Wednesday, August 29, 2012


The Chicago Teachers Union, led by the upstart Caucus of Rank and File Teachers, gave their legally required ten days notice before they can call a strike.  Read all about it here and you also might want to look at some interesting analysis here and of course at Education Notes.

I had the privilege of attending a forum where two of CORE's people from Chicago spoke to some activists in New York last Thursday.  What the Core led CTU is doing is inspiring.  They are combining old fashion militant trade unionism with strong outreach to the community.  Hopefully, it is a winning combination.

What happens in Chicago will definitely not stay in Chicago so please support the CTU cause in every possible way.  Their possible strike has national as well as international implications for teachers and the labor movement as a whole.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you James for clearly explaining to lay people the issues at stake. Go Chicago!! New York City teachers can not wait 7 more years to stop the privatization union busting agenda !!


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