Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Mulgrew Wins Election Overwhelmingly

Congratulations to Michael Mulgrew on his overwhelming election victory.

Yes, the turnout was low and apathy is still high among teachers, who mostly did not vote, and of course Unity has every advantage in the world so UFT elections are not played out on a level playing field but 91% of those voting voted for Mulgrew and that cannot be discounted.

For the thousands of members who voted for us, particularly in the high schools where we had most of our support and finished a strong second, we say thanks but we still haven't found a way to reach the vast majority of teachers to get them involved in our union.

As we move ahead, we will work as hard as we can to build a strong union. I think that is a goal all union activists can agree on.


  1. James...You have nothing to be ashamed of. You are a TRUE Union Man!

    Your Old College Friend...
    P.S. I will continue to donate!

  2. Perhaps working as union activists and stopping the name calling will help everyone in the tough times ahead.

  3. can't wait to learn the final #'s. Hope you picked up more votes.



  4. The choice was clear . . .

  5. Even New Action wiped the floor with ICE.

  6. Anonymous comment above~
    Distasteful that you find it necessary to make comments about wiping the floor. A clear statement about how far the hacks stretch to keep their stranglehold on the membership.

  7. Anonymous comment above, you are a sore loser.

    Biggest turn out for an election yet and ICE lost badly.

    Let's analyze what that means:

    1. General membership has chosen a leader that it feels will best lead us.

    2. People aren't falling for the hype of the ICE facade.

    3. Fancy names like ICE and GEM mean squat.

    4. Membership elected those who walk the walk, those who merely talk the talk lost.

    5. People don't believe the slanted views in Ed Notes.

  8. People in this country should have learned that the best man does not always win! It is not necessary to write rude comments. Most of the people in my school had absolutely no idea what (or whom) they were voting for. All in all a sad situation!

  9. voted for you and hope that Michael Mulgrew as a place for you in his Administration.

  10. Above, bathroom attendant?

    Just because someone runs for a position doesn't make them qualified. We forget Sarah Palin already?

  11. The turnout was horrible. Around 1 in four teachers voted.

  12. Above, we going to use that excuse every time ICE loses in the elections?

  13. The problem is most teachers are afraid of their own shadow and choose not to vote. And if they do vote it's status qou. Anyone who who keeps up with the news knows that unity has sold out the members to the DOE.
    What have they done for the ATR's and why did they let the mayor get control of the schools and the death blow to the union Randy secretely giving up Seniority Transfers. And what do we have now the Mass Market Transfer Scam.

  14. 40,000 to 4,000 says a lot. What do you suggest the 4,000 do?

  15. Yes, those 4,000 who all read these blogs and seem to know what's going on.

  16. Every UFT election confirms more and more the apathy, hopelessness, and dependence of our members on lipservice. Ironically, each "overwhelming" victory of the Unity Caucus in the UFT brings with it more and more concessions, givebacks and loss for our members in contract negotiations. When will our members stop voting for failure, bureaucracy and putrefaction?

  17. Amazingly, most people in my school didn't care to vote. And those who wanted to vote had no clue who to vote for and simply took their chances. Some people mistake the word Unity to mean Union and thought that voting Unity meant voting to keep the Union. People are extremely confused about the whole thing.

  18. Ahhh, the much anticipated ICE excuses.

  19. I spoke with many people who felt that Mulgrew was significantly different than Randi. He sounded like a workingman so they assume/hope he will really support workers. After all, unlike Randi, Michael really was a teacher.

  20. Since the UFT does not educate the membership about what it means to be in a union and how our union actually runs, most members still do not understand that there is a choice. Many did vote, yes, but when they saw the ballot, some still didn't realize what the different choices were. Unity machine has the ability to build name recognition. (Have you counted how many pictures of Mulgrew are in each issue of NY Teacher? How many "Meet The President" parties were there, paid for with YOUR dues ?)I spoke with three members after they had voted who were quite disappointed when I told them that, no, Unity was not the alternative voice they had thought they were voting for. They had wanted ICE-TJC. Clearly, this would not have made the difference. Only with continued struggle within the union and outside in the community will we be able to create a truly democratic union and an equitable and excellent public (not charter schools) education system for all our students.

  21. Above, what number excuse are we on now?

    When will you just acknowledge that Mulgrew won by 91%? It wasn't even close. ICE got DESTROYED!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. The members will realize what unity means when they have to file a grievance and not hear a word for over a year about the date of the hearing. Then when they have the hering it will take another year before any action is taken. The unions response is call us when you haer something. Wonderful.

  23. Being a union delegate,a chapter leader, and a member of the union and for the past 25 years, the Unity Party might not be the perfect,but they have always represented and fought for the members rights.
    Seeing the fight that ICE has put up for several years its about time that ICE conceedes and join Unity to jointly fight city hall.

  24. What are you talking about? We do not follow others, ICE gives orders!

  25. What a shame. The guy who saves Jamaica HS, works his butt off for his constituents, actually teaches, is not afraid of a real classroom, and is not afraid to speak out. James, you deserve to run the union and then some. You are not some political hack. Hold your head high and keep kicking butt. You are the best. Poor union does not realize that this was their loss, NOT YOURS!!! Your headline should read, "Union Loses Big Time with Mulgrew." Keep fighting for the workers James. You are the best damn person I know!

  26. Anon Saturday, April 10, 2010 11:14:00 PM,

    On what world did James save Jamaica high school? Seriously, explain that comment to us.

    James, care to comment on that specific statement?

    You guys changing ICE to ITCE (I Take Credit for Everything)?

  27. Mr. Unity you obviously know nothing about what is going on at Jamaica. Stop being a sore winner.

  28. On the contrary, seems like a lot of people here are congnizantly choosing to rewrite who saved Jamaica HS. His name is Michael and he was just elected by 91% of the UFT membership to continue serving as our president.

    To suggest otherwise is an embelishment at best, at worst it is knowingly being fraudulent.

    Those reading this blog from outside of NYC need to be aware that ICE's views are not shared by the vast number of educators working here. Being loud and vocal does not make a majority. Actually, ICE's numbers which are always low in the elections were down considerably in this election.

  29. Surely you are joking Mr. Unity.

  30. Hey Mr. Unity the sun rose this morning. It must be because of Michael Mulgrew.


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