Friday, May 30, 2014


By close to a three to one margin, NY members of want to see a progressive alternative to Andrew Cuomo for governor. 

The Working Families Party is the only group that seems big enough right now to come up with a left candidate that might gain some real traction.  The Working Families Party will be holding their convention in Albany on Saturday.

The name that is emerging as the person to jump into the governor's race is Professor Zephyr Teachout. Here is Teachout's site.

I apologize to Howie Hawkins and Brian Jones of the Green Party as they make up a solid progressive ticket but will they be taken as seriously as the WFP?

Teachers are of course one of the groups angry at Cuomo because of his pro-charter anti-public school agenda.

UPDATE: The story is updated at Perdido Street School.  It would not be at all surprising if the UFT was one of the unions urging the WFP to support Cuomo.

UPDATE 2:  It looks as though Bill de Blasio has brokered a deal between the WFP and Cuomo.  Not good news for progressives.

UPDATE 3:  Cuomo won the battle yesterday and received the WFP endorsement but it looks like the anger on the left is real and not going away in the near future.  Will this be a pyric victory for him?  Time will tell.

UPDATE 4: Green Party candidate for governor Howie Hawkins responds to the WFP endorsement of Cuomo.


  1. Google her. You'll find her saying many things online, but nothing on issues such as high stakes testing or the corporate takeover by Pearson or others of the test and text publishing industry.

  2. We need to educate her or vote for Hawkins. Anybody but Cuomo for sure.

  3. I don't see why bloggers are pushing a particular law prof who doesn't have a Googleable record on high-stakes tests or other issues affecting our working conditions, our students' learning conditions. Howie Hawkins has been more than up to speed on these issues. Moreover, he realizes that the situation facing us extends beyond education. The Howie Hawkins-Brian Jones ticket has a well-thought out program for improving our economy. When has "Zephyr Who" made connections between neo-liberalism and real life impacts?

  4. I think Hawkins was noted. The point of this piece was to show progressives do not want Cuomo. Th


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