Monday, February 16, 2015


The arbitrator who decided last week to lengthen our contract by a month and delay one of the raises may have another crack at rewriting the agreement. 

If the city and the union can't agree on the UFT's share of $3.4 billion in heath care savings, then guess who gets to decide on the savings?  You are right if you guessed it is the same arbitrator who just extended the contract.

With our union's track record, most are expecting to experience some kind of healthcare giveback in the not too distant future.

UPDATE: Let's not forget that the arbitrator the UFT agreed to for all of this work is Martin Scheinman.  Yes, the same Martin Scheinman who was a fund-raiser for mayoral candidate Bill de Blasio.  Didn't our leadership back Bill Thompson?  The Post's editorial board thought Sheinman's conflict of interest would help the unions.  How wrong they were.


  1. I think its time to organize a rally at UFT headquarters demanding Mulgrews scalp.

  2. Unbelievable...More Tweets Please!

  3. First of all, Michael Mulgrew meant it when he said there would be no further changes to the contract. He also meant it when he said it would be up to an arbitrator. We are not making these changes. Arbitrators are. Kindly restrict yourselves to blaming the arbitrators and leave us out of it.

    Thank you. That will be all.

  4. "Don't blame me." "It's the best we could do." "We are at war...Now, Tweet!" "We will be sitting out the 2009 Mayoral endorsement process." "We will not be endorsing anyone for the Democratic gubernatorial primary." "We have to stick together as a union."

  5. I'm encouraged to see that those who visit this blog are finally getting with the program.

  6. Unity Chapter Leaders = The Stepford Wives

  7. 'Given the scope and complexity of our contract, we included a provision that any dispute would automatically go back to the arbitrator.' This is a part of Mulgrew's email sent out on Friday night (Feb.13) dealing with recent arbitrator decision. Other than a possibility of adjusting health care costs down the road for both in-service and retirees-what other disputes in this contract could be renegotiated? It sounds like this contract is not a contract-- but just a long lasting 9 year tentative agreement that Mulgrew got the rank and file to vote on-with little time for real debate. And less than 20% of the membership actually voted.Just a plain shame for all.

  8. Raving apologist you are right on target. Can't wait to meet you on the way to Troy or wherever the NYSUT convention is this year.

  9. We're all puppets on a string... pawns on Mulgrew's chessboard. The fat cats get fatter as we lose all integrity, dignity, and sense of independence. Those who voted for the contract are not getting what they voted for. The UFT has become an oligarchy. Congrats union-busters. You found your boy.

  10. EVERYONE with half a brain knows it will go to arbitration so Mulgrew won't be blamed....and teachers are such morons they won't connect his contract to the end of our decent medical care.

    We're dead!

  11. Let's find out what health coverage Mulgrew (and the other UFT full timers) have in addition to the health benefits offered to rank and file. I cannot imagine that the UFT would let those double pension, $50,000+ stipend, expense account and a blackberry hardworking group get by with the same coverage that the plain old members have.

    Would definitely be interesting for the rank and file to have full disclosure on this topic.

    Especially since Unity is so cavalier about arbitrating away our benefits.

  12. The last commenter speaks the truth. Its very clear to me, and I dont understand why more people dont see it:


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