Tuesday, June 02, 2009

City Unions Reach Tentative Deal to Stop Layoffs for Three Months; Once Again Members Have No Say

City labor leaders announced today that they were willing to have their members receive less medical benefits in order to prevent Mayor Mike’s threatened layoffs for three months. While the reductions appear to be permanent the layoff threat is not and will undoubtedly resurface after the “three month” agreement.

ICE has repeatedly asked why members are not consulted about their health benefits and since these benefits are part of the compensation package members rely upon why we are excluded from a vote.

We are certain that our members would not want any city employees laid off but where will it end? Is there any other way we could avoid layoffs without reducing medical benefits?


  1. Another great victory. Thank goodness we don't have single payer like those dreadful socialists in Canada.

  2. Unbelievable. The sell outs continue.

  3. How about this? You see all that school construction that goes on eternally? How about setting new policy that all projects are to be bid upon and capped at a fixed amount, which cannot be run up? This would end the corruption and excess costs of renting scaffolding at exhorbitant rates. There seems to be no project that does not take three times longer than it should, because they run up the bills. Save tens of millions rather than gouging the teachers.

  4. It's easier to gauge the teachers and other city employees when our unions are so willing to give in.

  5. I meant to say gouge not gauge.

  6. Instead, they shout eliminate AUSSIE, TC, and all of the CLSO nonsense. And fire Klein.

  7. Don't get me started!!

    Why is it that no one in the media is willing to take this on, or the UFT? I think the politicians get a huge piece of the action, which is why no one opposes it. The wastage that goes on with the extremely lavishly paid consultants is such a joke that it is inexpressible. Yet, no one speaks of it. Unimaginative leadership! Turn public outrage against that, instead of the teachers and what little they have left. But, no one does.

  8. It's up to all of us to say that's enough.

  9. Thanks for the money, guys.

  10. Meanwhile, the papers say Tier V is coming to the state. We won't be far behind.

  11. Once again another give back without a membership vote. This would not happen back in the day. Randi sold us out twice this week

  12. The picture on the front page of the NYC Teacher tells it all, Randi sucking up to Bloomberg. She sold us out twice last week. We need a union leader like Mike Quill when the city officials saw him they got nervous and his union got what it bargained for. When they see Randi they see Monti Hall and its give back time at our expense


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