Tuesday, October 25, 2011


An ATR from Jamaica sent this email to me yesterday.

Reported to LI City HS today as five day ATR, a nice looking, modern building, six stories tall. I covered three different teachers, none of whom taught English (my certification). When I got to my last class, the freshmen all asked, "Are you our real teacher or just another sub?" I asked another teacher leaving the room why this class had no regular teacher as we steadily approach November. Her reply was stunning. "We actually have five vacancies in the building," she said. "We're in transformation, which means they're trying to cause as much chaos as possible until they can shut us down." Naturally, this is the compete opposite of what the word 'transformation' means, unless the DoE means transforming into more boutique academies and creating still more ATRs, which is exactly what they intend.

I'm certainly glad I spent my summer attending five separate DoE job fairs, while some buildings are intentionally understaffing and have absolutely no intention of hiring ATRs. I could tell from all those bobbing heads and smiling faces during July and August that no one was actually looking to hire teachers, let alone pay attention to what we were saying. Yet at this point in my career I can honestly say that I know who I'm dealing with when it comes to the Dept of Ed, a truly vicious, union busting entity. The real question I have is where my union is during all this madness. When will our pseudo-tough guy president finally step up and protect his people? I was paying tolls last week in the Rockaways at Beach Channel. This week I'm on the complete opposite side of Queens in Long Island City. The DoE is obviously testing my limits, but not one message, call, or e-mail from my union telling me to hold on, to keep fighting, to wait until things get better. So Alright, fine. I'll simply stop waiting. My fiance is a teacher in this troubled system, as well. From here on in, we are a teaching union of two.


  1. I am so grateful that during the budget crisis of 1974/75 my seniority counted for something and I was able to be excesses instead of becoming an ATR.

    I was also able to take advantage of the transfer system when the commute became too much. That worked out well because I found a school within 15 minutes from home and stayed there until retirement.

    There has to be a back story on whatever prompted Randi to agree to this nonsense. Edwize hated the ATR plan until they did a complete 360 and endorsed it. They also hated mayoral control until another 360. So why this complete flip flop? Someone. somewhere must know the answer and perhaps due to some written oath in blood is not allowed to comment on it. I only wish one person at UFT headquarters will find the courage to do what's right and let us know because Mulgrew and Randi aren't tossing and turning all night.

    The writer of this email is right about one thing, the lack of communication between the ATRs and the UFT. They won't even offer hope because it doesn't exist.

    New teachers--think long and hard before accepting a job at a school where students aren't making the grade. Let TFA teach there. You on the other hand get yourself to a good solid neighborhood school because it will be harder to close those schools under this mayor or any other mayor, and you just may have a position that lasts until retirement. Or better yet, find a new career path.

  2. Bloomberg is too rich to be challenged. If you want to win your battles in the future do not vote for a billionaire. Especially one that has a media empire to twist things his way.

  3. I have in schools where vacancies are STILL being covered by day to day subs! And its a joke to see how long until they get caught! I have "ratted" them out and guess what?? NOTHING IS BEING DONE! We the experienced teachers are sent all over the city, wasting gas and paying tolls, when day to day uncertified teachers are covering long term assignments! WHY IS THE UNION NOT PROTECTING US??? I have a meeting tomorrow with a district rep and I will report back the nonsense he will tell me!

  4. Maybe they had something big on Randi! All I know is that I wish for her to suffer as we are..traveling from place to place. Not knowing if and where parking is available..and just being miserable!

  5. They want us to quit!I have only 17 years and am no where near retirement.

  6. The ATRs' tolerance for DOE's viciousness, for misery, and disrespect is just mind boggling!

    Get in gear, go for training, and get the hell out of teaching!

  7. Training for what???? I chose to "TEACH" not babysit or do clerical work!

  8. Dear annonymous 6:00pm.
    Can you do me a favor amd let me know where those schools are that are hiring day to day subs long term? I want to apply.

    Just think of things from our perspective for one moment. If we are U rated, we cannot work in another district. We also may be fully certified; you may not realize that many subs are fully certified. We cannot work anywhere if we are certified and U rated while performing per diem work. An untenured teacher can. We are getting less and less work as day to day subs because ATRs are now the preferred subs.

    We were told right on our certificate that there was no assurance of work, and to quote, "look for other means of employment to supplement your income"; yet we are also deemed "reasonably assured" and denied unemployment!

    Why are subs trashed in so many ways? The UFT completely ignores us and not one word was said at the DA during the layoff agreement vote as to how this would affect our lives. NOT ONE WORD. We have families, mortgages, and many other bills to pay like any other teacher. And many of us are darn good at what we do under the most horrific circumstances.

    ATRs now understand how difficult this job is becasue they do not know where they will be teaching tomorrow. If you don't have what is close to the nature of a chamelion, don't even attempt this job! We must constantly change to fit into the background. If we stand out or stand up, we are thrown out by a computer registry and deemed "unsuited for the student or school population".

    Wouldn't you think after hearing this information, which is only the tip of the iceberg in terms of abuse and neglect leveled against us that SOMEONE would care??

  9. How sad all of this is.

  10. I'm confused. Why would I want a U-rated teacher in my school???

  11. Who said you have a U rated teacher in your school? An ATR is a teacher in excess based on seniority not on U ratings. And be aware that under the Danielson model of evaluation, U ratings will become the norm and most teachers will be rated ineffective.Then there will be U rated teachers in every school.

  12. I have been meeting many ATRs who are telling me they have REPORTED to the union about day to day subs covering positions...why isn't anything being done???????????????

  13. No one cares. The DOE, UFT, principals, parents, kids, no one cares. it's that simple. this isn't a career, it's a job. the quicker you guys figure it out, the easier the job becomes

  14. Mulgrew, I knew you when you were a shop teacher in Grady HS and you sucked then, you suck even more now. Same for you Sterling Roberson, Mr. VP of CTE. Another Asshole who forgot his way and lets the failing Gompers HS do constant contract violations and tells the staff that "he has to work with administration" instead of protecting the memebers. Great job the both of you. The shop teachers who forgot where they came from just because they got a title.


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