Thursday, November 05, 2015


UFT members are again receiving bonus payments from the last round of collective bargaining covering 2009-2011. This time it is for per session (overtime) work done since November 2009 where we were paid at a lower rate.

This money that other city workers were paid back in those years we are getting in bits and pieces between now and 2020.  The per session arrears was issued on November 2, 2015. That date is over a month after the contractual pay date of October 1, 2015 but the UFT doesn't hold the Department of Education/city to much these days.  Payments should go back to November 2009 for any per session a UFT member may have done since that time.

Since I did very little per session over the last six years, I wasn't expecting much and was not disappointed.  I checked the pay stub on Monday online and it looked accurate.

Yesterday, the checks came in the mail for my wife and me (We do so little per session so we never bothered with per session direct deposit). The pay stub looked much more accurate and straightforward compared to the regular stub from October 15 where the numbers were all over the place and I still can't quite figure it out.

Have people had similar experiences with their per session arrears?


  1. I, too, received $0.68. I did not know what the 68 cents in payment represented.
    Thanks to your blog I now understand.

  2. I didn't receive either the regular retro nor the per session (I worked p/s every day between 2009-2012). An official inquiry was lodged Oct. 21st with 52 Bway- Still no answer. I think I'll wait 1-2 more weeks before I see my lawyer.

  3. My pay stub lists payments going back only to 2012. I don't know if this is correct?

  4. It should go back further if you did per session.

  5. I got 14 bucks. Planning to put a down payment on a cheap meal.

  6. is this a one time retro check for pers session or will we get if following each lump sum payment?

  7. Same. It was all over the place, they bundled it with the per session I did this year so far.

    No idea how these numbers were compiled.

  8. I have worked very much per-session since 2009 (I am currently the program chair of my school and was the program chair at my previous school) and I also saw my pay stub show "2014..." as the last entry but not making it clear that the back-payments actually went specifically back all the way to 2009. How can I actually tell?

  9. I also did not recieve a retro check and I have been employed as full time teacher since 2005 with DOE until changing to F status this September for the first time, but I too will seek legal action if that is the only route to take as this is owed to me for the 10 years of service I've provided full time. Any tidbits of advice?

  10. I opted to take mine in a lump sum payment of $2.68 as opposed to spreading out the payments over the next 6 years.
    I'm going to by a happy meal over the weekend and follow Meathead Mikes advice and just be happy.

  11. Sara there is no such thing as "changing to F-Status". In order to receive an F-Status position you would have either to be on a child care leave (the only leave you can work under) or you would have had to resign and be hired.

    If you are on Child Care Leave then you will get paid just like others on leave when you return. If you resigned that is a different story.

    Every case is different. You should fill out a lump sum inquiry form and have a Borough based salary representative look at your individual situation. When you read blogs you sometimes get wrong information. I would contact your borough office.

    1. "When you read blogs you sometimes get wrong information."

      If our interpretation of this provision is inaccurate, please correct us. We have no problem updating posts if the record needs to be set straight. However, you must tell us where we are wrong.

  12. Thank you Anonymous for the tip. I will do that. And yes, I did go on Child Care leave in September to make the F status switch and who knows if I will ever return to full service. Too expensive to raise kids in this city

  13. I started working for the DOE in March 2012 and my first per-session check came on 4/25/12.
    My retro per-session check dates range from 5/31/14 to 9/30/15. I notice that the first date is when our contract took effect.

    On 10/3/14 we were issued a retro per session check and the dates on this check are from 5/15/13 - 5/31/14.

    Can you explain why nothing came for me from 2012?


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