Sunday, March 02, 2008


55-27/55-25 SAVES CITY MONEY;

Now that 55 years of age and 25 years service in the system retirement buy in is a reality after Governor Elliot Spitzer signed the legislation last week, we would again like to briefly point out who should consider buying in, who should probably not buy in and who wins and loses. Please consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any retirement decision as this blog contains our opinions and not official pension advice.

Anyone who started service betwen the ages of 26 and 36 could benefit from opting in for the new benefit and someone who started service earlier than age 26 but took a break for a restoration of health, maternity or some other leave could also benefit.

Everyone who started service at age 25 or younger and works straight through can only benefit if they want to retire early but not receive any payment until they are 55. It's also interesting to ask this question: If someone is eligible and opts in during the six month opt in period, can they get their additional 1.85% contributions back if they decide later to change their mind and work the entire 30 years one needs to work to receive a full 60% of final average salary pension?

Persons yet to be hired will have to be 55 and work 27 years and pay pension contributions for that entire time unlike current teachers who only are compelled to make pension contributions for ten years. In the Contract, the UFT agreed that it should be 55-25, not 55-27, for "all current and future members of the TRS..." Fiscal experts and the city's Chief Actuary cited in the Chief Leader have confirmed our analysis of the deal in the February 29, 2008 edition: The Chief's in depth article by Merideth Kolodner pretty much backs up what ICE has been saying about 55-25/55-27.

"The United Federation of Teachers' early retirement plan, despite reports of heavy costs to the city, will easily pay for itself and potentially result in hundreds of millions of dollars in savings to the city in the long run, according to fiscal experts."

Here's the part that really caught our eye. "Two fiscal experts who requested anonymity, estimated that the city would save money in the long run, up to $300 million over 25 years. That's because most of the cost of the plan is carried by the unborn, who will eventually pay more into the system than they take out in added benefits. The same was true for the Correction Officers Benevolent Association in 1990 and District Council 37 in 1996 when they got the retirement age reduced for their members."

Selling the unborn? We thought the UFT refused to do that. And in exchange for selling out the unborn on pensions we also agreed to schoolwide merit pay.

We recommend you pick up a copy of the Chief Leader to see the details explained by budget experts and read an explanation from Randi as well as quotes from James Eterno.


  1. There's your answer Mr. Unity who requested an ICE post on 55-27. ICE has been vindicated once again by fiscal experts. Randi has negotiated yet another questionable deal. Happy retirement.

  2. The best thing that could happen to UFT members is for Randi to spend her time working for Hillary and staying away from Bloomberg who consistently outwits her in negotiations.

    Some Unity guy will say that the salaries are better under Randi. But the Unity crowd like Bush will probably have no idea that there might be $4 per gallon gas coming soon. Gas for them comes on their expense accounts so UFT members pay for it. They don't have to worry about increases in the cost of living like the rest of us do. Those higher prices have eaten away at those supposedly great raises. Oh and all that extra time we work now.

  3. Hey Anon 4:23, I thought I saw this in the blog's first paragraph...

    "Please consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any retirement decision as this blog contains our opinions and not official pension advice."

    I also don't see the names of any actual fiscal experts mentioned in this blog.

    So no, ICE hasn't been vindicated. Gimme facts please, not opinions.

  4. Hey, it's not for ICE to give the facts, though that's what it frequently does.

    Facts is what we pay UFT managers to give us. They don't much, because mostly it's not really in their interest.

    When did you last see Unity breaking down who should opt in and who shouldn't? It's just a bed of roses for everyone, the way they want to sell it.

  5. Hey, it's not for ICE to give the facts, though that's what it frequently does.

    Facts is what we pay UFT managers to give us. They don't much, because mostly it's not really in their interest.

    When did you last see Unity breaking down who should opt in and who shouldn't? It's just a bed of roses for everyone, the way they see it.

  6. All Unity did by giving us 55/25 is to make us veterans retire at an earlier age, and to replace us with a bunch of snot-nosed fellows from the business world all too willing to sacrifice their rights.

  7. Anon 11:21, who's making you retire? It's an option if you desire to.

    It's called a choice.

  8. Choice? Ask the ATR's and Rubber Room people about choice.

  9. How long will it take for any newbie to realize that teaching in NYC under this deal will not be financially beneficial unless their spouse makes lots of money?
    Even a new "fellow" would have to rethink this deal if it doesn't help pay the bills. They will end up in charters since union rights have no meaning for most newbies.

    But, if this deal can get people out sooner, and I already know people who are celebrating this fact, good for them. (and these people are not ATRs). I am a happy Tier 2 person who just recently retired and all my friends envied me. Now they are going to be joining me years sooner and are willing to pay to get the hell out of what once was a profession called "teaching".

  10. 4:23 anon-

    The facts come from the Chief Leader dated February 29. The City's head actuary is cited. His name is North.

    The teachers hired after today will not have a choice. They have to opt in, whether it helps them or not. Most of them will not gain anything and will have to pay for 55-27.

  11. That last comment was meant for 9:31 who was commenting on 4:23. 9:31 is obviously a Unity guy and will defend any garbage that is thrown our way. The headline in the NY Teacher should be: "Unity Sells out the Unborn."

  12. Can someone provide the Chinese translation? Is it secret Unity code to get ICE?


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