Thursday, September 03, 2015


Anyone who has known me since the early eighties knows I am a huge fan of the alternative rock band R.E.M.

Even though the group disbanded in 2011, members of R.E.M. and their manager continue to be active promoting causes they feel passionate about.

The ICE UFT blog happily discovered that R.E.M. manager-attorney Bertis Downs and his wife Katherine Downs were recognized at the Communities in Schools awards ceremony for their tireless and dedicated contributions to public education in Athens.  That's Athens, Georgia for those not aware of the famous college town that spawned an unbelievable music scene that included R.E.M., the B52s and many other bands.

Bertis made a short speech and then gave what "he called his own 'bumper sticker catch phrase fix' for what ails our public schools - #LSTNTOTCHRS."

Listening to teachers, what a novel and great idea. I think we should listen to Bertis who I have seen commenting on our behalf on the Diane Ravitch blog.


  1. Send a bumber sticker to Meathead Mike.

  2. I really enjoyed what R.E.M.'s Michael Stipe said to Donald Trump when he used an REM song:

    "Go f*ck yourselves, the lot of you -- you sad, attention-grabbing, power-hungry little men," Stipe said in an email to The Daily Beast. "Do not use our music or my voice for your moronic charade of a campaign."


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