Tuesday, September 02, 2014


It was a very productive ICE meeting on Friday, August 29, 2014.  It was much more than chatting and chewing as full discussion and analysis of issues and ideas was followed by decision making and then more in depth discussion.

The meeting lasted for five hours and could have gone on longer.

Specifically, three decisions were made by a consensus of the group that attended:

1-ICE urges its supporters to vote for Zephyr Teachout in the Democratic primary for Governor on September 9 if they are registered NY State Democrats.
If Teachout doesn't win the primary against the anti-teacher Andrew Cuomo, we will advocate for Howie Hawkins of the Green Party in the general election.  (If Teachout pulls off a major upset in the primary, we will have an interesting dilemma of having two candidates who support public education to choose from.)  Teachout has an education plan that is superior to Cuomo's abysmal pro-charter school, pro-high stakes testing, anti-worker, anti-union, anti-public education record.

2-ICE fully supports the nascent Statewide NYSUT Caucus called Stronger Together.
Stronger Together is challenging Unity in NYSUT.  ICE members worked with Stronger Together during the recent NYSUT election and the bond has continued after the votes were tallied.  There is a great feeling about the potential the caucus has and we are happy to be part of it.

3-ICE will start a book club to meet and discuss important education books.


  1. Greatly appreciate that ICE is stepping up for Teachout.
    On the other hand, I am repulsed by Brian Jones tweet on his stance on the Palestinian Israeli conflict. He jumped into territory better left untouched by a green party candidate. Happily though he has revealed a viewpoint that will be further explored if he wishes to pursue a political career.
    I will not be voting for Brian Jones if Teachout does not prevail in the primary.

  2. I don't think Lt governor has a big role in US foreign policy but ok


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