Sunday, June 14, 2009


As ICE. and very likely most UFT members, are opposed to the continuation of Mayoral dictatorship over our schools, now is our last chance to do something about it. The law giving the mayor control over NYC schools expires June 30 and must be renewed by the Legislature.

While most believe the fix is in to renew the current system with some minor tweaks, ICER Sean Ahearn sent the following letter to the ICE list. Is anyone interested in leafleting? Everyone should be calling and/or emailing their assembly person or state senator expressing their opposition to mayoral control.

Sheldon Silver's 64 Assembly District on the lower east side encompasses most of District 1 and parts of District 2. Is there anyone interested in some leafleting or setting up of tables in his district urging folks to pressure him to change his support for Mayoral Control? There are a number of teachers who live here myself included. Though most were historically supportive of the Shanker faction, some senior and newer teachers may be straying from the usual party line given the closings and constant reorganizations under mayoral control. There is also a history of community activism around education going back to the 1960's that continues.


Sean Ahern


  1. I propose having a protest rally at Sheldon Silver's offices in Manhattan.

  2. We better organize fast.

  3. Include me if you want to set something up.
    Maybe we can figure it out at the ICE meeting Thurs?

  4. I'll look forward to that.


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