Thursday, February 22, 2007

Camille Johnson, ICE Candidate for UFT Secretary,Talks About the Breakup of High Schools and Teacher Profesionalism

UFT election ballots will be mailed to members' homes on March 9th. In order for the membership to understand why ICE-TJC candidates deserve your vote we have produced a series of videos.

Our candidates stand for a stronger union that will not sell-out to the DOE. Watch all of our videos and see how the current leadership of our union is totally out of touch with our members.

As you watch this video ask yourself, "What has Randi done to truly protect our jobs and promote our professionalism?"


  1. Simple. Nothing. And that's the truth . She sold us out.

  2. A post has been deleted since it did not conform to our policy of civil comment. We strive to maintain open access to this blog and encourage different opinions but will not tolerate inappropriate language.

  3. Does that mean I can't say Unity and New Action s*** Jeff?

  4. Camille Rocks! She should run the union.

  5. Good work, ICE-TJC, on the recent videos. Putting the images and voices of those running for the only true opposition in the UFT is a positive action that will help you reach the members out here who want an alternative to the Unity leadership.

    Joe Mudgett
    ACT! The Alliance of Concerned Teachers

  6. Camille is hot!!!!! She knows her stuff on the closing of schools. No contest her against Mendel for secretary. Camille is clearly a much better candidate.

  7. The videos are getting the message out, but what about live speaking engagements? I know my DR will be coming in to sell the UNITY platform soon. The members need to know there is a choice that can be made.

  8. Inappropriate language is encouraged in our neighborhood. Come on over to the UTP and we'll show you how inappropriate language can be- starting with the language used in the last contract which was full of such obscenities as 6R, longer school day, extra days, inability to grieve... I'd better stop now there may be children or teachers present.

  9. Michael Mendel said...
    I'm jealous.

  10. ICE retirees will come to a school to counter the Unity spin. Can we get a free school lunch with the visit?
    Just ask us.

  11. Camille who? In fact, Kit who? These are the candidates? Randi has nothing to worry about with these guys as the opposition.

  12. Camille could take on Randi any day of the week. Look up what she did as chapter leader at Gateway. the last person obviously knows nothing.

  13. YouMustGo-
    What makes you think anything was 'pulled' from the mailboxes? Maybe the staff just threw the trash out. Surely your staff is too smart to vote for Twit Wainer.

  14. unitymustgo:

    Tell the truth. Your literature was not removed. Please tell the truth. Don't be a wining baby.


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