Friday, March 28, 2014


We may not have a contract yet or an evaluation system that anyone can figure out but the UFT is providing us with a pamphlet to help us navigate the end of the year requirements of the new teacher evaluation system.  The email below was sent from President Michael Mulgrew to chapter leaders. Look for your guide at school as you try to work your way through your artifacts, your MOSL, your instructional shifts, etc...

Dear James,

Please keep an eye out for a UFT end-of-year guide to the teacher evaluation system that is getting shipped to you at your schools beginning tomorrow, Friday, March 28.

this is the first - and we hope the last - guide to ending a school year under this particular teacher evaluation system.  As you know, the UFT is currently in talks with the city.

The guide, called Summing it up: an end-of-year guide to the new teacher evaluation & development system includes a timeline and information on summative conferences, artifacts, professional records, ratings and how student assessment results will figure into evaluations.

You and your members will also be able to find the guide and additional information on the evaluation system on the UFT website.

If you have any questions or need more information, please contact your district representative or borough office.

Thank you for all your work and your support to our members during this challenging year.


Michael Mulgrew
UFT President


  1. Nice to know I pay hefty dues for the garbage that will probably get lost in my school before I see it.

  2. APs at my school are telling teachers that our kids' Regents scores will make up 20% of our rating. Is this true? I thought it had yet to be determined how test scores will factor in.

  3. It's probably true. Ask to see your school's MOSL


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