Wednesday, December 05, 2007


by James Eterno, Chapter Leader, Jamaica High School

The Department of Education announced the closing of six schools on Tuesday and threatened that others will be closed later this month. The UFT's response was incredibly weak asking only that "everyone affected is treated with care, dignity and respect." The UFT added, "that staff members who choose to stay on during the phase-out years should have opportunities to work in other schools." Hundreds of more UFT members are about to be displaced from their schools and that's all the UFT has to say?

There is nothing in the UFT's statement even criticizing the DOE for continuing to close schools, even though the Union has passed resolutions saying that the DOE should refrain from closing schools until we can have an independent study done assessing its educational value.

The UFT's statement is more evidence that what the UFT leadership does at Delegate Assembly Meetings and at rallies is mere show for the members but when it comes right down to it, the Union does not oppose the wholesale closing of schools and displacement of even more teachers and other UFT members into Absent Teacher Reserves status (day-to-day substitute teachers with full pay and benefits but no regular class).

Where's the outrage from the Union leadership? We thought the Union opposed this policy. You wouldn't know it by their lame reaction.


  1. So typical, not a surprise

  2. You can't keep a school open so that uft members are not displaced.

  3. Give people the lower class sizes and access to guidance counselors at a reasonable level and maybe the teachers will have a chance.

  4. "Disapponted"

    I would have went with "not in the least bit surprised"

  5. Ask Jeff to change it. Maybe he will.

  6. My school closed 2 years ago and the UFT did not do anything for us. Some people with connections and friends in other schools got jobs and there are still 30 percent of us without jobs. Which means we will be ATRS 4 EVER. I fought put a grievance but to no avail. RW please wake up. Schools are not getting bad grades because of the teachers but because of society that is declining.

  7. Where's the outrage from the membership as every day another two schools are added to the list?

  8. I know for a fact that these schools were closed for political reasons. Klein disliked the principals. They were too independent for his taste. They were not his Leadership Academy zombies. This is a personal vandetta on his part.

  9. Franklin K Lane is on the list now. There are going to be people all over the place.

  10. Marian Swerdlow says that we need to be more "spiritual".

    One of ICE's shining moments! Can we expect to see that clip on YouTube?

    Bwwwaaahhhhhhh hahhhhhh!!!

  11. Never talk about the issues?


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