Sunday, February 19, 2012


Carol Corbett Burris is a principal in Rockville Centre, Long Island.  One of my former colleagues at Jamaica works for her and is very satisfied. Close to a third of the principals in New York State have signed the letter Burris co-wrote exposing the flaws in the new evaluation system.

At the Washington Post Answer Sheet education blog run by Valerie Strauss, Burris hammers home how excellent teachers will be rated ineffective by the new evaluation system.  Why isn't the UFT leading this fight?


  1. What she makes clear in her assessment of the new evaluation is that it makes no consideration for teachers of Special Education students who enter the specific teachers classroom with documentation (IEP)that they are in most cases well behind grade level in math, reading and writing. I bring this up because I have heard nothing about how teachers who teach students with these disablities will be affected. For instance: A 10th grade students who as per their most recent IEP is functioning on a 3rd grade level in reading and writing takes a newly developed city exam that is written for
    10th graders. It doesn't make sense. It's like giving a seven year old a test specifically designed for 16 year olds and expecting the teacher of the 7 year old to have gotten them to show a good deal of growth. I realize this can also apply to ESL. Any comments besides how silly it all is. Be well!

  2. That is why our schools are closing too. Same populations.

  3. What about music, art, phys. Ed, civics, economics, any content area class that does not end in a state exam, elementary school grades with no exams, attendance teachers, atrs...

    Let's test everyone, every semester, every class from k through 12...let's sign billion dollar contracts with Pearson and consultant companies

    Unity UFT should be thrown in jail

  4. Correct, there are no answers, little if anyone knows anything. I'll ask my chapter leader, and he will not know. I'll ask my AP, and she will not know. I will ask my fellow teachers, and they finally waking up to this mess will not know. No one knows anything save that we are pawns in a political game of chess left in limbo. Im left to think of a line in a movie I just saw about teenagers. I'll subsitute the word "teachers" for "teenagers." YOU TEACHERS ARE A DISGRACE TO THE WORLD EVEN TO PLANTS! YOU SHOULDN'T EVEN BE ALLOWED IN A ROOM WITH A CACTUS. Says it all in a wierd way doesn't.

  5. The DOE will tack on some bullshit clause whenever they get to it. They main deal for them is exactly that: PEARSON, McGRAW HILL, Genwirless, CONSULTING COMPANIES, THE NEW ERA OF THE EDUCRAT, Etc...they don't care about what this does to kids, or adults' lives. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

    How Mulgrew can EVER show his face again in public is beyond me. He should NEVER be allowed to itter a complete sentence in oublic again in front of teachers-he should be shouted down.

  6. Yes but will the teachers actually wake up now?


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