Sunday, April 06, 2008

Randi's Actions Are Incrementally Worsening The Teacher Profession

by Chaz (This article first appeared on Chaz's Blog)

Randi Weingarten, in a New York Times puff piece was proud to point out how she wanted incremental and sustainable changes in the New York City education system, I did an investigation of these incremental changes she brought us and here is what I found.

First, Randi gave us the 192 day year for us. Including those wonderful two days in August. Yes, she certainly incrementally increased our work year.

Second, Randi gave us the extra 150 minutes of classroom time during the week. Thanks Randi for incrementally increasing our work day.

Third, Randi has allowed the DOE to incrementally increase the paperwork that the classroom teacher must do. Another promise Randi has kept.

Fourth, Randi has allowed the DOE to increase the number of "ATR" and "rubber room" teachers. Here again Randi has kept her promise to incrementally change the New York City education system.

Fifth, Randi agreed to incrementally increase teacher administrative duties such as cafeteria, hallway, and potty patrol. Way to go Randi.

Sixth, Randi has agreed with the DOE to incrementally increase the number of teachers, subject to a 90-day unpaid suspension and no health benefits based upon hearsay.

Seventh, there appears to have been an incremental increase in Letters-To-File (LIF) since we cannot grieve them anymore.

Finally, Randi has seen more and more teachers leave the system as she buys into the DOE's recruitment over retention policy. Yes Randi has kept her word in incrementally increasing the resignations of New York City teachers.

Some bloggers call Randi Weingarten a liar. However, in this case Randi has lived up to her promise to incremental and sustainable changes in the New York City educational system. Unfortunately, these incremental changes have worsened the New York City teacher profession but why should she care? Randi and her inner staff are not in the classroom and not subject to any of the incremental and sustainable actions that have affected the classroom teacher.

Now doesn't that show she deserves the national AFT Presidency?


  1. I, for one, emailed the reporter and so did someone else I know.
    If more people sent letters to the editor or reporter, maybe the reporting will reflect what is actually going on. I am so sorry I never emailed the reporter who ran the puff piece on merit pay.

  2. Hmmm, I think I have seen this article before.

    Thanks for the plug

  3. What's so incremental? 20+ years of rights pissed away in 2 (2005 & 2007). Great job Randi! Way to go! I mean come on people she was so right about everything she said about these 2 contracts. They have been wonderful for us. I would just like to say.... sorry I'll have to finish latter. I've got to go supervise breakfast in the lunchroom. Important decisions to be made down there. How else will the kids know if they can go to the bathroom.


  4. Well, I'm glad you gave Chaz credit. I also emailed the reporter, who never replied.

    And while I agree with the sentiments of this post, I also have to agree with the above poster--the 05 contract, which surrendered every professional gain we'd earned since I began in 84, was not incremental at all.

    Ms. Weingarten deserves to be impeached, not promoted.


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