Monday, April 25, 2022


The Unity dominated UFT Election Committee rejected electronic voting or in-school balloting early in the election process for this year's UFT election. This is despite the fact that the Union uses electronic voting for SBO and Chapter Leader and Delegate elections. In addition, the UFT uses in-school balloting for contract votes. They know electronic or in-school voting would more than likely lead to a higher turnout. Michael Mulgrew's caucus knows they control a steady Unity vote and Unity's greatest fear is that the portion of the membership that Unity has encouraged to be apathetic might wake up because if they did, they would be much more inclined to vote for United for Change, rather than continue Unity's one-party misrule of the UFT. Hence, suppress the vote.

In the latest round of UFT voter suppression, Unity again acts like the Republican Party which tries to make it more difficult to vote in state and national elections and as Norm Scott points out, NY Democrats are suppressing the vote too.*

NY State is worse than Georgia in many ways. I've been guilty or actually lazy in pointing this out more often. Look at how few vote in primaries and the rules for changing parties. the mail in ballots, the slow counts, etc. We are among the worst. And have you ever seen the UFT call for democracy in voting reform?

For Unity, it wants to make it harder to vote in this UFT election. To add to the cumbersome mail-in ballot process, Unity today rejected a request from one of its candidates to delay the date when members can get a ballot if they had not yet received one by April 25. This came up tonight at the Executive Board when Mike Schirtzer asked about an extension to request a ballot. Ballots are not due back in the mail at the American Arbitration Association until May 9, 2022. Today is April 25 so that leaves two weeks to get a piece of mail from the AAA to a member's home and back if they have not received a ballot yet or if they were given an incorrect ballot or threw it out by accident. Is that enough time?

Let's go to the numbers provided by the United States Postal Service:

The United States Postal Service reported new delivery performance metrics showing the average time to deliver a mailpiece across the postal network continues is 2.7 days.

Here is more evidence from the Washington Post via WTHR 13 on how it does not take two weeks to get a piece of mail back and forth from Manhattan:

  • First class mail delivery under 140 miles will take up to two days
  • First class mail delivery between 140 and 930 miles will take up to three days
  • First class mail delivery traveling between 930 and 1,907 miles will take up to four days.

That seems reasonable. So if we take that number and even if a few are slow, that means a ballot could be mailed out this week at any point, get to a UFT member who could still have a couple of days to vote, and then send it back with plenty of time to get to the American Arbitration Association to be tabulated on May 10.

How did the UFT do in the past on this issue? In 2016 a member could call for a ballot up to one week before the ballots were going to be counted. This is what we wrote in 2016 at election time on May 17 when ballots were due on May 25 to be counted May 26:

Tomorrow is the last day to call AAA at 1 800 529-5218 to get a duplicate ballot.

The UFT gave you up until one week before the election deadline in 2016 to request a ballot if you didn't get one but this year they need two weeks. That makes no sense as we have already shown the Postal service numbers.

There is only one possible explanation for the UFT making the deadline two weeks before ballots are counted to call for a ballot: Voter Suppression. 

In my view, the UFT feels a low turnout helps Unity Caucus, which is their major (really only) concern.

For those who want to read the Unity party line, here is Mike Schirtzer's question about the deadline from Executive Board tonight. This is from a report from Nick Bacon of New Action who sat in and took minutes:

On election: UFT election. Mulgrew refuses to answer, says any questions on election must be sent to Carl Cambria (Unity Election Committee Chair).

Carl comes up. Mike asks: why is it 2 weeks before deadline this year to get a ballot delivered if it wasn’t sent to your house this year? It was 1 week before the deadline last election. Not to mention there wasn’t the spring break issue last time. Members who just got back from vacation and were told they have to go in person to AAA to get ballots in person. Is there anything we can do to extend that deadline?

Carl Cambria: AAA can’t guarantee extending deadline will allow ballots to get back in time. What we have done is allow teachers to go to AAA in person this Thursday Friday between 9 and 5 and submit ballots in person. Post office isn’t working at the same pace as last year, which is why we landed where we landed.

Only the most committed of voters would go down to lower Manhattan (unless they work in that area) to get a ballot. Imagine if you live way out of town as a retiree. Forget about it. Blaming AAA or the Post Office for this is rather lame and statistically wrong as the USPS reports a close to 90% on-time record. Unity is engaging in flat-out voter suppression. 

If anyone does not yet have a ballot and wants to vote or any of your colleagues need one, I suggest calling the American Arbitration election desk at 800 529-5218. If they say no, email us at We will fight for you not to be disenfranchised. 

This voter suppression is probably not going to impact the outcome of this election as only a few are probably being encouraged to get ballots at this time. However, it goes to show the lengths Unity will go to control the UFT. If the opposition was to come close to winning, in my view Trump's "stop the steal" will be the model Unity will use to retain power.

*This post was edited to show Democratic Party voter suppression.


  1. Well, I guess now you see how an election can be "fortified ".

  2. This is disgusting beyond words. How can the Unity leadership or any of its cult followers actually believe that this is good for the rank and file.

  3. Bloomberg just donated 200 million to Eva Moskowitch success academy....the days of public schools are numberered as long as we have these oligarchs such as the bloombergs of the world. Bloomberg tried to destroy us when he was mayor and he is trying to do it again

  4. You equate Unity to the Republicans and Trump. In previous blogs you have said United for Change would include candidates with left, right and center views but would leave national politics out of the conversation. I am a Republican and support Trump. I voted for your wife and the entire UFC slate because we need a change. Upon reading this blog and how you disparage Republicans I wish I could change my vote.

    1. So sensitive! Meanwhile, you voted for a person that relishes in disparaging people.

  5. Why did you censor the post about the doe instituting culturally responsive teaching?

  6. You gotta admit 12:04 voter suppression comes from the Republican playbook. Didn't mean to offend you, however. Anyway, I don't represent UFC here, just me and I try to reprsent where ICEUFT stands too. I think you all know by now where I am at politically.

    1. "suppression comes from the Republican playbook"
      Wow. You are blind.
      It is from everyone's playbook.

      Never take seriously a position of a man in a wrinkled sweter.

  7. Voter suppression comes from fraudulent votes. Once a Marxist. Always a Marxist. 12:04. I didn’t vote for ufc because the minute they win the sjws take over. James is biased and so is his caucus. Don’t be fooled again, 12:04. Hate Mulgrew. Hate sjws more.

    1. Sjws? People still say this? good golly.

  8. I've spoken to many colleagues across districts and the consensus was that United for Change missed a great opportunity to distinguish themselves from Unity. They had a chance to advocate like a traditional union against forced vaccination for NYC teachers. They squandered this opportunity and deserved to lose. So many who were forced to be vaccinated resented Mulgrew for it. So many were really pissed and would have been motivated to vote for change but instead tossed the ballots in the trash. The apathy was born out of frustration.

    1. Staten Island is only one district 7:44

  9. 7:44 - nonsense "many colleagues across districts'. There's zero consensus on advocating against forced vaccination. Nobody cares that much. We've moved on. You should too. Your incessant whining about it is tiresome. On that alone I hope neither one of them advocates for it.

    1. You are obviously ignorant about the history of unions.

    2. You may have moved 9n, but the issue is STILL impacting ppl's lives.
      This forced vaccination issue os a bog one, and must be resolved.

  10. Hey... Here's an idea... UFC should act like democrats and conduct ballot harvesting, let dead retirees vote, and counter the Unity"Republican" voter suppresion.... I wonder if we have a good third or fourth option here.
    I nominate Anthony Weiner for UFT prez...

    1. so wait, ghosts cast votes? 🙄

  11. A little off subject but all the nominees assume that we're all liberal democrats and therefore, we all agree w the same wokeness, talking points... Surprise... lots of us are Republicans. That hasn't stopped me from being respectful and professional towards my colleagues... In fact, lifelong friends are democrats but as things become more political the more you alienate probably 30-40% of the UFT voting block. On top of that... the last 3 contracts have been total disasters. No real incentive here to vote for anyone... The city will claim there's a recession and we will get the usual... 0,0,2,3,4% raise.

  12. 8:20. Can’t speak for the others but I moved on. I held my nose and voted for Mulgrew because your side gleefully encourages the firing of union members.

    1. 714 who was in charge while members were fired?

  13. For those who were willing to risk contaminating colleagues and children I'm glad you tossed your vote in the trash. The next best thing will be for you to toss away your UFT membership and opt out of the union. When Ebola hits as it will one day I hope you refuse to get vaxed and enjoy your misery.

  14. For the person upset at calling Republicans out for voter suppression. James is right about them but wrong in exempting Democrats. NY State is worse than Georgia in many ways. I've been guilty or actually lazy in pointing this out more often. Look at how few vote in primaries and the rules for changing parties. the mail in ballots, the slow counts, etc. We are among the worst. And have you ever seen the UFT call for democracy in voting reform?

    1. You are right, Norm. I will modify the post to call out Denocrats too

  15. You vote Mulgrew, you get what you deserve. My right leaning friends voted for Camille, United for Change.

  16. Can Mulgrew still come on out on top in this election—by losing the popular vote—but by winning the Electoral vote?

  17. They stole the election from trump and they will steal it here too thats how they operate

  18. 809am, “When Ebola hits as it will one day I hope you refuse to get vaxed and enjoy your misery.”

    Chill, bro. You sound like a Nostradamus Bill Gates!

  19. 8:30 <---woo woo alert. Hahahah @ "they stole the election from Trump". And all the Republican Judges and Secretaries of State were in on it. Suuuure. He's so mad that he couldn't get Pence to steal it for him. What a bunch of idiots.

  20. 7:14 - Great! Because as another poster pointed out, they were fired under Mulgrew. So as far as people like you, still licking their wounds, or not being able to return due to mandates, we win on that either way. Hahahah.

  21. 9:46 - then you should do whatever you need to do to resolve it. Some of those cases made it all the way to the Supreme Court before they were knocked down again. That DOESN'T mean that Camille, Mulgrew, or other teachers have to get bogged down in that.

  22. Completely agree with 12:04. Here goes James saying only republicans suppress votes, to be fair it's both. Demonrats literally cheat with dominion machines and mail in voting.

    We have an ID for everything in life, not for elections. NORAM AND JAMES Go watch 2000 mules the voter fraud is coming out and has been out. Nobody believes Biden got 81 million, all fools in here except a few smart ones.

    James must be shaking that Musk bought twitter lol, no more censor, free speech is back.

    Only hear Trump trump, nothingggggggg on Biden when million things to pick on. Nothing on laptop and his dealings with Ukraine and china, nothing on his dementia, nothing on inlfation, nothing on 85 billion weapons to terrorists, nothing to gas prices, nothing to everything!

    1. Anon, Plenty of critique of both Biden and Trump from the left. Including Trump's pro-coup policies, his reinstatement of Ukrainian weapons funding up until he got upset that they wouldn't investigate his challenger in the election, his MOAB moment, and his mental deterioration. Oh how similar these two aging capitalists are..

      Democrats tend to win the popular vote, most people, the overwhelming majority of people, believe it. The electoral college is often the real thief, as well as the lack of options when it comes to candidates. It just boils down to whether or not you want some social conservatism with your economic liberalism, or would you prefer surface level pushes for diversity and a pinch of virtue signaling. Either way, we the people always lose.

    2. To all UFT members and concerned staff,

      I’ve been at this school almost 2 years and still have not attended an in-person union chapter meeting. We are currently having a very important presidential election challenging the Unity Caucus, the one the has ruled the UFT since its inception. This union in my opinion is incompetent and Michael Mulgrew’s lack of leadership is being challenged by an upstart caucus called United for Change, but you would never know that by your communication with us. If you can’t commit to your job as chapter leader you should step down. I for one would love to bring some real leadership to this chapter. This is not a personal attack, just an observation. I’m personally tired of chapter leaders abusing their positions with the administration to gain personal favor.

      In Solidarity,

      David Suker

      PS why don’t you call an in-person meeting to discuss the election and the general apathy of the staff that I’ve noticed in my time at Pelham Lab HS.

      Sent from my iPhone

      On Apr 28, 2022, at 7:55 AM, Andrew Manning wrote:

      Good Morning All,

      I hope this email finds you well. We will need to have a chapter meeting soon to discuss SBO's for the 2022-2023 school year. Once I have a definitive explanation of the pre-approved SBO's for next year I will present them to you so we can decide what options we would like to explore with Mr. Wagner in consultation. I will also send out an electronic survey to formally poll the staff.


      Get Outlook for iOS

      James, can you send this as a separate post. I really think all these stooge chapter leaders need to be called out. If you need to add anything extra to my post, please do. I give you my permission. Not a meeting or mention of the up coming election. Just pitiful!

    3. To all UFT members and concerned staff,

      I’ve been at this school almost 2 years and still have not attended an in-person union chapter meeting. We are currently having a very important presidential election challenging the Unity Caucus, the one the has ruled the UFT since its inception. This union in my opinion is incompetent and Michael Mulgrew’s lack of leadership is being challenged by an upstart caucus called United for Change, but you would never know that by your communication with us. If you can’t commit to your job as chapter leader you should step down. I for one would love to bring some real leadership to this chapter. This is not a personal attack, just an observation. I’m personally tired of chapter leaders abusing their positions with the administration to gain personal favor.

      In Solidarity,

      David Suker

      PS why don’t you call an in-person meeting to discuss the election and the general apathy of the staff that I’ve noticed in my time at Pelham Lab HS.

      Sent from my iPhone

      On Apr 28, 2022, at 7:55 AM, Andrew Manning wrote:

      Good Morning All,

      I hope this email finds you well. We will need to have a chapter meeting soon to discuss SBO's for the 2022-2023 school year. Once I have a definitive explanation of the pre-approved SBO's for next year I will present them to you so we can decide what options we would like to explore with Mr. Wagner in consultation. I will also send out an electronic survey to formally poll the staff.


      Get Outlook for iOS

    4. Dear Team,

      This is just a general and stern reminder that DOE email is to be used for DOE business only. It should not be used for union business or personal airing of grievances. I am always available to discuss if you do have questions regarding this. 


      (The lengthy regulations wouldn’t fit in this comment. Section)

Jason Wagner
      Pelham Lab High School
      3000 East Tremont Avenue, Bronx, NY 10461

    5. Principle Wagner, 

      Thank you for the reminder, but if my name and reputation have been slandered, I will surely reply accordingly, DoE email or not. When I see the person in question on Tuesday he better apologize for his words and intent. I'm not one that minces words. I've been slandered enough at your school by being called a racist multiple times by students and teachers. I have two black children and don't need a white man without children lecturing me about DoE regulations. I'm actively in the process of hiring a lawyer to clear my reputation. This is professional abuse, and you should have stepped in months ago. It's too late for you to step in as so-called peacemaker now.

      See you Tuesday.

      David Suker.

  23. James...

    Where do we drop off our retirement papers? DOE/TRS/UFT?

  24. @9:52, like BLMlol leadership, I'm also a trained Marxist (now reformed). One thing I've been coming to understand about leftist zealots is that hypocrisy is no prohibition if it helps them advance the cause of State power when they hold that power. They just don't care about consistency, coherence, and other traditional hallmarks of sound and valid arguments. They also don't care whom they hurt for their higher cause. The modern Left is as loathsome imo as the moral majority used to be. And they will use whatever means, from fact-check censorship and antifablm street muscle, to get their way. I know the attitude since embarrassingly...this was how I was trained in the public school system.
    And they love to censor for our own good to stop the spread of... disinformation...smdh...
    Thanks for the nice list of Brandon accomplishments.
    I could add many but am afraid of being...fact-checked.
    Anyway, as the saying goes and as the Left doesn't know or care about: Orwell was providing us with a warning, not a game plan.
    --this message not approved by the Ministry of Truth....

    1. Your language gives you away 1:26. Own what you are, a reactionary libertarian.

      A State is a tool of the class in power. The working class is not in power here. If it was, then of course we would want that State to be powerful. Same goes for unions. Our union is not controlled by the rank and file, if it was we would have very different outcomes from our very powerful union. That power would benefit us if we were in charge. Unfortunately, we are not.

  25. Agree with 1:26. The left is going to hate it when government unbridled power they enacted is run by republicans in 2023 and even more so in 2024. The democrat brand is one of gender and race baiting. Telling Latino men their Latino sons were latinx and that government should decide if their sons can become girls while telling Asians they’re white adjacent and privileged and their kids don’t deserve spots in gifted programs or Harvard was the nail in the democrat coffin. Please leftists keep it up until November. Can’t wait to you cry more than you did when Hilary lost. Oh and Trump’s a douche and I’m a racist transphobe. There. I covered your talking points for you. Ha.

    1. 8:25 has a big fear of the other.

      unlike some reactionary commenters, language and society evolves. don't be so afraid of people finally getting the recognition they deserve just because they are different than yourself.

  26. For those who think the election was stolen I always ask to name any of the dead people who voted. No one can come up with even one name. Then we do ask how the Trump judges threw out every case. Can't wait for Dominion law suits. Are there election mis steps -always and for both sides. But as for the 80 million, you don;t think there are 80 million people who despise Trump enough to vote against him?

  27. @ANON2323 and others: DJT attacked the electoral college in his first election because he thought they were going to hand Hillary the win. When they didn’t, you never heard DJT mention eliminating the electoral vote again. DJT started to talk about election fraud a year before the election, just like he did with the “corrupt” electoral vote in the first election. If he actually did win when he ran the second time, he would have said there was no fraud or cheating during the election, and you never would have heard about that again. This is exactly what Putin is doing in regards with Ukraine. He is telling the Russian people that Russia is in Ukraine to liberate the Ukrainian people. Is this true? NO. But most Russian people believe him. DJT called Putin a “genius” and “smooth and savvy” when Putin first attacked Ukraine. Then he found out that Ukraine is the ONE issue that both Pubs and Dems agree on and not a word has been said since. Stop listening to the echo chamber and pay attention. We really need to move on. Can’t we unite in our profession like the two political parties have? We are all teachers in NYC and WE do have that in common. Parents are in our corner and appreciate us more than ever because of what happened during the pandemic. This is our time. Let’s take advantage of it, and stop the in fighting already.

  28. Ed your head will explode when you find out how much fraud happended.
    Ed put your money where your mouth is my 500 to your 5,000 election was stolen and will be proven before 2024. You won't put that money up. Dead people and the voter roles are a small problem besides dominion. Go watch 2000 mules and see how they used 2000 people in swing states to rig the election. Joe Biden's biggest truth was when he said this was the most extensive and most comprehensive voter fraud ever seen

    @12:17 thinks electoral college is rigged lol moron, you have basically a 80-0 lead with new york and california. Even though, california was red for Trump.

    1. Read your own words Anon. The electoral college, or weighted voting, is a cheat, and completely anti-democratic. It steals the popular vote, and pushes off to the side the actual will of the people.

  29. 8:25 cry when Hillary lost?? Ha! You buffoons can't even accept that Trump lost. The madman still thinks he's President. You poor things are waiting for him to be installed and just keep moving up the date for that to happen. Hahahaha. Nothing more pathetic than that!

  30. @11:23am... your responses are typically fair and balanced. I respect that so much.

  31. More bullshit from the right:

    There is an investigation based on True the Vote’s research in Georgia into whether laws were broken. But it’s not looking at voter fraud, it’s looking at whether ballots were collected and submitted in violation of the state’s ballot-harvesting prohibition. In fact, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R) has been explicit: “Those are still lawful ballots,” he said in an interview, “but they’ve just been handled fraudulently with, obviously, the ballot harvesting.” Maybe! If that’s proved.

    What’s more, even True the Vote doesn’t allege that the ballots themselves were fraudulent. When the website Just the News first covered the Georgia story, it noted that True the Vote was not making such a claim. When two True the Vote representatives testified in front of a Wisconsin legislative committee, the group’s Catherine Engelbrecht said so publicly.

  32. @6:10 stop the fighting from the nazi dem party who censors and cancels? The party of forced mandates and allowing innocent people and families to lose it all for political science and a vaccine that is bullshit? Ukraine is one of the most corrupt places on earth with nazis, bio labs, and ukranians killing their own people, wake up!!!!

    1. Anon.. meanwhile, on the reactionary flank of our political body..

  33. We’ve moved on to DeSantis. You guys are the people who just can’t quit Trump. I get my news from Krystal and Sagaar not Fox or CNN. Voted for Trump because of his policies. Never cared if he acted like a dick. Lost 100k in the market already. Energy costs doubled. Government wants to decide for me what the truth is and have children keep secrets from their parents. Black and Latino voters say crime is their number one concern. Yeah… Dems are going to get slaughtered in Nov and when the Republican version of control rounds you up and makes your children pray to their God just remember you set it all in motion. You gave the government the power to destroy you and I’ll laugh my ass off if/when they do. Then afterward I’ll mourn the death of America that you all enabled and cheered for.

  34. @Anon2323: It’s @6:10 here.Your CNN linked story is 8 years old. Really? How out of date is that information? Very. Why are you including a CNN story anyway? Do you actually watch CNN or even trust anything that comes from them? Please. We all know the answer to that, based on the far right views you share here. There may be some neo-nazis present in Ukraine. There are also neo-nazis present in this country. You call them the Democrats. I will respectfully disagree, and won’t get into a battle on who and where they actually are. Does that give Putin the right to bomb us and kill innocent civilians and children? Or do you think all those children were new-nazis and therefore killing them is justified? When I do my research, I don’t just google stories that fit into my echo chamber. The other stories you linked do not have verified sources, but somehow, I don’t think you concern yourself with actually verifying information. You can literally find a story or several that will back up any and every theory you can come up with, and it seems you do. You’re stuck in a echo chamber black hole and no one here can help you get out. But you don’t want help. You just want someone, anyone, to listen. Desperately. What are you doing commenting on a pro-teacher pro-union blog anyway? The things you discuss here have nothing to do with strengthening our union, and gaining respect for our profession. Is this the only blog left that actually will publish your comments? Is that why you keep coming back? You have to admit....there is no other blog out there that lets people debate issues like this blog. So you continue to come here. I will say from my apparently unawake place (as you claim) that I personally disagree with most of the decisions my union has made politically and contractually. That’s why it’s time for a change. If you don’t agree with the current positions of our union or the proposed changes by the UFC, then perhaps instead of just commenting useless echo chamber rhetoric here, do something useful. Maybe run for a position in our union? Or is that just too much work for you? Much easier to just whine and complain and search for echo chamber links, right? Just wondering how all of this is helping the teaching profession and the upcoming contract negotiations. But, hey, maybe someday, I will wake up and be as woke as you apparently are, and all will be well. I guess it starts with my just accepting that Putin is justified with bombing Ukraine, as you have. Then, my pay that doesn’t even come close to keeping up with inflation won’t matter. The continued disrespect from administrators won’t matter. The current working environment and upcoming changes that Mayor Adams and Chancellor Banks are proposing that will further diminish our profession and our morale won’t matter. Thanks for the enlightenment. I think I’ll choose to just stay asleep, and instead continue fighting for the changes that actually have a direct impact on our teaching careers and our union. This is where my fight can actually make a difference. If we are all united, WE can make a difference. But you just keep complaining on this blog @Anon2323, because James will continue to publish your comments, and I guess having your useless echo chamber rhetoric published is all you really have, to live, and fight for.

  35. You guys love talking about nonsense politics when our union is being fun into the ground. What a bunch of retards you are.

    In solidarity of course!

  36. 11:49 - you never cared if Trump acted like a dick because you weren't a target. He was utterly disgusting and disgraceful in the manner he conducted himself, far, FAR from simply being a "dick". He was hostile, impulsive, derogatory, lacked intelligence, a crook, embarrassing, and DANGEROUS. But sure..other than that, he was a great President. NOT.

    Then you have the gall to whine about "the death of America" when Trump's right hand man "Sloppy Steve" wanted nothing more than to dismantle our system of Government. The ONLY reason he was fired was because he called Trump and his family out for committing treason.


  37. Is Anon2323 a teacher or is he retired? Is he even in the teaching profession?

  38. Anon 2323 is an active teacher. He is not retired.

  39. The only reason Biden won the election is because he was the lesser of two evils. I voted for him simply because I didn't want Trump to win a second term. I think Biden is a lousy president, but there was no other alternative.

  40. All the words 7:22 used describe Joe Biden. Low gas prices and reasonable grocery bills were the lesser of two evils.

  41. Such a cute long response. My sources were fine, 11:04 had very shady and very mixed and left material. CNN article just shows the hypocrisy that there is a nazi problem , now CNN narrative changed as usual (the news you prob rely on). it's the worst pedo fake network , James likes them though.

    Dumb teachers with no geopolitics spewed fake russian news in here as well as 90% news on TRump, now I am supposed to allow you all to stay quiet with dementia man?

    I voted for UFC and want positive changes which I discuss for tier Iv and VI.

    Another reputable response.

    @7:22 is a triggered moron. We have war, inflation, 85 billion to terrorists, china on the brink invading taiwan, north korea testing missiles to reach US and TRump is dangerous, omg get ben.

    @9:41 lesser of two evils lol,look where we are at paying 4.25 for gas, it was 2 bucks for gas and no inflation, no wars, energy independent, border wall were soooooo bad !

    1. Hahahahaha no wars. Hahahaha. Anon, you live in lalaland. Please retire. Kids need to be protected from ignorance.

  42. We got Anon 2323's vote. We can bring left, right, center and apolitical together for a better Union by uniting on what we have in common. We all want better working conditions for UFTers which would create better learning conditions for students. Get everyone you know to vote United for Change.

  43. For the record, inflation is soaring just about everywhere. Check out these statistics from Hungary where right wing favorite Viktor Orban is in power. This is from the government:

    The annual inflation rate in Hungary rose to 8.5 percent in March of 2022 from 8.3 percent in the previous month...

  44. 9:19 - Are you a sociopath? Trump actively tried to overthrow an entire election MORON and was behind the storming of the Capitol where people actually DIED. There is no bigger danger to our country than that! But SURE, China almost this, and North Korea trying that.

  45. We are UFTers who have to work together based on what unites us, not what divides us.

  46. ROFLMAO. All Anon2323 does is talk about what divides us. Since when has he ever talk about what unites us. He mocks, insults, ridicules, spews propaganda lies about the election, about the vaccine, about Ukraine, about the media, about Liberals. He lies, lies, lies. But he voted for Camille so you think he's ok. Or so he says, and you believe it. LOL.

  47. Why would he lie about his vote? He knows we disagree on just about everything politically but if we were running the UFT, we would all be better off. I really believe that. I worked with most of those who run the UFT currently when they were on the way up. I know we could make life better for members. I have confidence this is true. Part of that is listening to all sides before making policy and not just outright ignoring people we disagree with on outside issues. We all agree on the importance of public education. I think most of us agree we will get nowhere unless we actively use our collective power.

  48. James - whether he lied about his vote or not he is hardly unified on anything. And with his wacky ideology and crackpot ideas I doubt very seriously he can have a positive influence on children. But yeah, as long as someone despises Mulgrew you'll accept just about anything.

  49. The enemy if my enemy (Mulgrew) is my friend.

  50. Anon2323 is a whole lot. I don't think I agree with anything he has said however I read what he writes. I respect his right to his opinion and hope he is allowed to continue to share his thoughts on this blog (as long as it's on topic per the moderator's request). Maybe one day he will share something that allows us to meet half way.


●Comments are moderated.
●Kindly use your Google account. ●Anonymous comments only from Google accounts.
●Please stay on topic and use reputable sources.
●Irrelevant comments will not be posted.
●Try to be respectful; we are professionals.