Monday, August 29, 2005

Welcome to ICEUFTblog

Welcome to ICE-UFT Blog. ICE is a political caucus or party within the United Federation of Teachers a union representing most of the employees of the New York City Department of Education. ICE, the Independent Community of Educators, attempts to raise important issues about how our Union is run. For more information about our caucus please see our web page at


  1. Welcome to the EduSphere!

    I've developed quite a bit of respect for the openness and free-exchange of opinions within the UFT and its various constituencies. I'm looking forward to making your site one of our regular reads.

    As a teacher in California, our CTA (and it's parent, NEA) could learn a lot from your example.

  2. Thanks for your support. It's encouraging to know we are read throughout the country. If you have any blogs, sites or other information about goings on in your neck of the woods please drop us a line.


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●Try to be respectful; we are professionals.