Thursday, April 16, 2015


NYC Educator provided a comprehensive report from the April 15 UFT Delegate Assembly. I recommend that everyone head on over there to read his minutes. For a very quick summary, it was once again reinforced that UFT leadership will not do anything to assist parents throughout the state who are starving the data beast by having their kids refuse to take Common Core exams.

Mulgrew's reasoning is that we will lose federal funding if 95% of students don't take the exams. This view is refuted by Fair Test.

Mulgrew says he is being "smart" putting the union's weight behind trying to pass a new federal education law instead of supporting the parent rebellion taking place statewide against the Common Core tests. How can the biggest teacher union basically sit this out?

This is just further proof, though it is not really needed, that the UFT is really now a subsidiary of the NYC Department of Education and not an independent trade union.

For more on refusing the test, go to New York State Allies for Public Education.


  1. The man is a legend in his own mind. iOS the reports coming out about how unfair this test was, NYC teachers will have no other choice but to wake up!

  2. The UFT's principal modi operandi has been one of appeasement for years. Don't back anyone against Bloomberg or Cuomo, to hedge the potential loss. (Thompson could have won against Bloomy and Teachout against Cuomo.) Back Common Core to calm Cuomo's future pogrom against teachers. As bad as Mulgrew appears, he feels he's doing the right thing. (Think about that and you get a real picture of how f--ked teachers will be very shortly.) Weingarten most likely advises him on everything, something like :"Common Core is going through whether we like it or not- at least they can't hold it against us by saying we thwarted it." She of course, "would opt out, if she had a child"or "would have if, she could have", tweet, tweet, tweet.

  3. As per, there's supposedly no penalty if more than 5% of the student population opt out but that's based on NCLB. However, senate passed the Alexander-Murray bill that pretty much makes RttT useless. That being said, with the re-authorization of the bill does it mean that we can still be held to some form of penalty since the bill states that annual testing is still necessary?

    1. That would be an ex post facto law. You can't penalize someone for doing something legal when it was done. Passing the Senate does not mean the bill is law.

  4. P. 3 of NY Teacher headline on the Albany disaster is that we've had a funding victory.
    This president has completely list his marbles.

    1. He has plenty of marbles. He is doing just fine personally as is UFT leadership. They are selling a bill of goods to members.

  5. Because I have two grandchildren in public school, I have a significant interest in these tests. I do not believe that "Common Core" is horrible, but how it was introduced and the lack of support hurts its value. Many parents are frightened by what the results could mean, but they should not be. All these laws need to be challenged, and the politicians behind them need to be removed from office. You do this by mobilizing and voting. We know the enemy, but our power comes from the masses. Mulgrew is right, for Cuomo must go and his backers must be exposed. Thank you, Dr. John Marvul.

    1. Dr. Marvul,
      Try to use some deductive reasoning. In lieu of that Chalkbeat is always looking for new writers.

  6. The Unity echo chamber. It even sounds like Dr Marvul is a parody like Raving Lunatic. Actually kind of sad.

  7. You covet power, but have no idea how to obtain it. Until you figure out seizure of leadership, you will fall on deaf ears. Think revolution. Regards, Dr. Marvul.

  8. I spoke to a friend in Rockland County her school district was using the same scare tactic. She refuse to opt her child out for fear of loosing the funding.

  9. Tell them to keep their money.

  10. Re Dr. Marvuls comment-

    This is your brain on drugs.


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