Friday, October 07, 2011


The press has discovered that the Absent Teacher Reserves are mad as hell and not going to take it anymore. We have seen the reports from the Bronx and Brooklyn meetings about how enraged the disenfranchised ATRS have become. The ATRS are now migrant workers, pushed from school to school on a weekly basis. ATRS received their new assignment for next week through a cold email from human resources. Hang in there ATRS. Between your forced weekly moves and the DC 37 layoffs, these are terrible days.

Don't despair. Come to the October 20th ATR meeting at 5:00pm at the Skylight Diner on 34th Street and 9th Avenue in Manhattan sponsored by the Grassroots Education Movement (GEM) to discuss the next steps in the fight for dignity.

Also today, Teacher Ronin (ATR) Marc Epstein explains the folly of closing schools over at Huffington.


  1. Interesting comment left by an "attendee" at that meeting putting down Nobile. I left a reply.

    I hope you are getting the word out about the GEM meeting.

  2. What is stopping the ATR's from getting an attorney and taking their union dues back?? That seems to be the only way the UFT would take them seriously..

  3. My friend was is a Brooklynite is assigned to Staten Island. I live on Staten Island and am assigned to Brooklyn??? By chance? I highly doubt it! We are being royally screwed and that ninny Arundell is in the DOE pocket! I wasnt her resignation as the liason for the ATRs...she is condescending and rude!

  4. My friend is a Brooklynite is assigned to Staten Island. I live on Staten Island and am assigned to Brooklyn??? By chance? I highly doubt it! We are being royally screwed and that ninny Arundell is in the DOE pocket! I want her resignation as the liason for the ATRs...she is condescending and rude!

  5. You can sue the UFT. Winning is another matter.

  6. last time a group of teachers took legal action against UFT and DOE, almost all of them were fired by DOE and lost their jobs while UFT refused to get involved for the so called conflict of interest.
    No teacher can afford to take on both at the same time and does not get burned.

  7. Gotham schools just published an article on how the DOE is supposedly placing ATRs using an algorithm. They are suppose to be placing teachers according to their license, school needs etc. Is that why I was placed in a school that stress languages and history with only 300 students and I have a business license? Makes loads of sense.(not) Maybe we should pay Larry Becker a visit.

  8. They just sent a music atr to a high school that does not offer music, only art. Anyone who believes DOE quotes is a fool.

  9. I fixed the time of the meeting on the 20th. It is indeed at 5:00 pm.

  10. The last time the ARTs were going to file a class action discrimination suit against the DoE, and the Times reported on it, the union stepped in and offered them some phony deal.

    This ooohh, I so scared sh*t because I might get fired or we won't win is what keeps teachers down.

    Show me proof teachers got fired for filing a claim!!

    And btw if you are an unhappy ATR who also voted yes to the '05 contract, I have no sympathy. You voted for this treatment. For those that voted NO, my heart really does go out to you.

  11. I agree on the 2005 contract. It is a total disaster. 40% of teachers can hold their heads up high. The rest deserve what they are getting.

  12. Does the union actually pay attention to the votes??????? Sometimes I wonder!

  13. I paid attention to the votes. That contract never should have been approved on the ATR provision alone. But people love the money over the rights.

    btw, haven't got my calendar yet. What gives???

  14. Let's have an opt out/opt in when it comes to moving teachers around. I love it so I would opt in. I prefer not to be attached to any of the schools with crazies. Crazies can be students or staff or both.

  15. LAWYERS ONLY WANT YOUR MONEY. Lot's of people lost their jobs last year and the year before because of advise from lawyers. Keep publicly embarracing the UFT to act. But give people choices. Some people if they're not starting a class from 1st day in September don't mind weekly transfers. That way they're not stuck with dumb asses.

  16. Are you sure that's what we want to promote? Teachers not wanting to be with students?


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