Monday, September 22, 2014


The UFT is inviting Chancellor Carmen Farina over for dinner at tonight's Executive Board meeting.

It is an executive session so rank and file UFT members are not permitted in.

Your union dues at work


  1. I guess the hug-a-thon continues by the leadership as the ATRs are treated as second class citizens

  2. i hope crow is on the meni

  3. The same executive board that is run by Unity and New Action that originally sold out ATRs. The same executive board members that have held secret lunch meetings with the "new" caucus.

  4. Right-
    They are getting together to celebrate the successful screwing over of NYC teachers.

  5. What was that doofy comment about the secret lunch meetings with the new caucus? Lot of people seem to be threatened by the new caucus. Give me a break.
    As said earlier, there is plenty for everyone. Well, actually plenty for some and not enough for most the way Unity divies it up.

  6. I don't get why so many blogs have so many anonymous comments.

  7. It's a lot easier to post as Anonymous as opposed to going through a long log in process at school which might take awhile. Still, rotten politics occurring at 52!

  8. This is the dinner where Farina hands over to Mulgrew the suitcase full of unmarked bills as payment for selling his membership the worst contract in its history.

  9. We finally have a chancellor with whom we can talk and now people are upset because the UFT talks with her? Do we want to be forever agrieved or do we want to accomplish something? As for the comment about ATRs, it was Randi Weingarten who stopped teachers in their position from being summarily laid off, as happened in the years when I was first a teacher. It's not by any stretch of the imagination ideal to be an ATR, but it sure beats unemployment. Wake up. We're all UFT. Let's stop attacking one another and stand together.

  10. This is the way of the world. What has NEA's president been up to after declaring Duncan should resign? Having dinner with him and visits to the White House.

    Paula Washington: Here's a thought. Let's start attacking our union leadership because they are not working for us!! And if you have been really following the ATR plight, you would know unemployment is on it's way. But, it goes deeper. We lost many rights under Weingarten that makes it harder to have a voice in schools. And Mulgrew has done little to correct that. In fact, he agreed to give ATRs a different type of "due process" than the rest of us. So explain how this is "standing together".

    Seems you have no idea how the parameters of the '05 changed teaching forever. It made chapters weaker, not stronger. It made teachers afraid to voice their opinions. And it stripped teachers of their excessing seniority.

  11. Paula- Before Randi teachers from closing schools were given a wish list of 6 schools and they were placed in one them. Randi's 2005 give back taking away that right is what is responsible for the huge increase in ATRs.

  12. Paula should also state that she's a member of the Unity Caucus. I agree with James' statement @10:52.

    Randi negotiated a horrendous contract in 2005 and she used a large % raise to perversely entice the rank and file that were close to retirement. Money, in our union, is being used to hurt the members by giving the choice of "damn if you do, damn if you don't".

    So Paula will echo the Unity chant of "at least you still have a job" instead of seeing that she's nothing more than a stepford Unity member.

  13. I'm glad Randi and fFancesco started a caucus for right wing bigots, now all 10 of you have somewhere to go.

  14. Relax already with the Randi/Portelos caucus. We get it.. You're intimidated. If you defended members you wouldn't have to worry.

  15. Why is Portelos a bigot? If someone doesn't agree with the status quo they're a bigot? And let me tell you there's alot more than 10 of us joining Solidarity.

  16. I will say this much, from some of the comments that I have read on multiple appears that many teachers who are going to join Solidarity or are currently members have some serious racist an African-American male, I would never want to hear, be in the presence of, no break bread with anybody from this caucus...I could care less what they are fighting for or for their agenda. And I am not going to fall for the "we are fighting for the minority teachers, too" bullshit.....they can run that line on somebody who is dumb enough to fall for it.

  17. I read this comment on my phone screen and when I got to the bottom I realized I didn't look at the name. Before I scrolled up to see who wrote it I said to myself "I bet it's anonymous."

    Your ignorance and baiting is not welcomed at Solidarity Caucus. But then again as we create a governing body, maybe we will reevaluate and educate you.

    Francesco Portelos (not anonymous)

    - UFT Solidarity Caucus

    "Building a Stronger Union Together"


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