Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Diane Ravitch Hits one Out of the Park

Professor Ravitch really is on the money talking about how the education privatization movement's use of the name Martin Luther King is wrong on so many levels.

It's at the Huffinton Post.


  1. James when are you going to start campaigning for UFT President!!!!!!
    How about starting at the rally at Bloombergs home! That would be a great place to start! People need to know about you! 4 more years of Bloomberg will destory our union!
    Even if you save Jamica it will last only for a year or two and then bloomberg will come are your school again! The only way to stop him is to win this UFT election by letting people know who you are and what you stand for! This is the time to do it! You will never get another chance like this again!
    must of our members are piss of at the UFT leadership! You can win if you start campaigning!

  2. I will be there on Thursday and so will a large contingent from Jamaica High School. Please help us with the petitions to get us on the ballot.

  3. I will and I will help you anyway I can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Tilden Blue Deivl

  4. Most of our members are pissed off at the UFT. Our members are the UFT. By the way, where did you get your information from regarding members feelings about the UFT?

  5. By the way, what do you think of her piece on weingarten's speech?

  6. Most of the membership is pissed off at the uft. If you are not aware of that then you must be part of the UNITY party. And your head is still up your ass. Pull it out and you would see that most of the membership is either pissed or just plain doesn't care anymore cause they feel like they do not have a voice. Maybe your party head Randi had something to do with creating those feelings when she decided to select our representatives for us instead of letting our chapter leaders speak for us.

  7. No comments on the NYSED's massacre of NYC schools Thursday?
    And you want to be President of the UFT?

  8. ICE thinks what the SED did was wrong.


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