worker and welfare recipent and I will make $130k a year going forward. If that is caucasity, I'll take it.

    1. 10:02 such thin skin and so uninspiring. Embarrassing! Grow up.

  38. or, 852, studnets arent qualified to be studnets.

  39. LOL. A feelings circle? James, for a pro union, pro teacher kind've missed the boat. Sounds like a bunch of smart teachers here. Anyway, keep waiting for change. Your dues are clearly being spent well.

    1. 1130. you can't wait, you gotta fight for it. join the opposition to Unity, be a fighter for change, or step off. your defeatist energy is of no use here.

  40. 852,
    Who died and made you king teacher? I just don’t get why we talk poorly about our colleagues. Just a bad precedent to set.

    1. 1:28 maybe you havent been paying attention but they talk poorly about thenselves. Hahahah @ "king teacher'. Compared to one who doesnt teach at all? There's a lot in between snowflake.

  41. 4:11,

    I've seen serious covid in my family, so I am extra careful. I'm very disappointed when I see people inside who don't wear masks, but I stay away from them - no confrontation from me! I don't tell them what to do. Sometimes, if the occasion arises, I share my family's experience- but honestly, most people aren't that interested. Anyway, on the bright side of that, when someone shows interest or kindness, I really appreciate it.

    The whole school should have shut down. Not sure about the current vaccination rate, but Far Rockaway has had a lower rate. I brought covid home before the vax was available and now my elderly husband can't get out of bed without help. What about kids who live with grandparents? The adults in charge should be making responsible decisions.

  42. Should a person above 18 still be in high school? I mean allowed to be in high school. How about 20? How about 22?

  43. waitingforsupport @12:19 - looks like you still have them on edge.

  44. 1:28 - are you for real? Talk poorly about teachers saying this "I would laugh in the face of the student and say you will be a career minimum wage worker and welfare recipent and I will make $130k a year going forward. If that is caucasity, I'll take it."

    Or "LOL. So if a student fails can I say they are dispaying their blackness? Or the insults only go one way?"

    Why are you defending ignorant, racist, low-lifes who want to stoop to the level of students in their vulgarity and disrespect?

    Did they write it up, speak to the student, call home, hold a conference with the dean? Or did they come to this blog to pout and unmask their racist self? It doesn't take a "king teacher" to see these losers for what they are. Miserable, incompetent, and unable to effect change so they're angry. So they blame the students, the parents, Meisha, the Admin instead of looking in the mirror at their ugly selves. They start the year miserable, and they end miserable, and I guess therein lies the difference between a competent teacher and an incompetent who has no clue on how to turn it around..

  45. waitingforsupport @ 3:56 - she sounds DUMB.

  46. I remember one of the teachers in my old school. You'd be lucky to get a 65 if you had a 64% average. If the kids insulted him, he would rip them a new one and shut them the hell up for the rest of the term. He was WHITE and didn't have to resort to these lame racist insults. His classes were orderly, students didn't call out, he was tough but he didn't show contempt for the black students, and they gave him a lot of respect. These RACISTS who think they have to stoop to racist taunts are just lazy and unimaginative. They're so small-minded that they think it's a racist taunt right back because of the word caucasity or nothing. I can only deduce that it's because they're racist at heart.

    How would it be different if a white student insulted a black teacher and the teacher started hurling stereotypical racist taunts about whites, while in a classroom filled with white students?

    These racists are no fellow union members of mine. They should be fired.

    1. @733... it's probably because that white teacher was a confident teacher of integrity who went in and did what he was hired to do: teach. Much respect for him. It's not about race until some of these "educators" make it so.

  47. 10:02 certainly wouldn't be the first teacher or professor who made racists comments in a class. We hear about them in the news everytime they report about a teacher or professor being suspended or fired. What a childish response to ask if the insults only go one way. They would say something that would insult all of the students in the class because of one disrespectful student and they think it's ok. In reality they'd probably be too afraid to say anything to the student, take their insults and disrespect, and pass them anyway.

  48. Most American oppose racial discrimination, but CRT embraces it. Ibram X. Kendi openly declares: “The only remedy to racist discrimination is antiracist discrimination. The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination...”

  49. Insulting the student is career suicide. Using the woke’s own language to your career advantage is the smart play. I’ve said here already. Woke administrators are the easiest dummies to fool. Fake woke administrators pressured to be woke by woke mayor and chancellors will buy what you sell too. Use their bullshit to your advantage.

  50. Somebody fetch the tiny violin for the broken record @12:57. Like a trained parrot, or the chatty cathy doll from the old days you pull her string and she starts squawking "woke, woke, woke".

  51. 12:28 what public schook K-12 are currently teaching Ibram X's CRT?

  52. The troll @12:57 is off her meds again. ROFLMAO.

  53. 12:57: We insult a student every time we pass him/her when he/she deserves to fail.

  54. Are the students so savvy that they could read our minds and know we are racist or do they need us to commit grade fraud for them to pass?

  55. What happened to staying on topic? Most of these contributors need a run in the park, a workout at the gym, or a quick pickup game. Release the stress somewhere else...if only for your own health and sanity!

  56. Somebody fetch my middle finger for 3:17. Like a trained wokester he/she/it hasn’t figured out insults won’t shut me up. I know I know they’re used to their mob mentality and name calling keeping people silent. Wokester 317 is super pissed I’ve fooled the Meisha sycophants and mock their wokeness by using it to my career advantage while I lmao at how gullible my woke administration is. Wokesters don’t want you to know you can game their system and win. You can. I’m proof. I’ll say it every day like a good little parrot or is it sociopath or moron? All this name calling and I keep running my big fat mouth and conning the shit out of my woke administration and cashing in. Hahahaha. Cherry on the sundae is comments like 317. They know I’m winning against my woke administration and he/she/it doesn’t want you to know about it. Keep stomping your woke feet I’ll keep commenting too. Love, (add insulting name of your choosing).

  57. But you have zero integrity so you are living a lie. The fact that you have to come here and brag about it shows you are quite insecure.

  58. Namecalling? You called YOURSELF a c***. ROFLMAO. You think you're winning over the "Meisha sycophants"? Didn't you post that you do exactly what they order you to do and say and tell you how to act? And you think you're in charge. ROFLMAO.

    But your students don't have a teacher while you get paid $120K+ a year so it's confirmed that you're committing fraud and larceny, so yeah, whether you're a teacher, or a bum on the street, someone STEALING doesn't get any respect, and over the long-term is considered a career criminal, and in your case you're no diferent than a Welfare Queen. Usually they get a cold grey cell to call home. Nobody should keep quiet in the face of a self-admitted fraud and criminal and I'll keep pointing it out everytime you try to rationalize your criminal acts.

  59. 9:56 YES- they are living a lie. And most of the shit they post here is a lie anyway like a sociopath trying to convince themselves they have the upperhand in a situation. Their Admin drags them around by the nose doing their dirty work yet they try and convince themselves they're winning. She's a very sick individual and hopefully she'll be exposed before she can collect her pension.

    1. A sociopath. Yes. Most importantly they love living on their knees. They are their parents prize.

  60. AHA! Now we see why the moron above is incapable of teaching. She needs help fetching her own middle finger and doesn't know her ass from her elbow.

  61. Stupid question @ 11:45.

  62. Exactly, waitingforsupport @ 11:14. Notice how quickly they kneejerk to wanting to show their racist colors.

  63. @9:56, what integrity, the woman is a Welfare Queen criminal, collecting pay without work. Imagine sending your child off to school and they enter the room with someone who wears their ignorance as a badge of honor and has declared that she doesn't teach them anything. She's proud that she's committed Time Theft and tricked people into getting paid for not working. A fraud.

  64. Hey dummy @ 9:44 - why would anyone want to shut you up about your criminal activities? Keep bringing them to the top of the blog where everyone can see them. "Career advantage" = keeping her head up her Admin's ass while they keep her jumping and living a lie. Hahahahah.

  65. I'm yet to post on this riveting thing...But, yeah, the DOE says students don't have to show up and can pass. Read the grading policy from the Chancellor, it clearly states that assessments are all that matter. So, if your assessments are easy enough, a student can show up once or 10 times and pass.

    I thought remote was over. My school has horrible attendance. A colleague says that if they have horrible attendance they can just do make-up work on google classroom. HUH? So they can stay home and do other work? LOL.

  66. 3:27: It's all about mastery now, and I use that term loosely. Supposedly if a kid can write one sentence, he has shown mastery in English. I really don't see the purpose of this career anymore. I have 6 1/2 years to go. I'm at the point you count down every hour until retirement.

  67. @3:27 Your colleague has make up work on Google classroom? I don't. I also don't pass LTA students. If they are not coming in chances are they are NOT passing assessments and they are not doing any work at all, especially when the assessments and work are being done in-person. Not to mention, the issue here is not about passing students which is a whole 'nother issue, but not teaching students who are showing up in person at all.

  68. Where in the Chancellor's policy does it state that in 2021-2022, students don't have to show up and pass? If a student is in High School the assessments are going to be Regents-based "not easy enough". You guys just have a bunch of excuses for not doing your job.

    From the Chancellor's Grading policy:

    • Beginning September 2021, schools may award failing marks and/or special marks to students who do not meet the learning outcomes of the course. Students receiving special marks must meet specific eligibility criteria.

    • Course in Progress(‘NX’): Schools must award a grade of 'NX' (Course in Progress) if a student has a documented, extreme extenuating circumstance that prevents them from completing the course in its established timeframe. A student who receives a Course in Progress must successfully complete remaining course requirements by the end of the term following the termination of the course in order to receive a final grade and credit, as applicable.

    New or Recently Admitted Students(‘NL’): Schools must award a grade of ‘NL’ to students who enroll in a course after it has started and may have missed assignments or assessments needed to generate a complete course grade for the given marking period. These students may be given a grade of 'NL' in STARS to indicate the student did not have the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of the course content. 'NL' does not have a
    pass/fail or numeric equivalent. Students have until the end of the following term (not including summer) to complete the course. The school should create a detailed plan for the student that specifies the timeline and work necessary to earn a final grade and credits. The school will award a final grade and credit using a transcript update.

  69. @534pm... another poster claimed that the regulations state ALL students pass. Isn't that the craziest spineless gatekeeping bullsh^t you ever heard? I asked the poster who claimed to be a bar going "real new yawker" to provide the page number where she read that regulation. The real new yawker must still be looking because they ain't provided it yet. Yes ain't lmao. There is a a time to make up work. If it isn't completed, that student fails. Damn. Cowards always want to hide behind others.

  70. Here you go...

    "As in all other courses, grading for PE must be based primarily on content area knowledge and skills and not on non-mastery measures. Schools may not factor attendance into students’ grades or grade students predominantly on participation or preparedness. See the Grading Policy Toolkit for more details."

    So, in an activity class, the students don't have to be present, ya know, or be active.

    What a joke.

  71. 11:07 what section is that because that sounds like something out of 2020-2021 during remote learng and not the the current year.

  72. Wrong. Here you go...Sent by my principal around September 1 of this year.

  73. @4:09 Who is wrong and who are you responding to? That's 90 pages long - what section is being referenced in that particular comment @11:07

  74. Page 5 of the Grading Policy Toolkit: So it does say "schools may not include attendance".
    So I suppose if a student can show that they're learned all the material, and have done the work by osmosis, then they can pass. Good luck with that though. Does ANYONE have students who have been absent all year who can show that they've mastered the material?

    "After considering a student’s entire body of work in each subject area, schools must award students’ grades primarily based on academic progress and performance. In all courses, including physical education (PE), science labs, and electives, students must be graded based on how well they have learned the subject matter, concepts, content, and skills in that course.

    Attending school, participating in class, and demonstrating understanding are all essential components of student learning, and school communities must make every effort to ensure that students attend school, with a goal of every student, every day. When students attend school consistently, they have the greatest opportunity to make progress, receive support from their teachers, and demonstrate their learning. Students’ grades must reflect the extent to which they have met the learning outcomes for their courses. Consistent with the 2020-21 grading policy for remote and blended learning, schools may not include attendance as a factor calculated into students’ academic grades. "

  75. Yes, my school has people passing with between 0 and 50 percent attendance. A lot of people.

  76. @9:55 so they mastered the material with 0 attendance? That was the question.


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