Sunday, June 28, 2020


That question looks a little too much like an aim and I think I asked it before. Okay, guilty as charged of writing aims here. After teaching for 32 years in NYC, this is what I do by reflex. I was thinking about what is going to happen in the fall in schools. 

All of us are quite concerned because there are really no good options if the Covid-19 pandemic continues as is quite probable. We may have finally flattened the curve in NY but nationally, we have not. I hope and pray there is a vaccine and/or an effective remedy but there probably won't be either by the fall. The Chappaqua outbreak shows that NY is not an isolated nation that can close its borders to minimize the chances of having a second wave of Covid-19. So, where does that leave the schools for the start of the 2020-2021 school year? September 10 is coming when NYC schools should reopen for students. 

The Options for school in the fall in NYC:

1-Open school normally and hope that nothing gets out of control. 

Highly unlikely this will occur unless there is a safe, effective COVID-19 vaccine and/or a truly effective remedy.

2-Open with "blended learning" in some kind of a hybrid model with different cohorts going to school on different days and doing remote learning from home on other days so that social distancing is possible in school buildings. 

This is the likely scenario but it will probably please nobody including parents who need help with watching their own children when they are at work outside the home but their kids are scheduled to be learning from home. This situation includes a great number of teachers and other school staff.

Personally, I think the city should at least attempt to have uniform cohorts in all schools citywide as much as they possibly can so parents who are workers can match their cohort with their children to the maximum extent possible. I would do this first within the school system but then attempt to expand it to other city workers and even include the private sector business community as well as the rest of the region if governments are so inclined. Matching cohorts across the area would keep people from overcrowding school buildings, the roads, and public transportation while still permitting some in-school learning. 

I know, I know you are all going to pounce on me by saying a crowded big high school can't have the same cohorts as a tiny high school or small elementary school. I agree we are not one size fits all. However, I would argue it is possible to get everyone on the same page if we base the cohorts on the biggest schools and allow much smaller class sizes and/or more in-school learning in less crowded buildings. Parents would have the option of transferring this summer as the schools that have more space could be more attractive. The idea is everyone knows in advance what the possible days of school are citywide and parents can coordinate schedules as best as possible. Support centers could continue for essential workers who need childcare.

I am dreaming here. This would require a level of thinking and planning that will go way over the heads of the Department of Education, the City of New York, the State of New York, the surrounding state governments and the business community. 

Let's acknowledge we will get the DOE version of blended learning which means sort of organized chaos in 1,800 different schools that will go in about a million different directions. We haven't even talked about the problems with children social distancing and Personal Protective Equipment or how teachers who have preexisting health conditions where they work fulltime remotely will be programmed. Also, what happens if there is COVID-19 in a building?  It closes or we leave anyway if it doesn't close. We will write about that in detail in a different post. Let's now examine the final alternative.

3-Continue with remote learning exclusively. 

This may yet happen but I believe there will be more live, what is called synchronous, instruction. No more posting an assignment for the week and heading for the golf course, although some will probably figure out a way to get around anything. 

If the massive spikes in cases in the south and west continue, NY is not a separate country, as mentioned above, and will not be immune. Remote learning at least keeps us as safe as possible. I hate it as a parent. My wife can't stand it as a teacher and my kids don't like it as students but being as safe as possible has to be an alternative. 

In the final analysis, all three options are terrible. I am confident that nothing will be implemented properly in NYC and the UFT response will be inadequate. I hope I'm wrong and the DOE gets it right. I was emailing back and forth with Reality Based Educator this morning. I'll leave the conclusion to him. I pointed out that my science knowledge is not that advanced.

He answered: 

Mine either, by my cynicism and skepticism is professional-grade. What I have seen from people in charge - from Trump to Cuomo to de Blasio to the WHO to the CDC to the DOE to the UFT - is mistake after mistake.

This is what a failed nation looks like, isn't it?

Sadly, it is hard to answer that question negatively.

P.S. If you haven't yet taken Jonathan Halabi's COVID-19 survey that a reader turned into a Google Doc, please do so. It's much better than the DOE survey. I still haven't seen a UFT survey on returning.


  1. You expect the uft response to be adequate, as usual, but keep paying dues? Never mind.

    If blended learning means every teacher must go in everyday, how is that safe for us? Once a week is safer than 5x, right?

  2. Is wearing a mask all day even safe, I meaning for our own breathing purposes? 7 hours at work plus several hours each way to and from work. 11 hours+ in a row?

  3. How can we say anything when there are now gay pride gatherings?

    Media update: mass gatherings are good again!

    Hard to keep up, but I think I get it now.

  4. Get it right Koch Brother anti-union friend, we all expect the UFT response to be inadequate. As was said here yesterday, I don't drop electricity service because Con Ed ineptitude causes a blackout. I don't drop the UFT because Mulgrew sucks.

  5. I don't have a simple answer, because I do not know what the Corona situation will be in NYC on September 8th. However, I don;t think the DOE will be ready to reopen and remain open if their is an outbreak.

    A better question is how teachers can unite to push back against the hubris and recalcitrance of a grossly mismanaged, irresponsible organization?

    We still do not have answers about their decision to remain open during March 17-19.
    Until the DOE comes clean and answers for the unnecessary deaths of many teachers and employees, they do not deserve our trust.


    1. 4:31, UFTers must push back before the first day. Keep yourselves informed all summer long.

  6. We don't know how blended learning will work. As soon as we find out, we will try to post analysis. We don't know how many days will be school building days and remote days. We just don't know yet. We don't know if some teachers will come into buildings 5 times a week and others work from home all the time or some mixing. When we know, we will write about it.

  7. Also what about masks? Are kids going to be able to wear their own which could turn out to be gang colors or will we be providing them? Also, what if the kids refuse to wear them? Do we throw them out of class? Also, will there be masks in every classroom for the kids who say they lost them or the string broke on theirs? I know the mayor and chancellor will just say kids will rise to the occasion but we know that is just another way to say I don't know. My other concern is if the union is sending out opt out forms for people with medical conditions to not have to report to school, aren't they saying to everyone that the schools are not safe if it is unsafe for people with certain conditions?

  8. So why bother discussing it if we just have to wait for a decision, that we have no say over?

  9. So you compare uft to con ed, and your answer sucks but i just pay? How is that making sense to you? I could argue that you need electric but not a union, especially one that represents you like this, who you all hate, and you say...we expect almost nothing because it is better than nothing.

  10. Check out the difference in salary, benefits and working conditions between unionized and nonunion workers, including teachers. Unionized workers do much better.
    That is a fact my dear friend of the Kochs. Why do you think the Kochs are funding these anti-union drives?

  11. Dont worry about koch, worry about how corrupt the uft is. Worry about how badly they have treated us. March 17-19, bad contracts, grade fraud, no disciplinary code, etc...

  12. If the DOE and other governmental (and private entities) cannot be held responsible for those catching Covid, flu, malaria etc. then there will be school openings, just like any other September. Those with underlying conditions will have to make a choice, perhaps with a signed waiver if they wish to continue teaching. That might also pertain to students. The only thing keeping anyone safe is the possibility of litigation. Almost everyone in a position of authority wants to be free from the possibility of this litigation. Without it Trump, Cuomo, deBlasio, and Mulgrew could be held personally and financially responsible for deaths. If there is a possibility, of wrongful death lawsuits, there will be 100% remote learning.

    1. McConnell wants a liability shield in the next stimulus bill. Cuomo led the way by putting a liability shield in for nursing homes and then sending the Covid-19 patients in where so many died.

      It won't be personal liability. Government.

  13. Nounion does to you what you, or rather, we don't let them. We are the union, not Mulgrew.

  14. My prediction: 40 percent of NYC teachers who have pre existing conditions will file paperwork to work from home. Combine that with massive DOE budget cuts and you will see a shit show of massive proportions. However, the city will try to implement some form of remote learning in September and is will fall apart. There will then be a return to full time remote learning. (Especially when the second wave of Covid hits in the winter)

  15. Ok, so let us unite...

    March 17-19, sent into infected buildings, and made to travel to and from those infected buildings, knowing they were infected.
    1.3% raises over 11 years
    Retro held back with no interest for 11 years

    WE are the only group who had TDA reduced from 8.25% to 7%
    no discipline code
    fake grades
    fake grad rates
    fake suspension rates
    higher medical co-pays
    absentee chapter leaders
    abusive admin
    abusive students
    cell phones in buildings
    open market fraud
    no travel hardship transfers
    getting blamed for students not caring, not being present, being in poverty
    screwed observation system
    2014 contract extended twice with 0 raise
    Backing criminals
    Backing failures while rewarding them after doing nothing
    7-12 report card comments---excessive paperwork???

  16. Mulgrew said if you want, take unpaid leave or quit. Yeah, sounds well worth paying for, great leadership.

  17. Now that they have painted black lives matter all over the city, with huge letters, can we discuss the constant crime, longterm failure, poverty, etc?

  18. So why bother with our opinion, unless we all refuse to go in.

  19. SO you dont trust the uft, keep paying, say we are the uft, then fund the uft leadership who makes the decisions for us?

    1. The UFT is very democratic at the school level. If you win the chapters, which are fair democratic elections in schools, you could take the union.

  20. I believe where you are coming from 5:10 is a very divisive place. Please explain how what you are saying relates in any possible way to reopening the schools. Thanks.

  21. Simple, because students are coming to the school right? They have to be trusted to follow directions, like they never have. They have to keep us safe. Will they follow rules? Wear masks? Would it be a shock if a student spits on a teacher?

    And then what would be done with no discipline code?

  22. 518 pm, no discipline code? You could be dead within 2 weeks if they are spitting on you.

  23. Of course kids won't wear masks and keep their distance. Do they follow directions to take a hat off or put a phone away. How many teacher will die, again, from this?

  24. What are going to do about it: withdraw from the Union? You have done that at least 500 times here.

  25. Anybody know how many actually opted out?

  26. Those two are employed or should be employed by the Koch to stirup trouble here. If you aren't getting paid for writing the anti student bullshit, you sold out cheap. Of course the rules will be enforced on social distancing and masks. The principals don't want to be infected either. Rules on Covid will be real.

  27. I heard it is around .01%. Failure here is enormous guys. I have a friend in the UFT. I have asked around. Nobody is leaving except for the two Koch plants who comment here and a few naive fools.

  28. Do you notice that no matter what the topic is those two write the same bullshit. I hope Koch pays you well.

  29. If true, you dont think the fact that so few opted out empowers them to keep doing nothing, provide poor service?

  30. I think the topic returns to that because nobody trusts the uft to take care of us in the fall, see 3/17-19.

  31. I don't trust the UFT to take care of us nor does anyone else I know. I don't need a daddy Mulgrew to take care of me but I still know I benefit from being in a union. I would rather be in one than working for Koch.

  32. 189,000 new cases of coronavirus were reported on Saturday, the biggest one-day increase so far, according to WHO. 62% was in North and South America.

  33. Ok, so what are you doing on 9/8?

  34. 542, contradiction? I and nobody else trusts the union, you said that. So why havent you helped overthrow the leadership? You just blindly pay? You clearly arent happy with what you are paying for.

  35. Whatever is necessary. If that means not showing up if it isn't safe, I won't show. I didn't back in March.

    1. I vote no on every contract and I tell my school what is going on. I wish I could get everyone to read here and of course Chaz too before he passed.

  36. "Of course the rules will be enforced on social distancing and masks. The principals don't want to be infected either. Rules on Covid will be real."

    Is this guy serious? No, they wont be enforced.

  37. Ok, then what happens after you used 10 days in 2 weeks? Accept termination?

  38. On Covid they will be enforced. Principals don't want to get sick.

  39. If it is that bad, I won't be alone. I wasn't in March.

  40. Anybody notice the two had ample opportunity to deny they were Koch funded (or something similar) right wing, anti-union plants but they don't deny it. At least you two are not liars.

  41. I did opt out, I am not funded by anybody.

    1. Then you badly are in need of a life 5:59 if all you do is hang around this blog and write anti-union bullcrap all day and all night. I figured you were at least smart enough to be compensated. I am wrong I guess.

  42. To be clear, I would love to see the doe say that school is open, and people say that they will accept termination instead of going in. How many would do that?

  43. Second day of summer, relax boys.

  44. You can accept this, great. i cant.
    March 17-19, sent into infected buildings, and made to travel to and from those infected buildings, knowing they were infected.
    1.3% raises over 11 years
    Retro held back with no interest for 11 years

    WE are the only group who had TDA reduced from 8.25% to 7%
    no discipline code
    fake grades
    fake grad rates
    fake suspension rates
    higher medical co-pays
    absentee chapter leaders
    abusive admin
    abusive students
    cell phones in buildings
    open market fraud
    no travel hardship transfers
    getting blamed for students not caring, not being present, being in poverty
    screwed observation system
    2014 contract extended twice with 0 raise
    Backing criminals
    Backing failures while rewarding them after doing nothing
    7-12 report card comments
    No real plan for September...

  45. Nah, if one isnt happy with service, that is their right. Answer...Give better service.


  47. At least Unity hacks get paid to tout the party line. I am quite surprised the anti-union hacks who promote a certain website are not compensated.

  48. My community college said that they had to submit a plan in early June for re-opening in September and the governor will decide on re-opening plans in July. Probably public schools had to do this too. With the spike in the south and west, I think everything its up in the air.

  49. Bronx ATR: whoever told you that the governor or the president could be held personally liable for a teacher coming down with coronavirus in September obviously was not a lawyer. I don’t know where you get ideas like this.

  50. James I think you did a noble job in trying to figure out this dysfunctional puzzle.
    There is no right answer. The state and the DOE should
    1. waive seat time and in person instruction even if we go back
    2. Cancel and consider an alternate to the regents (just for money and not many states use testing)
    3. Revamp the curriculum

    Just remember the WHO was compromised by China and lied to the world.They should be held accountable no matter which president was in office.

  51. No one told me a thing, seems the assumption is that one is incapable of thinking for oneself, or perhaps that rarity is only exhibited by you? Original thought, that is - not whether the premise has merit or not. People will attempt litigation and have started the process. Whether they are successful or not will be up to the courts. If not, there’s always the government that will have to pay for the mistakes of our leaders (as well as everyone else). Lawyers have already filed hundreds of suits against Trump. They will have to wait until he’s out of office. As for the governor, he’s already shielded himself. As for the Mayor who knows, but I’d say he’s fairly worried, based on pre and post quarantine stances. Concerning Mulgrew, he didn’t do a thing - and there are people filing suit over that. Cheers

  52. Bronx ATR; it is just as unwise to create your own legal theories as it is for our unmasked fellow citizens to create their own pandemic protocols.

  53. Yeah Koch pays me well. Mulgrew paying you well to work at 52 Bdwy and never step foot in a school? Naive? Like those who think you can change UFT? Like those of you who see a difference between a Koch and a Mulgrew? At least Koch brothers don't take your money and then stab you.

  54. Principals will hide in their offices. Kids will spit on teachers. Rules will never be followed. That's the doe way.

  55. At least Mulgrew pays his hacks to do his bidding. Koch doesn't even pay you to promote his anti-union crap website. I would say Mulgrew is more profitable. Come over to our side. Unity has lots of jobs, trips and tickets to events. You will find we have lots of ways to get ahead in Unity, just like Koch Enterprises who are not even paying you.

  56. Until there is a vaccine Schools should still go remote for grades 10-12th. k-9 should go to schools spread out, use high schools if necessary. Using all necessary precautions

    Look at summer in 4 quadrants. June is the absolute best where every night is like a friday night. JUly 1st-15 (quadrant 1, friday nights) July 16-30 quadrant 2 summer friday night feeling. Quadrant 3 aug 1-15 saturday night quadrant 4 aug 16-30 sunday night feeling

    1. Schools like Halabi, brooklyn tech, bronx science will follow guidelines. You think south bronx or areas in brooklyn will adhere to mask and social distancing rules lol, no chance! They will cough and instead of yelling "kobe" they will yell "corona!"

    2.Pelosi said getting 1,000 is crumbs so forfeiting 1,600 should not be a big deal right? I am not leaving, just saying.
    3. Seriously if Obama was president would he be scrutinized like this? Would the media be fear mongering like they didnt for H1NI? NOO NOO NOO. It is an election year on a president the left wanted out before day 1 before when Obama spied on the campaign.

  57. Coronavirus getting out of control in the US is a bipartisan screwup. Read RBE's statement. Let's get beyond red v blue.

    I would like you to cite what Trump and the federal government have done well since this began. Leaving much to the states was and is inadequate. Encouraging reopening state economies too soon is backfiring all over the South and West. Cuomo's liability shield for nursing homes as he sends COVID-19 patients to them and dithering on closing schools and more is well documented. De Blasio, where do I start?

    If kids won't follow social distancing rules, there have to be real consequences. Coughing and yelling Corona cannot be tolerated. UFT member health is too important.

  58. Prehistoric,
    Not my legal theories, if you are still teaching you will be back in the classroom in the fall if Mitch McConnell gets that liability shield passed. You are focusing on one part of my statement about personal liability, ignoring the main focus of my statements and making a case to reject the entirety of my (theory) statements. Strawman arguments can be very effective. Excellent move but Trump, Cuomo and the rest of the clowns want to be free of liability for their past, present and future actions. President Trump seems to have created his own protocols and I haven’t him wear a mask yet. But he isn't a private individual and I find him much more dangerous than a private individual.

  59. We should use all school buildings to provide direct instruction for elementary and middle school students. That way social/emotional development continues for this group and social distancing possible with added space. High school students do not need constant parental supervision so parents can work. Remote learning for High School students. They will find other ways to socialize.

  60. Why did you pick certain areas in Brooklyn and the south Bronx as examples where kids won't follow health directions? They kids I taught would.

  61. Everybody needs to follow the social distancing guidelines. Geography does not matter.

  62. Asthma rates in the Bronx are the highest in the country. That’s for kids and teachers. I even developed it myself. I’m the only one in my large family that has it and it a direct result of working in the Bronx. Wearing the mask triggers it so I don’t wear a mask. I realize I have to wear it in stores so I get everything delivered. DOE can’t force teachers or students to wear them if it triggers an underlying condition. I don’t think the schools will be opening in the fall unless Mitch McConnell‘s bill passes. Then everyone will be back to work. Get those wills ready. I think you can get a discount via UFT membership.

  63. Could you comment on D75 situation? How are students with disabilities expected to comply with social distancing and other eventual implementations?


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