Sunday, January 27, 2013


ATU Local 1181 is still on strike and they need our support.

The picketing at Tweed Courthouse/DOE Headquarters has been extended and the strikers will be out there next week from 8:30 am-5:30 pm.
Come out on Tuesday, Jan. 29  and walk the picket line with the Bus Drivers, Matrons and Mechanics as they demand job security for the workers and  safety for the students as they ride the buses to and from school! The Mayor would like to break their union just as he is working hard to do the same to ours!
When: Tuesday, Jan. 29
Where: Department Education, 52 Chambers Street
Subways: City Hall-N, Chambers- J,Z,  Brooklyn Bridge- 4,5,6,  Park Place- 2,3 Chambers- A,C
Time:  3:30-5:30pm
Bring signs that say: (suggestions)
Teachers/UFT support ATU Local 1181
Teachers support the Bus Drivers!
DOE: Safety Before Profit! Keep the EPP
We demand experienced Drivers and Matrons for our students!
Union busting NO! EPP YES!
(Add: MORE/uft to the bottom)
Bring cameras!
 For other picket locations, see:
And here’s an update from PIST( Parents To Improve School Transportation)
It is still on, the mayor is pretending the discussion needs to be between union and companies but union and even companies are saying talks are pretty pointless without the city being at the table.

Meanwhile buses are going out without properly certified matrons.  Parents are still PIST.  We are emphasizing that transportation is a related service on the IEP legal contract, a right,  not a privilege.

We have a leafleting campaign and other strategies but also there might be an outdoor action next weekend with solidarity squads from out of town, specifically the Boston school bus drivers.  


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