Friday, October 09, 2015


For readers who are DOE employees expecting their first retroactive payment, you can check the payroll portal to see the Oct 15 pay stub that includes it.

It will be very interesting to see how accurate calculations that were made are. Please tell us.

UPDATE: We understand from Perdido Street School and some of our comments that the DOE website is down until tomorrow.

This is from Rage Against the Levine:

By the way, I don't know if you heard teachers made the website crash because the retro check amounts were posted.

Imagine if they voted.

UPDATE TWO: DOE website is working again.

UPDATE THREE: I could not get on the retroactive page tonight. I was trying to compare this payment to 1996 when we received repayment from the city for a loan we gave them and yes we were given interest back then.  The union at that time was still functioning somewhat like a labor union.

I already wrote a comment about the union dues structure for people who, like me, are wondering about the different dues deductions on the money we will get on the 15th. For those who missed the comment, here is the dues structure from the UFT website:

"UFT members shall have a dues rate determined on the basis of 0.85 of one percent of the salary of Step 8B plus L20 in their title in the bargaining unit plus the pass-through, but not less than the minimum dues rate.  Where there is no maximum salary of Step 8B plus L20, in a bargaining unit, dues shall be based on 0.85 of one percent of the individual member's compensation limited to Step 8B plus L20 plus the pass-through, but not less than the minimum dues rate."

As I read this, everyone who worked from November 1, 2009 to the present should have the exact same union dues deduction.


  1. Guess what...The UFT charged over $90 in dues on the next check. Why? Because we waited 6 years for that money? We have been paying dues every check, why double it?
    And I hope you like giving up 60% to deductions.

    1. The lump sum is wages therefore all the normal deductions come out. I am skied about the TDA deduction. I was a late starter but now I give to my TDA.

  2. Whats this $91 in dues?

  3. Maybe all members should have been allowed to pay the $90 dues to the UFT in increments of 12.5% for 2015 and 2017-- and 25% each for 2018, 2019 and 2020.

    1. Yeah that is a great idea keep feeding into the anti union rhetoric that the 1% wants you to believe in so that they can weaken us. Starve your own union cause that will hel . Don't you realize there are actions like that that sometimes can't be undone. Somehow people forget the sacrifices those who came before us made for future members. If you think the union isn't protecting us then you just aren't paying attention. I know I know it's fun to throw stones at leadership, but this type of speak is throwing stones at yourself.

    2. You're a dunce. Go and get my $50 extra in retro that you shouldn't have taken.

  4. Why are we paying such high dues? Anyone know the reason or why that particular number?

  5. Uft dues are not percentage based. Why would they take more for this check. We already paid them every check we ever received. Why are people paying different Uft fees for this check? Sounds like the more you received, the more they took. This should be good. They probably charged a fee for "winning" us this awesome "retro".

    1. Ok so, UFT dues have been fixed for all members for about six or seven years now. The no longer work off of percentages. Seems to me so fat that the numbers of what's taken should be the same and they're not.

  6. Ok, so now we have seen the first payment. Lets say first payment was $4k. That means one was owed $32k. Balance now stands at $28k. By the time the next payment is due, owed amount will be roughly $36k. 1/8 gets paid in 2017, lets call it $4,500. Balance owed is $31,500. Between 2017-2018, more accrues, lets say new owed amount is $33k. We have 3 payments left, 25% each. That's roughly $8k each, adding up to $24k. Balance is roughly 9k. Big problem, there are no more payments. Im out $9k. The UFT didnt realize this? We never get the full due amount.

    1. Exactly its a moving target. The checks should get bigger until all the retro raises are in place.

    2. The last payment is the remaining balance of your retro which will be more than 25 % of you accrued retro. So you are correct about the last payment needing to be larger than 25% and it is. It is the remaining balance.

  7. I get your math but need to hear the UFT explanation. As for the dues, this is very strange as this is the dues rate from the UFT website:

    "UFT members shall have a dues rate determined on the basis of 0.85 of one percent of the salary of Step 8B plus L20 in their title in the bargaining unit plus the pass-through, but not less than the minimum dues rate. Where there is no maximum salary of Step 8B plus L20 for a title in a bargaining unit, dues shall be based on 0.85 of one percent of the individual member’s compensation limited to Step 8B plus L20 plus the pass-through, but not less than the minimum dues rate."

    1. James: not sure how the bylaws are worded, but chalkbeat rolled with them for a few days a.year or so ago. Read the first paragraph about dues.

  8. Payroll portal is down. Maybe they realize there was a mistake.

  9. Not a surprise that the payroll portal is down with so many UFT members probably going on to check their retro. I printed my stub. My UFT deduction is $101.24

  10. As much as the added UFT dues are a ripoff, we really need to get to the bottom of this portion we will never be paid. It's like missing $10K. I know people have emailed the UFT, no response.

    1. The last retro payment will be the remaining balance of the retro you are owed.

  11. the two 4% retro raises should have been completely added to our salaries as of this year, however UFT members who voted "yes" blindly agreed to the gradual 2% increases until 2018. Hey, we signed the contract excepting that! That's what we get! So, arguing that there are two 4% increases that should be part of our pay and that we are owed that from approximately Oct 2015 to 2018 may be correct but is going to be hard to claim since that's what the contract states, and we signed for it. I for one voted no, so I can't be accused of taking part of this lunacy

    On the other hand the back pay seems to be calculated with the two 4% increases, from 2009 to 2015- not in drips and drabs.

  12. Chaz

    What if you were not in the system in '09 and '10 but joined DOE in '11. How is retro calculated?

    1. It is calculated from 2011 until 2018. As if the 4% and 4% were in your pay since 2011

  13. so how accurate was the online retro calculator?

    1. Off by a whopping $75 for me....

      ...and those guys called US the imposters! They let members roll for over 2 years with no clue how much they'd receieve, then smashed and grabbed some extra dues when the money finally came, can't even get the calculations in the retro statemt accurate, and called dissenters the imposter unionists!!! Hilarious!!!
      These guys need a vacation!

  14. Chaz,
    I'm not sure, but it in a fair world, anyone working from 2011 to 2014 should get something, but don't forget, again, the terms of the contract that was signed, saying many times over that only if you worked in 2009 and 2010 and were continuously working till now would you get something. Never was it mentioned that if you came on board after that would you get a piece of the pie. Of course, if you keeled over from a heart attack yesterday, the city keeps all your money.

    Many people are confusing what's fair with math, Understandably, it's easy to get emotional at a time like this.

  15. Does anyone know....
    Is the retro we just received considered part of my annual salary in the case of averaging the last three years for retirement purposes?

    1. Not sure call the UFT pension and set up an initial pension consultation. As members we get one initial pension consult at UFT every year. Take advantage of this service provided to you by the UFT, your union.

  16. I hate the contract, the structure of the retro, the low raises, etc...But it's the contract. However, if we are all getting screwed out of thousands because they couldnt figure out that 100% isnt 100%, we need to make sure this gets corrected.

  17. I found the amount I received pretax to be similar to the calculator found on the Urban Ed blog, what I netted was approximate to the Solidarity calculator (but I don't think that calculator was taking taxes into account.

    My UFT dues were $75.80 for this check....I am guessing the different amounts have something to do with # of years in the UFT, I'm in my 4th year.

    as for the question of not being in the system in 09 and 10, I fall into that category. I joined in march 2012 and the reasoning behind my receiving retro is that they are saying when I was hired I should have been hired at an 8% higher salary.

  18. With so much retro we're supposed to get how did people vote YES to the payout over 5 years??? Now they'll regret it!!

  19. What an absolute utter embarassment that DOE PAYROLL is down until early Sunday. You cannot make this stuff up!

  20. To: Anon 9:50. Bravo for writing what others including me feel about this. I truly believe most teachers were not aware of the amount of money. Also a lot of teachers are not aware of pattern bargaining and that most of the other unions have had these raises since 2009.

    1. Also people forget that retro activity is not a given right in a contract but our union found a way, however imperfect it may be, to get us all of it. Proud to be UFT

    2. Being part of this Union isn't a given right either. In fact, nothing is given. We should have Gone out on strike on 11/2/2009

  21. Yes there was an email that went out earlier in the week that the building that houses the data center had to undergo FDNY repairs, so payroll portal is conveniently down until Sunday!! Can't make this stuff up!!!

  22. Perhaps part of the deal was that since UFT is taking a bigger slice of dues with these retro payments, they wanted to secure some future dues-paying in case many teachers bail if we become a Right to Work state.


    1. We are our union and without it we are doomed don't be short sited. And not very knowledgeable. You are attacking your own union. Not smart. Dues are a percentage read back to James's post of an excerpt from the CBA

  23. payroll portal is down. can someone give a general amount for a teacher with 7 years in 2009?

  24. Can anyone comment on the Right to Work possibility and the implications to the UFT Welfare program? If one were to "opt out" would that mean losing benefits or would it mean those still "in" subsidize the cost of those opting out? There isn't a pass though method for "real" costs such as benefits (exclusive of political, lobbying, and representation currently provided.) We all love paying for the Hilton weekends for the Unity Caucus.

    Regardless, unions must see the writing on the wall...act more nimble and lean. The bloated organization that "represents" us now (arguably with no respect to fiduciary responsibility) is going to have tough times ahead.

    1. Those Hilton weekends are in Ryebrook NY, yes I know a vacation hotspot... not. They are for training Chapter Leaders, arbitration advocates etc regardless of caucus affiliation. Ignorance is bliss. A 200,000 member union is not cheap to operate. Go learn something about our union that isn't posted in strongly biased blogs.

  25. 7 years in 2009, retro would be about $4k, before taxes, tda if you put any, union dues, etc. Figure about half take home.

  26. Anonymous 9:14am:

    I had 13 years in 2009 and my retro came out to $4543.

  27. to the person or persons writing to Chaz-

    Chaz is a friend but we are different bloggers and I can assure you we are not the same person.

  28. To the person asking about right to work- Agency fee payers get all of the benefits of union members except they cannot vote in union elections. The purpose of the agency fee is that non-union members should not get a free ride for benefits they get because they are in a workplace where a union exists that secured those benefits.

  29. Hey folks, Michael Mulgrew here-
    Just calm down everyone and stop trying to figure this out to the penny. Just be happy you have some extra cashola to play with and remember me when it comes time for my re election. As far as the extra union dues, we need to stockpile cash just in case the Supreme Court rules that union dues are not mandatory, and members start running for the exits, then we are really screwed.

  30. Everyone I know voted AGAINST the proposed contract, and everyone they know voted AGAINST the proposed contract. It dosnt take a genius to figure out that the UFT is corrupt and we are being played for morons. This is why I want to see the Supreme Court give us members the power to take back our union. This self-serving, good- for- nothing, dues sucking UFT must be destroyed and a real union resurected in its place.

    1. The supreme court will only allow the ignorant to abandon their union. You fool. You don't get it. You are falling right into the right wing trap. Fools gold. Your only hope should be that the supreme court case upholds the right to agency fee payers. Anyone that says differently is misguided and dangerous. Just compare our rights to those teachers in right to work states. FOOL

  31. Where is the evidence that the vote was played with?

  32. I'm an ATR who's worked mainly in two different schools since the contract was signed. I was at the Roosevelt campus when the voting was done and the CL was an idiot who just repeated the speaking points sent to her by the union, but even worse most senior teachers were ambivalent about the back pay issue. I heard many say "at least we're getting something, I didn't think we were getting anything". Now that they realize how much it is, they're wondering how this contract came to be. BTW at the other school, most senior teachers didn't even know about it, pathetic.

    1. Many of these biased blogs were saying UFT would never get us any retro and now that UFT did the complaints have to be changed pathetic. Just pathetic.

    2. To anonymous 7:06 am-This blog didn't say we would not get retro. Because of pattern bargaining (one city union settles and all others get the same pattern increase), it was pretty much guaranteed. The pattern of 4% + 4% was set by DC37 in 2008. Stretching our payments out to 2020 was unnecessary considering the city's robust financial situation. Are you aware of the 5.9 billion dollar city surplus?

  33. Where does it say the last payment is all remaining retro owed? It clearly states its 25% in 18, 19, 20.

  34. Wow, UFT Unity person is posting big time.

    No where in the contract/MOA does it say we receive more than 25% in the last check. the contract is very clear, we receive 3- payments. Of 25% of what we are owed through June 2018 when the 8% is finally in our checks. Because the first 2 payments are only 12.5% of what we're owed until the earlier dates, we never get the full amount we are owed!

    I didn't hear anyone saying we would not get these first payments, however in 2019 and 2020, we need to pray the city is in good fiscal health. The mayor just gave away 2.5 billion yesterday to the MTA, and the governor made sure it said the city must use that money for the MTA and never anything else! There's our money, that Mulgrew said wasn't there!

    Lastly, "right to work states" have done just fine maintaining most of their union members. However, a union which is unresponsive to their members, who bows to every barb and bribe directed at it, and that doesn't fight for its members will die and should die! You think ATRs will pay? The union sold them out completely! You think people on leaves will pay their dues when they received no "retro" from 2009!

    Go scream to the union about how they handicapped it terribly! Just as this dis ion is passed down, we receive no retro next year, the PBA will be getting a contract that makes our eyes pop out and mouths water, the other unions did far better with no years of 0% and 1% more! and members will be learning their 4th new evaluation method(how they'll be pushed out) in as many years! I also couldn't imagine being on Tier 6 where you pay 5.75% for your whole working life and you must wait until 63 to retire, no matter the years!

    Yea, I, you, and the UFT is in trouble, I'll stop my dues...until I see a union which deserves my money!

    1. No look at the rights the locals have in right to work states. We have a lot to protect. And with the current state of affairs in our country the last thing we need are people witholding dues. Add on the fact that much of a unions energy in right to work states has to be focused on signing members up. There is no way to spin it into something good. And if you can't see that you must not be a unionists and just a malcontent blog reader and poster.

  35. Bravo, Anon 8:48. I agree with you 100%. This weekend the Union could have "won" me over if they had been responsive on their website and addressed any of the issues raised on this blog. I went onto the UFT website and there is no information about the increase in UFT dues deducted from upcoming paycheck. I would hope the union would address the confusion about the retro pay percentages that are being raised on this forum, but I don't have the confidence in the UFT right now to think they will.

  36. any info for a retiree who just left at max salary the whole length of the contract. no way for us to see the $$. how much did someone like me receive?

  37. The site being down was part of scheduled FDNY maintenance.

    The Solidarity calculator also gave me close to what I actually received without the taxes being factored into the calculator.

    The site is back up (sort of), but very slow.

  38. The site being down was part of scheduled FDNY maintenance.

    The Solidarity calculator also gave me close to what I actually received without the taxes being factored into the calculator.

    The site is back up (sort of), but very slow.

  39. Re: Right to Work

    Mulgrew will have a hell of a time convincing members why they should pay dues.

    I think this last contract and the retro payouts is the last straw

    1. Hold on..Why we he do that? Mulgrew was out in place to help destroy the union. What more evidence do you need than the video here


      He'll be fine after he leaves the UFT...It's the rest of us we have to worry about.

    2. There needs to be a full investigation of these union leaders.
      The corruption is so blatant, so's criminal not to investigate

  40. Never mind that Frankie is still teaching because of all of the protections negotiated by and defend by the UFT and NYSUT.

  41. I don't know Frankie but it's the unions lack of balls and standing up for its members in the last decade that created the environment that allowed administrators to have the power to go after teachers who were trying to stop corruption. You are such a tool it's scary we are both in the same profession.

  42. Mine came out to 4310.00 which was closer to the Urban Ed calculator then the solidarity figure which was low balled. Of the 4310.00 I saw 2100.00 in my chec. I pay 11% to my TDA. 2% into NYC 457. The 55/25 -1.85%. Fed tax was the biggest hit. UFT took 91.51???? I was expected to take home maybe 400-500 more. The 4310.00 was very close to estimations deductions like that were unforseen.

  43. Wow, already 56 comments and counting on the possible miscalculated retro pay and unfair retro dues issues. Maybe this blog should start collecting blog dues from each commentator.

  44. Zounds! The UFT took $105.05 from me. As for the retro calculation, my gross amount was about $750 less than the Urban Ed calculation, and about $250 less than my own calculations based on Payroll Portal salary history data.

  45. any info on per session retro? is that also only 12.5% or all of it? nov. 2 payout on that?

  46. Is any one else upset that the only places to find a retro calculator are on non-UFT websites? I am very appreciative of the efforts others made to create the calculators, but it annoys me that I had to search for the info on my own and did not find a calculator on a DOE or UFT website.

  47. i'm upset that retirees have no payroll portal to check. nothing in trs. just have to wait i guess. still want info about per session. that's a nice chunk of change as well.

  48. Can anyone explain 2.80 for PAYMENT PREP?

  49. they are"charging" us to be paid???? that's a bit much.

  50. COPE was deducted from next check even though I canceled it months ago!!!

  51. How can anyone continue to defend this union. You know who you are. Ann 12:37!talks about uft protections. Those protections were won along time ago by people who understood the importance of teachers from politicians. You can't take credit for something won when you were still in diapers. You have some nerve defending the actions of this current leadership. Shame on you. You should wake the f up and see what is truly happening to the hard working and unappreciated rank and file. Thank God we had visionaries who fought for our rights. Now we just give them away. Fools!!!!!!!!

  52. Still not seeing where the last payment is ALL REMAINING RETRO

    1. It says 25%. That has not changed JR

  53. JR, That's because it doesn't say that. However, it does say we were supposed to be paid the first lump on 10/1.

    For those who wanted to and couldn't directly funnel the $ to the TDA... Raise your TDA % for a few months substantially. Use the lump sum to make up for the $ being diverted to the TDA. A little math and you could time the entire process.

    Interestingly, the 457 and 401K was withheld for the lump sum.

  54. To the person canceling their COPE, it's not as easy as sending it. They F people around abou it. You'll need to fax them and threaten them that you'll file a complaint. E-mail Mulgrew and document!

  55. I had "payment prep" as well. A colleague with the same time had $50 more, Why? I don't know!

    Who knows for sure, from what time interval the backpay is calculated? For example, I heard from 11/1/2009 to 5/1/2015. Is that end date correct?

  56. BTW- Union dues are based on salary so the fact that people have different amounts deducted makes perfect sense. retirees all pay the same amount but not active employees.

  57. Ok, well then we arent getting paid all the retro we are entitled to.

  58. Backpay on paid preps???

  59. Should be in there unless it is special per session then it's in Nov.

  60. DOE NUTS- I updated the post and quoted the dues structure. Please read it and correct me if I interpreted it incorrectly. Yes we paid union dues on this money already but if the union wants to grab a cut based on the higher rate then everyone who worked continuously from Nov. 1, 2009 until now should have the same deduction. Am I reading the structure incorrectly?

  61. Anyone else get a Payment Prep entry and or a G-CBP Pre Tx ??
    I dont follow the math on this.

    Where is the retro statement in total?
    That chart they had on the Union Page wasn't basing it on your current salary apparently. It was where you were in 2009-2011.

    But the numbers dont add up. I used the UFT Lump Sum Inquiry Form and Got NOTHING! Just that it will be in the 15th.

    Any official word on the Per Session Retro?

    Why on earth are we being doubled on the Union Dues?

    This is total bullshit. Not only are they late for the Oct 1 payout,we got screwed again with this late payout.

  62. The best strike would be to rally outside UFT headquarters and demand to know what the hell is going on. Demand Meathead Mikes head on a pike. That would make a nice chant.

  63. James great work of informing us what is written. Where do we go from here? There is a delegate assembly meeting this week. However it would not surprise me with hundreds of delegates and chapter leaders no one asks about this.

  64. In addition to the Delegate Assembly this Wednesday, there is an Executive Board meeting on Monday October 19th. It's open to ALL MEMBERS. We have gone to about three of them already since school began. Not only can you listen to what's coming up, but you can speak and ask these questions directly. You can also get some of your dues money back by having dinner from the buffet they have open.

    52 Broadway 2nd fl
    6pm OCT 19th.
    Email to ask to speak.

  65. If my memory serves me correctly, in 1996 when we received the monies we lent the city, we received a document with the entire breakdown of principal repaid, interest owed for each year and total sum. It seems that this is not happening now. But there does not seem to be record keeping on all fronts. As a substitute teacher, I used to receive and end of the school year summary of how many days I subbed and the total for the year. This stopped about four years ago. The only record I now have is pay stubs which seems to be the same situation the regular teachers have. All they have is a paystub and not much else to go by except the very opaque memos from the UFT.

  66. The pre-July 1, 2014 reetirees who were paid already were given access to a retro tab on the doe payroll portal site. they were able to see everything there, check by check. there will likely be a document of some sort explaining everything. does anyone remember the sesis payout from a few years ago? everything was documented.

  67. There is a breakdown of the retro listed by amount earned each pay date listed on the payroll portal. Go to salary adjustment and choose the date.

  68. I checked my paystub for 9/30/14 to see if we paid additional UFT dues when we received our first retro check. We did not pay additional dues 9/14 for the first check, why are we paying more now?

  69. My perspective on some of the comments: Retro not a god given right? Retro or non-monetary compensation in lieu of retro is what COMPETENT negotiators negotiate. We got February break in lieu of money. Why didn't we get time shaved off of our work week this last contract? Now's not the time to attack our union? Now is the perfect time to hold our union's feet to the fire! They sell out---they should pay the price. Teachers are circling the drain while UFT leadership watches---time to grab hold and drag them down with us so that the only way they can save themselves is to also save us. A Friedrich win will give us the tether UFT members need to force UFT/NYSUT Leadership into action. Playing into the right-wing's hands? I'd rather be eaten by the wolf who dresses and acts like a wolf than by the democrat in grandma’s pajamas who will eat me anyway. Time for the democrats to learn they can't take our vote for granted. I will not be voting for Hilary Clinton who is equally owned and operated by corporate America as any republican out there. Roseanne McCosh PS 8x

    1. So you would rather be in a definitely hopeless situation. I believe that there are people that regardless what happens will find a way to throw stones. But I do agree with you when you called the the current leadership COMPETENT negotiators for getting all of the retro.

  70. What I want to know is why, although the percentages for all of my SSA, Medicaid, State Tax, City Tax, and Transit deductions / withholding were in line with a normal check, my federal withholding increased by _more than 8%._ While the dues is a concern, and just adds fuel to the internal union feuds, in comparison to the change in withholding, it's not even close. Per session checks used to be withheld at the maximum, but even that changed last year. And you can't tell me that it was some kind of change to my income bracket, because then the state and city withholding would have changed, right? What's the deal?

  71. They raised dues for 1 check because they know they could get away with it. Look at the facts, its based on salary. Our salary did not go up, we got pay from 6 years ago. There is no basis to make people pay extra but they did. I still await an answer as to the portion we will never see, based upon the 25% per year in 2018, 19, 20. That's about a 10K loss.

    1. The "piggy bank" gets emptied in 2020. I don't see it written anywhere but juding by the way the numbers are working that appears to be how it works. We are owed the full amount and we will get it

  72. SO the 2020 payment will be astronomical, far more than 2019 and 2018. It would be nice if the UFT addressed this.

  73. The union tells us how much our dues were each year for tax purposes. I get the numbers every year from my District rep to distribute to the teachers. A separate dollar amount for Teachers, Guidance, Paras and Secretaries. The same exact total for each category. I'm chapter leader in my building for 5 years. Every year they go up, but the same system. I believe they are even printed in the UFT newspaper. I definitely agree that the difference in Dues needs explanation, as does the fuzzy math. The union has portrayed retro (although officially not retro but bonus) as if it would be calculated off of one big fixed lump sum accrued amount of money. This lump sum would be divided into 12.5 + 12.5 + 25 + 25 +25 = 100% BUT, if the two 12.5's are in fact being calculated on some lesser "accrued thus far" amount, then that formula is not correct. Either our union leadership doesn't understand this simple principle or worse are aware but intentionally misleading it's members and that sounds criminal to me. Even worse would be if the interpretation of the final three 25% payments as mentioned by Jeff were correct. If that is the case then again either our union leadership has proven themselves utterly incompetent or worse they are intentionally misleading members. There is a letter written in reply to David Irons of Vote No on the Uft contract Facebook page
    from the UFT's chief lawyer Adam Ross. I highly suggest everyone go read it. To me it reads as if the union is very aware of the issues being discussed and in fact proactively protected themselves with legalize in the contract that not only protects the NYCDOE, but the UFT from being sued by teachers. It is the only place in all the literature I've seen put out from the UFT that the money is specifically explained as not being retro pay, but bonus pay. It's that distinction according to Mr. Ross that protects the City and union from being sued and why the city can get away with not paying the families of those who have died or who are out on leave. For me this letter is the smoking gun that all those who oppose our leadership should be using.

  74. To JR,
    This is how I understand it, the contract allowed for us to get our payments from 11/1/2009 to 10/1/2015 with the complete 4% & 4% retro. The rest of the contract states that we don't get the 4% & 4% added completely to our checks till 2018. Nowhere do I see it say they intend to owe us that from here on out.

    If this is not the case please explain, because like myself, like everyone else would like to get paid what they deserve and not be in the dark about it. I of course want you to be correct because I, like you believe we deserve our money now.

    JR, please explain

  75. When the 8% is fully included in our salary, its mid 2018. We have 3 payments left, 10/18, 10/19, 10/20. Because the amount of money they owe us is constantly changing and going up, the 12.5 twice and the 25 three times doesnt get us 100% of retro. So at that time, before the last 3 retro checks, we are owed 1 of 2 things, either 3 payments of 33.3%, or 2 payments of 25% and then a final payment of "Whatever is still left." If we dont get 1 of those, we will not get what we are owed.

  76. Jeff and JR,
    I'm not questioning your math right now. I'm asking if the contract says there going to pay us the difference of being (paid 8% from 2015 to 2018), and (getting the gradual adjustment till 2015). Of course we should get the 8% as of now, but the idiots who voted yes lost us that. Want you to be right, but is that what the contract states?

  77. We will be getting the lower % going forward, like right now they are holding 6% and after next May they will be holding 4%. The total retro owed is going up.

  78. Jeff
    I keep asking the same question, "is this what the contract state?" or is this what it ought to be?

  79. If i retire in 2018, do i get retro on Oct 1st in 2019 & 2020? Im asking because i wont be active on those dates

  80. Yes, you get it if you retire, not resign. Yes, we will be getting plus 6% until may 2017, plus 4% from june 16-may 17, and plus 2% from june 17-may 18. My issue is the structure of the retro doesnt add up to 100%.

  81. Jeff, or anyone else, still won't answer the question, Are we getting future-retro from 2015 to 2018 because the 4% & 4% is not fully implemented as of now.

    I don't think Jeff or JR are Math teachers

    signed, Marty McFly

  82. Yes, retro accrues going forward at 6% then 4% then 2%.

  83. Who cares if Jeff isnt a math teacher, his numbers are correct, we are getting screwed.

  84. Thank you bob for your clarification, "future retro" accrues from now till 2018. I think it would be easier to separate "future retro" from "already computed back retro not fully paid yet." Either way we don't get interest. This is definitely another point of contention.

  85. My point is if we signed it away, don't assume we'll get it. even if we should have.

  86. The retro will accrue properly, it wont be paid properly according to 25 25 25.

  87. Wow, that's horrible, where does it say that in the contract?

  88. Thats the math ive figured out, go back to earlier posts. The UFT either didnt realize, or did...

  89. just saw friend's stub on the website. 'payment prep' is not a minus, it is added to amount owed. anyone know what that is for??





  91. Oct 12 @4:49: Mulgrew and Unity deserve every stone thrown their way. Retro in the future all the way to 2020 is not a sign of comepetence in negotation. Getting time shaved off on Monday/Tuesday for the long retro wait is what a comeptent negotiator would have gotten. "First payment" Oct 1 2015 means just that. Yet at a union meeting in our school UFT leadership (dist rep) tried to convince us the pay period begins October 1st....then our delegate rightfully pointed out that "payment" means just that---we get the damn payment on Oct 1st. No one in the room bought the Unity BS. Roseanne McCosh PS 8x

    1. The fact that there are over a hundred comments here and nothing on the election piece tells you why we are so screwed. Everyone just complains and does nothing.

  92. The UFT should have been clear about what each year and step (assuming continued employment) would receive in retro. Why they couldn't give us that is baffling. Yet, their website DID give 3 examples of retro owed. My exact year and step was one of the 3 examples. Their website says I am owed 41,000. 12.5% of that is 5,125. My check tells me I'm going to get about 4,100. So I'm getting 10%, NOT 12.5%.
    The UFT had better come up with a clear and acceptable answer to this.

  93. Unfortunately, its over, and its too bad. We lost and will continue to lose. Classic lose-lose situation.

  94. I'm a secretary and the UFT dues on the 10/15 paycheck increased to 68.38 when I normally pay 42.63. I'm the payroll secretary at my school and I am waiting for Thursday to have plenty of teachers come to me and ask why they are paying more in UFT Dues, that their retro is wrong and I'm not getting any assistance from the UFT.

    The UFT damn well knows that this is going to happen and they're not posting anything on their website to assist teachers, etc. in calculating their retro or why the amount for UFT dues increased and each teacher, etc. is paying a different amount.

    I would also like to know that if I retire in 2017 will the TRS base my pension on the last 3 years of salary with the 4% and 4% retro included or will TRS send me the difference in my pension when teachers get their retro checks in October of 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020?

    Will all the future retirees see their retro or will the UFT find a way to say "Only people that are currently on payroll during the life of the contract will receive the retro."

    Mulgrew knew exactly what he was doing when he agreed to this bologna - wait for the health deductions that we're probably going to have to pay -- once he gets elected again.

  95. My complaint is that it was lumped onto a regular check. I believe that it should have been a separate check to reduce the tax impact. As for having all of the retro for all of those years at one time I would not have wanted that again due to the tax effect and how it would have affected my end of year tax bracket. I went check by check in an excel spreadsheet and the number I came up with was actually slightly less than my actual pre-tax amount so I think the calculations were done correctly.

    As it is each check adds to the total amount of retro owed. As we get additional 2% increases that amount owed per check will decline. After the long wait there was no way I would have sent the union back to the city so we could be on the end of the negotiation line. There's no way I would vote for a strike and give away any gains to Taylor Law Penalties. My husband was with TWU on their last strike and I saw how that went down and would not put myself and my family in that situation.

    Are there some things that I would have liked to be different, of course. I would want not just a raise every year but some retro every year as well. I would have wanted all of the 8% at one time for that nice monthly salary jump. Do I believe the union sold us out, of course not. That's just stupid. I believe they did the best for us that they could given the circumstances they were faced with and the fiscal realities. I love all of the the complainers but real talk, most of them are clueless to the realities and would gladly sink the ship in the name of nonsense.

  96. From MORE caucus UFT
    Nearly 90% of Your Retro Money Is Being Withheld

    UFT members will be receiving only 12.5% of what is owed to us from 2009. We will not receive our full retro until 2020. Our fellow UFT members who are on maternity leave, family leave, or medical leave will be getting zero. This is nothing to celebrate, yet Mulgrew and his unity caucus leadership sent out a happy message with the piggy bank image you see above. We were told in 2014 that it was necessary to delay retro payments to avoid a city financial crisis, a budget shortfall that has since evaporated. We deserve what every other union received, we deserve the full back pay that is owed to us.

    When your own union has to sell you on the deal, you know it’s not good. Our friends in other city unions look at us and shake their heads. Look at our brothers and sisters who are Firefighters, they received 8% raises from 2008-2010 that we did not and will be receiving their full retroactive upon ratifying their contract. They don’t have to wait for 5 installments of money that is rightfully ours. We constantly settle for less than others and then are told by Mulgrew to be thankful for what we have. New York City will have a 6 billion dollar surplus. but we were told they were broke. It was a lie. Our members are educated professionals and deserve to be treated as such. It is time to tell the truth.

    Just to add one more layer of complexity: The numbers 12.5%, 12.5%, 25%, 25%, 25% are also not accurate because in reality they don’t add up to 100%. Consider the fact that we are still accruing arrears from the city and will continue to do so until 2018 because the 8% raises will not be fully phased in until then. That means that the total lump sum owed to us will be higher in 2017 than it is in 2015 (especially considering that teachers will continue to go up steps, accrue longevities, and earn differentials). That means that the 2017 12.5% payment will not be equal to the 12.5% we get in 2015. The final, 2020, payment will not actually be 25% of all the arrears. It will be whatever we are still owed. For most of us that will be somewhat more than 25%.

    Let’s be clear this money is ours, we worked for it, including those who are on leave to raise a child or because of health issues. Mulgrew should not have sent out celebratory letters, instead they should be using the full force of our union to demand that ALL members who are owed money get that money now. If you believe like we do that it is time for new union leadership, one that negotiates on behalf of all members, and ensures that we get treated with the respect we deserve, please join MORE now

  97. Amen my fellow abused teacher. This disrespect has to end now! Shame on you uft!!!!

  98. I am unable to access either the payroll portal or the link in the DOE website for retirees. Offhand, does anyone know what the retro pay will be for someone who was in for 12 years in 2009 with Masters plus 30??

    Also -- has anyone heard anything about when pensions will be adjusted?? The union says to call the DOE, the Doe says to call TRS, Trs says to call the union -- Will it be adjusted incrementally or all at once??

    Thank you.

  99. pensions are all being re-adjusted now to account for the two 4% raises. many have been completed already. all should be done by december. the recalculation of pension and the pension arrears are all posted/paid at the same time. some people got big increases in their monthly pension checks ($300-500/month) as well as a nice pension retro (not to be confused with salary retro) based on the new, higher monthly pension. i just retired and am seeing that patience is needed. all will be good in the end.

    1. Only two years to fix it. How efficient.

  100. btw- DOE has nothing to do with pension recalculations. they sent the info the TRS. it's now up to them

  101. I am unable to access either the payroll portal or the link in the DOE website for retirees. Offhand, does anyone know what the retro pay will be for someone who was in for 12 years in 2009 with Masters plus 30??

    Also -- has anyone heard anything about when pensions will be adjusted?? The union says to call the DOE, the Doe says to call TRS, Trs says to call the union -- Will it be adjusted incrementally or all at once??

    Thank you.

  102. Anonymous at 5:55 -- Thank you -- I assume that the large increases to pension were for those people at top of payscale -- so the two 4% raises will be in by December -- any idea on how they are handling the others?? Thanks.

  103. anonymous 6:11 - what others are you speaking about? it seems the recalculations were/are being done from the earliest retirees after the 2009 increase to the most recent. for those that retired and have not yet had a final pension amount determined, trs has the info to calculate the pension as though the 8 % had been paid. no recalculation will be necessary.

  104. There are other raises besides the two four percent ones that need to be factored in

  105. you will get four percent for your 2009-2010 salary and 8% of your salary each year from 2010 until the present time. so for the last year or two there will be the additional 1% raises. if you are and have been at max the entire time, the doe will owe you about $4,000 for 2009-10, $8,000/year for years 10-11, 11-12, 12-13 and a little more for 13-14 and 14-15.

  106. I have a question regarding pensions and if anyone has any information about it. Someone commented that the two 4% raises are being calculated at this time and will be done by December. Is that for the people that retired by 6/30/14 or will that be for everyone that retired after 7/1/14 and later. If a person retires a year from now will their pension be calculated as if their salary was already 8% higher, etc.?

  107. It is sad that our retirees, (and all of us really) have to ask questions and are totally in the dark about things so important. UFT have been guilty of alot on this contract. Now that its here this poor communication (I'm sorry NO COMMUNICATION) is just absolutely. Every member should be given the total breakdown of what is coming and when...PERIOD END OF STORY!!!

  108. to anon 8:14--people who retired before the doe gave trs the updated figures with the two 4% raises will be recalculated by december. newer retirees,those who retired AFTER the doe provided the higher salaries and have not yet received a finalized pension amount, will get accurately calculated pensions and no recalculation will be needed. this is true for anyone retiring in the future. hope that is clear.

    1. Thanks for the info. Its amazing that the UFT doesnt even try to communicate this in a clear and consise manner. I mean they dont even bother trying. Why? They never missed taking ny dues for nearly 3 decades. But now cant let me know something like my pension adjustments. Why?

  109. It seems like a robust discussion and displeasure of the retro. I can understand your anger and your frustration. Many will continue to have this reaction as May 2016 rolls around and no retro payment for that year until Oct 2017 and mind you with no interest on it. So I feel that the members must decide on the next step which is looking towards a new leader in our union. May 2016 is the next union election. When you least expect it, the day will be upon us and those members that don't vote in union elections or don't read or are not interested in hearing about the union leadership's lack of apathy for the rank and file or those young teachers (not only in age but in teaching) are strategically duped to think that the leadership has a permanent stake on these so-called "victories" will wonder how did Mulgrew get elected again. So we need to share with others that it is possible to have a better leadership that our union is not for sell and its members are not worth fighting for. I'm strong believer in the MORE/NA caucus that will bring a strong, necessary voice to the leadership and will take a stronger stance on no longer giving into these "reforms" and damning compromises. So focus your energy in getting changes at the leadership level. Otherwise, tolerate another 3 years of the master selling the members out for his own self-promoting goals.

    In the meantime, if you need to stop your COPE deduction, here are the steps as per Chaz's blogsite.
    How to cancel your COPE contributions from your paychecks:

    Please send a fax requesting to cancel your COPE contribution. The information they need from you is displayed below.

    They will send a cancellation card to your address on file along with a pre-paid return envelope so that you can fill out the card and send it back right away. As part of procedure, they must also receive the following fax from you:

    RE: COPE Cancellation
    TO: Danny Corum, COPE Coordinator

    My name is ___________, File # _______________. I would like to cancel my COPE contribution as soon as possible.


    Please do not forget to sign and print your name on the fax. The fax should be sent to (212)510-6435. Your contribution will be cancelled when they receive the fax and the cancellation card back from you. Please do not hesitate to contact them at (212)598-6826 or at should you have further questions.

    Danny Corum
    COPE Coordinator
    United Federation of Teachers
    Legislation & Political Action
    52 Broadway, 15th Floor
    New York, NY 10004
    phone: (212)598-6826
    fax: (212)510-6435

    1. That's a great idea. While education is strongly being affected by the state and national politics. We should make ourselves as a union weaker in the political world. That makes sense. Are we trying to get completely mowed over by the 1%. I know someone who also says no all the time, he is my 4 year old nephew.

  110. Just to piggyback on Anom. 9.24 and the reply. I too am a recent retiree who is somewhat in the dark about what my pension should be. I called the union just now. The woman was overwhelmed with calls about the recent situation ,she said. She tried to help but couldnt. She referred me to TRS. I PAID DUES FOR 27 years. WOW they got me good.

  111. USE THE LUMP SUM INQUIRY form!!! I got a call back from the union DR people... Totally convoluted answer on my paycheck breakdown.... Apparently our union dues are percentage based.... Despite the chalkbeat article.. And they wanted to know how I knew about that form. I will post what they told me in a little while because it's a lot to type and I'm on my way home and I'm on a mobile. BTW. I got a secondary call from a 212 number asking me if my all back about the lump sum was "handled" and was acceptable ... Since when do we do Quality control ?

  112. got my retro this morning. a bit less than expected but no real complaint. actually had a DOE email telling me i could view my pay stub. was not expecting that at all. thought i'd have to wait for trs quarterly pay statement. still, i filed an inquiry form. just don't get why i got a few hundred less than colleagues at exactly the same pay scale for exactly the same amount of time.


  114. This comment has been removed by the author.

  115. We all received an email today from the union about the Inquiry Form. It was officially posted now. How many weeks late?

  116. A different response from the Bronx office... This is what they sent me.


    Additional dues were taken out because your gross pay increased.

  117. If the dues were taken according to the UFT policy, we all should have had the same amount taken if we worked continuously through every pay period since 2009. The whole thing leaves many questions unanswered.

  118. Hey Unity Troll -

    let's try some Common Core math...

    How many Unity borough office hacks will lose their jobs after Friedrich decision when members "opt out" of dues?
    Please explain.

    a) None
    b) Some
    c) Most
    d) All

    Please use pictures, numbers and words to explain your thinking. Be sure to label your picture.


    Identify the Common Core standard.


  119. Maybe Raving Lunatic can comment.

  120. The union is making many mistakes hiding their bullshit. BTW one of the UNITY trolls started asking about this blog. FYI


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