Monday, October 17, 2005

Union Leadership Rules Out of Order Measure to Ensure Democratic Ratification

In a blatant disregard to protect the democratic process of contract ratification Randi Weingarten ruled out of order tonight a measure that would help protect the rights of members who may want to hear both sides of the ratification issue.

Executive Board members from TJC and ICE jointly proposed a resolution requiring the New York Teacher to present both sides of the contract ratification issue and to require that Chapter Election Committees run the ratification vote instead of the Chapter Leader as is required by Union rule. An Executive Board member raised an objection based on the resolution passed at the last Delegate Assembly which required that the ratification vote be run as had been in the past.

Realizing that the Union rule, as enunciated in the booklet, How to Run a Chapter Election, requires that ratification votes be run by Election Committees in each school and that there may be some schools in which the Chapter Leader may decide to run the election the resolution sought to clear up any ambiguity.

As a result of Randi’s ruling there was no vote on the resolution and no clear direction to the Chapters on how to run this ratification leaving the whole process up for challenge. Hopefully this will not require governmental intervention and re-run of the election.

In other Executive Board business a request to Randi to direct district reps and other union paid spokespeople to stop attacking opposition caucuses was met with the response “well you call us names, too.” It appears that Randi took offense to the word “hack” and wanted us to apologize for using the word.

What she attempted to do and was unsuccessful was to throw the question back to the questioner. This tactic is old and wrongheaded. People paid with our dues should not resort to calling opposition caucus members terrorists or impugn their motives no matter what they are called. That being said we will try to extract the word “hack” from our literature.

What do you call a paid employee who espouses the views of their leader without question? Let’s come up with a new word.


  1. Nope, you guys are definitely not terrorists. Terrorists are a whole bunch smarter.

  2. Just receive an inflammatory piece from the Unity HACK Stamatis. Apparently he used his computer abilities to mail a vile, political statement to everyone on the UFT e-mail list. Is this permitted under union rules? What's up with that HACK? It was mailed with "UFT" as the subject. Can these libelous remarks be mass mailed with an official union notation. I wouldn't have opened it if I knew it was HACK mail.

  3. Why don't you ICE folks get it- rules are made to be broken- by the HACKS. While you are looking for democracy as established by the UFT itself in its own publcations, they are running around "setting the record straight" and calling you terrorists. You are terrorists- you strike fear in the hearts of HACKS everwhere.

  4. Jeff,
    Since at the D.A., the union failed to count the exact # of votes - what state agency oversees unions? Would it be the PERB?
    I'd file a complaint against the UFT with them.

  5. I read the Stamatis e-mail too. What's up with Unity's refusal to allow us to hear both sides? What's up with a person who asks what's up with people who hold minority views? What's up with a group that thinks there's such a thing as too much democracy in a union? What's up with this incessant miscount of votes at the DA? What's up with this contract? What's up with this union?

  6. Stop with the name calling. Start with the agency and court reviews. Whether someone is for or against the contract, the dissemination of information and the vote itself must be fair and proper. There should be nothing hidden from the members by the UFT leadership. I'm getting the feeling they've got something to hide. Let the courts take a look for us.

  7. I work in 1199, and it's a bit suprising to see something like this up. You don't call your union brothers a hack - that's the frame that the far right uses to describe our members who rise to positions of power inside a union.

    Secondly, in 1199 a position on a contract is the position of the union, as an endorsement would be. You wouldn't expect the union to give equal time to Bush's positions after they endorsed Kerry?

  8. not an accusation--just a reminder-

    remember the dc 37 ballot stuffing scandal under giuliani? as i remember, not too long after ufters rejected the 1995 contract, dc 37 was the next one up to bring the double zero contract proposal to the membership-- union officials snuck into union offices late at nite to stuff the ballot count so that it went through--
    that couldn't happen with the uft, could it ? right ?

  9. The comments here are an indication of the level to which ICE would stoop to get attention. I think Jeff Kaufman should remove the most obviously obscene remarks on this blog, unless, of course, he wrote them himself.

    Or maybe he doesn't want to be accused of being an ICE hack who doesn't allow the "free" expression of opinion, so he lets obscenity reign.

    It's a shame, but what can you expect?

  10. When Ed Notes presents both sides of an issue, the New York Teacher may consider doing so.

  11. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe my dues pay for "Ed Notes." They are paying for propaganda in support of the very worst contract I've ever seen.

    Furthermore, there are precedents. In UFT elections, NY Teacher has given equal time to opposition parties. As if that weren't enough, it gave space to Klein to write a highly disingenuous article staing he valued our opinions.

  12. The editor of New York Teacher already explained at the Exec Board that the 10-20 issue (out today) lists photos of the DA demonstration, photos of two who gave "con" (Appropriate term?)views, quoted several dissenters in the DA story and included an article about the blog, with comments both for and against the contract.

  13. Right, NYC Educator, your dues don't pay for Ed Notes. But if you folks are so interested in fairness, why not put YOUR money where your mouth is?

  14. As a tenth year teacher, I feel completely demoralized each day as I attempt to tackle the challenges before me. This is because I am extremely angry and upset that the Union leadership has obviously given away our rights as members of a trade union.

    Consquently, the leadership is attempting to shove a deplorable contract down our throats that is clearly not educationally sound. As a result of it, I am seriously weighting my job options because I shudder to think that I might have to go back to cafeteria duty, hall patrol and toilet duties. Then be forced to teach lesson after I am completely drained physically, mentally and emotionally.

    Also, I am very afraid that doing these menial jobs will rapidly increase the numbers of verbal abuse charges that will be levied on us. Many students are prone to violent outbursts in the cafeteria , so this would only put in a lose-lose situation.

    I become incensed whenever I think about the fact that due process and seniority rights could get destroyed forever. This action on the part of the leadership will only serve to destroy morale and our quality of life, because the administrators will seize this opportunity to destroy us even more readily.

    My principal is busy creating a hall patrol and cafeteria duty schedule for everyone in my building. It is as if they believe that we will become children under their little thumbs to use and abuse.

    Finally, I am livid that the Union leadership would subject its membership to such demeaning and degrading lifestyle to teacher with especially for UFTers with Master's Degrees and better.

    How dare the Union leadership bargain away our dignity and self respect? My only hope is that everyone will take the time to digest his horrifying contract proposal sent to and boldly VOTE NO. I know that this will send a loud and clear message to Bloomberg and Kline that we are not puppets on a string to be manipulated by their whims.>

  15. I am very upset that Randi could expect us to accept the crap that she and her team have concocted with Bloomberg. If this is what she is doing to us we do not need her. Away with Randi and her team. We do not need her. She is a sell-out, a rat and a disgrace to the union.

    Randy go away. We do not need you to support us. You are leading us to the poor house. We cannot trust you and your cronies. Your group is worse than the criminals on the street. At least you know what you are up against with them but with your team you are wearing a camoflage. You are wolves in sheep's clothing.

    Randy you are a snake. You have wormed your way into the hearts of the UFTERS and only to let us down drastically. You are a sniper waiting to attack but we won't let you, Klein and Bloomberg destroy our lives and our images. We will survive but not with you around. Give up, Randi. IT IS TIME FOR YOU TO STEP DOWN. YOU HAVE WORN OUT YOR WELCOME AND YOU DO NOT CARE ABOUT US.

    Randi how can you be buying a house in the Hamptons at our expense when a regular teacher can hardly pay a month's rent? Have a heart, play a part and help us to make a life comaparable to yours.

  16. I believe that Randi and her representatives must stop making decisions that will destroy our lives. This is because they are busy selling us out, especially since they make six figure salaries and we don't. Obviously, they will not be impacted by this crappy contract because they are not in the schools.

    Pleaase stop selling us out and stop destroying the last shred of dignity that we are fighting to hold on to.

  17. Randi and company, you ought to be ashamed of yourselves for negotiating a contract that is designed to effectively destroy the heart of a "trade union."

    I wish that you and your representatives would immediately step down and give someone else the chance to improve the working conditions in the schools.

  18. Randi, you must go back and negotiate a decent and fair contract that is in the best interest of all UFTers. I know that it will be a complete hellish situation, because the principals are busy working on schedules for hallway patrol and cafeteria duty.

    The question I have is where is our dignity and self respect in all of this? Don't trade them for some crumbs that Bloomberg will throw our way, especially since productively will go up dramatically (longer day/6th).

  19. All you folks who want to replace "randi and her team." Be careful what you ask for. Then you'd have to work all day, be on call 24 hours a day. Weingarten is basically working all the time. If I were you, I'd take the additional 10 minutes.

  20. I retract all the nonsense I've been spouting, and I hope I haven't besmirched the good name of "anonymous" by spouting such frequent idiocy.

    I know the contract stinks, but I'm going to retire next year, and I have a second UFT job I obtained through Unity cronyism, so please give me a break and vote for the contract.


    Thanks everyone. I feel a little cleaner for finally telling the truth.

  21. I believe that the Unity leadership has a great way of pulling the wool over the eyes of the masses, therefore I can only hope that this ridiculous contract will finally allow people to wake up and smell the cafeteria duty and hall patrol before it is too late.

    It is high time that everyone start reading carefully and understand that once you give away the store, it will never be returned.

    Fianlly, we might as well become a Right to Work state, because the UFT will become null and void in the eyes of the DOE and the mayor.

  22. To Bill Stamatis:

    Here's the real obsenity. According to the 2003 LM-2 report (downloaded from ICE web page) you made $106, 529 plus over $3000 in expenses. I'm sure you make more now. Let's add on the 15% you will get if the new contract passes - that sounds like well over a 15,000 raise - then you can use your time effectively to attack people who oppose the contract. We'll start listening to what you say when you give up the 6 figures and actually decide to work under the contract you are pushing so hard. How about a middle school with a psycho principal? And let's throw in a little cafeteria duty and a touch of the workshop model for which you will get a U observation if you run a minute over. Bet we can find one for you.

    And to anonymous who wants equal space in Ed Notes - tell us who you are so we can see exactly how much you earn from your UFT job.

  23. Sorry Bill Stamatis, I didn't see the retroactive pay - $12,500 more -almost $120,000. WOW! Nice change for blogging. If your propaganda can get the contract passed - I'm only estimating here - looks close to another $20,000. Almost $140,000 - triple a starting teacher's salary - oh, did they only get 9%? I'm sure that's enough for them in your eyes.

  24. Norm,

    At the DA, you mentioned to me that this was all just politics, and that we'd chat after the contract passed so that you could possibly blog about robotics. Though we've only spoken twice I've always figured you for a sensible sort, but your comment tonight really takes the cake. You know Bill is not paid to blog, that in fact no one at the UFT is paid to blog. Bill runs the entire internet operations for the union helping make sure that UFT members have a site where they can access information, where chapter leaders can get forms and other information, and that the needs of union members are served, and that the site is accesible to all members. He also has helped develop a way for members to easily take progressive action in support of other causes.

    He's been doing that before most other unions even knew what the internet was. He's been instrumental in implementing new technology for member services, and takes calls and emails from members who have questions, all day. I've also talked to him in the past about what he's done for the union when he was a teacher and later as a teacher/ Chapter leader. I have no clue what Bill made, and I think it's too little for the hours he's spent making sure the website is functioning and information is posted.

    You can degrade good people who work for the union all you like to make cheap political points. You should just be honest about what you know to be true. And you know perfectly well what Bill does everyday.

    If you must question my allegiance, I make about the same wage as an incoming new teacher, though if it meant that people could have an honest debate, without the vitriol and cheap attacks I've seen (and the post here is not honest as I was at the exec. board meeting), I would gladly go back to my field organizer salary before I came to work for the UFT. It soils progressive unionism to attack other unionists because of what they make when they are working for the union. It's a cheap trick, and sometimes it has an effect, but it's dishonest. I've only seen it from Republicans I've worked against.

    We're proud of the fact that we're the only union that has set up a community blog where members and the public can freely comment. None of that would have happened without Bill and Randi's foresight.


  25. Kombiz
    I may have been a bit harsh in reaction to Bill's posts. And we have always had a good relationship. At one point years ago he even said to me about internal union politiics when he was doing a story that involved stuff I was doing "I don't worry about that or get involved."

    Well he sure has reversed himself which really surprised me. I never considered Bill a hack and still don't but he is moving in that direction at lightning speed.

    You miss the point: let's face it, people who work for the UFT DO gain financially in a BIG way in selling this contract without suffering the consequences. In the interests of open disclosure they should say that. Bill is not just using the network he runs and has access to to pass on neutral information. He is using that access to every chapter leader's email address to take a partisan stand. I don't have access to all the emails that get stuff he sends out that attacks ICE and TJC.

    The people in ICE and TJC do pay his salary so as a union employee who is truly supplying info to people and doing a good job doing it, why would he suddenly jump into the fray? Knowing Bill all these years it makes me scratch my head.

    Let Bill give Jeff and I equal access to the network of informaton he has been able to gather as part of his job and use to criticize us under the official UFT seal and let us respond.

    PS: We are having political disagreements and once in a while we get heated and things slip into the personal area. I do not take it personally when ICE is accused by Unity people of using "terror" to scare people into voting NO.

    The reaction we are getting from people in the schools to the "suits" flooding the schools to browbeat people into voting YES has not generally been positive -- they talk for most of the period teachers have given up to attend and teachers get a few minutes to ask questions and if there are people opposed they do not get time to make a presentation. There is no honest and open debate taking place. And Bill's actions have contributed to that atmosphere.

    On your statement: "It soils progressive unionism to attack other unionists because of what they make when they are working for the union" I would consider it if the UFT were a progressive union. But a proegressive union doesn't have 40 years of one person-rule and a lock-down political machine paid for by the membership. The Executive Board has 5 out of 89 non-Unity - about 6%. Try and tell me that 94% of UFT'ers who till work are pro-Unity. When we see true reform in the UFT then we will talk about a "progressive" union. Until then, yes, we will be pointing to the salaries of union employees who attack us.

  26. In spring 2004, Weingarten got 89 percent of the vote. That's pretty close to 94 percent.

  27. Maybe people on this blog haven't ever worked outside the school system. They sound so wronged over what seems like a decent enough offer for these times. Most jobs I've had in the city the workplaces are just as tough, bosses are just as bad, hours are worse, job security is much less and no one fights for your raises--you usually don't get them. That's just reality. The righteous indignation here sounds kind of comical.

  28. Maybe people on this blog haven't ever worked outside the school system. They sound so wronged over what seems like a decent enough offer for these times. Most jobs I've had in the city the workplaces are just as tough, bosses are just as bad, hours are worse, job security is much less and no one fights for your raises--you usually don't get them. That's just reality. The righteous indignation here sounds kind of comical.

  29. Norm Scott,
    I used to like your newsletter but now I think you're just nasty. I wouldn't want to work with someone who debates at your level.

  30. NormScott:
    It's interesing how frivolous dilletantes who have no stake in the consequences of what they espouse, can be so vocal about a contract that doesn't apply to them.

    But I do have a few questions.

    Norm Scott what will the consequences of a strike be for you? Let's see will you be drinking a fine burgundy some where in the south of France, collecting your pension checks while the rest of us are paying two for one? (By the way, that pension benefit is the result of the hard work of the UFT.)

    What's ICE's position on F-Status employees who are taking away potential full-time positions from our members?

  31. The fact that they are visiting schools to sell this reeks of desperation. It's simply unconscionable that Unity threatens its members, rather than management, with a strike.

    They sent a spin guy to my school today, after our executive board voted "no confidence" in the ability of UFT leadership to negotiate a fair contract.

    They didn't persuade anyone.

  32. It is interesting how everyone keeps claiming about "Unity hacks" trying to tell you about the contract. Didn't it pass the Executive Board and the DA by large/overwhelming numbers? Doesn't that make it OFFICIAL UFT POLICY? I thought they were just trying to inform people of that policy supporting the proposal. It didn't seem to be about one caucus or another.

  33. I heard about retirees in schools in queens today trying to encourage us to vote down athe contract? Is that true?

  34. Over 90% of my school is voting no. The contract is a transparent piece of rubbish. Most teachers know this.
    Unity Hacks sounds too polite -- Unity terrorists sounds more apropos.

    I am so tired and sickened by the union leadership. I regret that I didn't take an interest earlier -- that I 'slept with the enemy' thinking it was a friend. Now I have awakened after having a dream about obtaining a dignified respectful contract and a union without Randi and Company.

  35. What turd blossoms habituate this comment board? I can't believe my eyes! Hacks? Sounds to me that there are plenty of hacks who operate this blog site! They sound like a one tune banjo! Just say no! That's a failed policy for Nancy Reagan and will be a hollow refrain on Nov 3!

  36. Anonymous said...
    Maybe people on this blog haven't ever worked outside the school system. They sound so wronged over what seems like a decent enough offer for these times. Most jobs I've had in the city the workplaces are just as tough, bosses are just as bad, hours are worse, job security is much less and no one fights for your raises--you usually don't get them. That's just reality. The righteous indignation here sounds kind of comical."

    Dear Anonymous,
    I come from 25 years in the corporate world. You must have had some lousy jobs! The difference between working in a corporate environment, and working in this system is that when you receive a raise - you ACTUALLY receive a raise! No hours are added to your 9-5 workday. The respect one receives in the corporate world doesn't hold a candle to this system. In the corporate world, if you are good at what you do, the rewards are infinite. Guess you weren't that good!

  37. Anonymous said...
    What turd blossoms habituate this comment board? I can't believe my eyes! Hacks? Sounds to me that there are plenty of hacks who operate this blog site! They sound like a one tune banjo! Just say no! That's a failed policy for Nancy Reagan and will be a hollow refrain on Nov 3!"

    Hey Anon! How much are you being paid to put this kind of crap on this blog? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! You obviously are a mouthpiece for the UFT, who holds the title for hacking up the facts and spitting it out as so much truth. Shame on you!

  38. "Dear Anonymous,
    I come from 25 years in the corporate world. You must have had some lousy jobs! The difference between working in a corporate environment, and working in this system is that when you receive a raise - you ACTUALLY receive a raise! No hours are added to your 9-5 workday."

    Obviously you haven't been in the corporate world for many years, if you were actually there at all. Or maybe you were lucky. Most people who taut that line are people who are talking about perceptions, rather than reality.

    But more importantly, who works a 9-5 job in the corporate world?
    Most people work a 9 to whatever time job and lately, they don't get raises.

    Oh, perhaps you were management at those corporate jobs. They usually pay themselves big fat raises while everyone else gets little to nothing while taking on new responsibilities. Especially since 2000.

  39. Anonymous said ".....Most people work a 9 to whatever time job and lately, they don't get raises."

    Anon: I am very good at what I do, Anon, and efficiency and productivity does have its rewards, monetary and otherwise.
    It's more than obvious you don't know what the hell you are talking about. (and no, I was not management)

  40. The nastiness and name-calling on this website is unbelievable. In just this thread, Randi, who works tirelessly for UFT members, is called a rat, a wolf, a sellout, etc. Bill Stamatis, one of the nicest guys in town, is accused of being a hack sending out 'vile' (sic) emails to UFT members. It is unconscionable that this unedited tripe should be taken by anyone as a viable UFT site, even an opposition site. It is clear that all the ICEpeople want to do is demean and destroy the UFT. Could they be secretly in the pay of Klein and Bloomberg? Isn’t it true that a certain member of their leadership works for the DOE in a part time position? They are so filled with hate and envy that they view all members of the UFT Leadership as enemies of the teachers. Nothing could be further from the truth. The people who work for the union spend their days trying to make the lives of teachers easier and better. Whatever their well-deserved salaries, they work evenings, weekends and holidays. Everyone in the schools (except the poisoned ICEpeople) knows that. Maybe when the ICEpeople spend more time making constructive suggestions rather than ranting over whether the ratification issue passed the DA with 80% or 70% approval (no one disputes that it passed) and how the chapter leaders can stuff the ballot box, they will be able to form a credible opposition movement. Until then, ICE and this website will remain a joke.

  41. Yada, yada, yada. If you want something better and you believe you can get better, Vote No. It is not about Randi or Unity or Ice or Bloomberg/Klein. It is about not wanting this contract. Vote NO and lets try to do better.

  42. Vote No, No NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO

  43. It should be very interesting when we see the percentage the contract passes with. I think there's a lot of negative noise here, but you're in for a surprise. Out there in the real world, teachers are voting yes and yes and yes.

  44. So what if teachers are voting yes. Why follow the masses? The greatest benefit you can give yourself and others is to vote no.

    I just spoke to a friend of mine, a union rep who has been teaching for a very long time. He is telling teachers to vote the way they want to, but he is voting no. He is retiring soon -- will not be affected by a 6th period or letters in the file. But his conscience is telling him to vote no. Says it all, doesn't it?

  45. A replacement word for hack, which captures your intended meaning:

    Lord knows how many there are, for the reasons you state - "welcome to the club" and feel free to armchair preach to those who suffer: teachers and kids and parents. It's not just the demoralization and overwork/stress, but a still irrational system. And speaking of irrational, has anyone heard anything about the biggest budget item and biggest disgrace in all of education: *Special* Education? Try finding some reality coming out of the UFT, articles in the NY Teacher, or chapter news of any value.

  46. Just a note here...I was at the delegate assembly meeting and the vote was certainly overwhelmingly yes. Whether or not the teachers will now vote yes or no is another matter and one which we will all know to answer to on Friday.

    No matter how we vote however, I have to say that that meeting was one of the low points of my life. I was never so embarassed by a bunch of adults who actually claim to be educated and claim to be "educators" as well. I thought that the protesters outside were horrific and behaved like barbarians. How dare someone who doesn't know me and further more doesn't know how I voted call me a
    F----g B----ch. It was the worst treatment by my "brothers and sisters" in this union that I could imagine. Personally, I don't ever want to be associated with some of you guys ever again. I'd love the union to fade away so I could negotiate my pay like I did in the real world. Get a life and wash your mouths out with soap!

  47. To the Anonymous Above-

    Outlooks like yours have made us the lowest paid educators in the area.

  48. No...I think it's more that the low class trash that poses as teachers and screams at their own union members because they can't stand the thought of a democratic vote taking place makes our union look ridiculous. I don't know how you relate that to our pay scale....seems like just more hyperbolic venom on your part.

    As I said, given the foul behavior of the "No" voters and protesters at the delegates meeting I was embarrassed to be affiliated with the UFT. I don't know about you, but I teach my students to act with integrity, respect democracy and carry themselves in a dignified manner. I do the same, which is why I will personally never attend a UFT meeting again. Shame on you, as you say.

  49. Nobody will miss you if you don't come to the DA. I'm sure there are plenty of Unity members who can borrow your rubber stamp.


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