Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Stop School Closings!

The DOE is closing Brandeis High School. Please go the link to an article on this terrible situation from the New York City Independent Media Center. Now is the time to get involved to stop this cancer before it spreads to kill us all.

Video here.


  1. Keep up the fight Brandeis.

  2. Question, is ICE opposed to the schools being closed today because of the snow?

  3. That makes absolutely NO sense! ICE don't you have better things to do with your time? The snow and ICE made it dangerous!

  4. Nothing in over a month here and nothing on any of the three ICE Blogs (here, EdNotes, & Norm's Notes) about the successful united rally yesterday.

    Next, like FOX News, they'll be claiming to be "fair & balanced".

  5. Nothing on the UFT mouthpieces about Jamaica High School and all the other schools where teachers are being hammered due to UFT policies. Talk about fair and balanced. Oh, right, the the UFT is fair and balanced as long as it can paint itself in a rosy light.


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