Tuesday, June 02, 2015


A judge has ruled that a major court case challenging New York State's teacher evaluation system can move forward. The story is at the Diane Ravitch blog.

Here is my issue: Why is plaintiff Sheri Lederman's husband Bruce, an attorney, handling this case and not lawyers from New York State United Teachers? Ms. Lederman received an ineffective rating on one of the student growth portions on her rating but was fine in the other areas of the evaluation.

The New York State Education Department tried the "No harm, no foul" defense since the overall rating was not adverse. This did not succeed in court and now a great many details about the senseless evaluation system will be coming out.

Our NYSUT/UFT leaders, who are not at all personally impacted by any of the evaluation system, should at the very least be joining this case to challenge the nonsensical and incomprehensible way New York State rates teachers but they seem to be sitting on the sidelines.  Maybe I am missing something here.

Couldn't we have hundreds, if not thousands, of similar cases challenging this inane law?


  1. If I recall correctly, the Revive leaders, all of whom failed to issue a peep when APPR was enacted, traveled around the state last year expressing opposition to the system. Personally, I'm shocked and stunned they would allow a golden opportunity like this to slip through their fingers.

  2. It's quite simple, really: UFT/AFT/NYSUT emit empty to distract teachers words, but their actions enable our enemies.

    Hasn't Mulgrew gone out of his way to talk about how lucky we all are to have this new evaluation system? Of course he supports it, just as he'll support the next inane and destructiveness system that replaces this one.

    There would be no so-called education reform if not for the Weingrews of the world...

    1. I've spoken with Bruce. Trust me, I'd rather him run this case than any of the UFT chowder heads. Don't forget, Weingarten was originally a union lawyer. And, frankly, she cares less about us than does Bruce Lederman. He's solid. Understands teacher reality. Thank you Sheri and Bruce. You are heroes.


  3. Why is her lawyer husband spearheading the suit?

    Because it will be a class action, and the listed plaintiff's lawyer will get big bucks. It's all about da' $hedda.

    1. The Lederman's are not seeking damages. Nor, is this a class action suit. You sound like that guy on NY1 who wears the red beret. Get the facts, man.

  4. Does this mean she has cleared a 'motion to dismiss' hurdle and now moves on to the discovery/deposition phase? If so, she must still get over the 'summary judgement' hurdle prior to getting her day in court.
    In any case, kudos to her and her husband are in order.

    (Of course this case has little if anything to do with monetary damages as she will have a difficult time establishing any loss of income, etc as she remains a fully paid teacher without any loss on income. That is for anon 1:29 PM)

  5. Motion for summary judgement was filed months ago, so, this is probably that motion.

  6. Anon 8:40 According to her husband, this was a denial of the Motion to Dismiss filed in February. The much larger hurdle prior to trial ("motion for summary judgment") has yet to be filed. That is after discovery and depositions. Expect the DOE to file an appeal for that motion (summary judgment) if they do not prevail. And then another appeal. We are a long way from trial and the DOE has very deep pockets.

  7. I got highly effective ratings in 3 of the 4 categories Last June. In the local measure my colleagues and I received an ineffective rating. My average rating was dropped as effective which I used to waltz out the door with my retirement papers. What an embarrassment. If it wasn't so serious and career breaking it would be comical. It is living proof of the inadequate decisions made by politicians who have never breathed the same air as students in a classroom. It is evidence of failing decisions made by failing politicians, DoE and NYS bureaucrats who walk around schools with Louboutins, Brooks Brothers suits and a cup of Starbucks coffee. A quick check on the NYSED public inquiry site reveals none have teaching credentials and took the fast track to administrative stardom bypassing a Masters Degree in Education by signing up at Touro or St, Rose for an Amin certificate. Who can find one shred of efficacy in this whole system? Glad I'm out.

  8. College of St. Rose still running that mail order Admin Cert.? Really. Nothing says "I don't give a crap" like College of St. Rose stamped across your resume.

  9. St. Rose peeps are the most desparate of all admins. They'd shank their own mother just to get out of the classroom. They are done with this, and don't care who knows it. But, they want to get $ off the fat of the land.

  10. VSE: good info. Of course, discovery and depos are the whole point. The state is going to panic and change the law before they have to make that stink bomb public in this case. So, according to your timeline, they have to make it public now before they can file motion for summary judgement. So, really, a huge victory no matter what happens next. Lederman's are champions of transparency and dignity.

  11. Anon 11:51
    I agree and we are all looking forward to a legal exposure of the voodoo 'math' that goes into the VAM and other 'effectiveness' calculations. Given the American Statistical Association's published findings on the 'math', SED will have difficulty explaining their deliberate or negligent utilization of such. The bad faith will be obvious (obfuscations notwithstanding).

  12. And where is our union?

  13. They don't give a f-k about us. None of their positions are elected ones anymore. They have solidified their control. They have no interest in fighting this b/c that is rocking the boat. They just want to keel a low profile and collect double pensions. Don't believe me? Try visiting 52 Broadway sometime. When they see a real working teacher walk the halls they act like they're seeing a rhinoceros.


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