Sunday, January 24, 2016


As I sit here and try to stall for time before heading out to shovel snow, I read this brilliant Tweet from New York State Allies for Public Education.  NYSUT and the UFT's deceptive television ads are contradicted by this statement which explains the New York State education situation in a clear and concise way.

UPDATE: Just read Reality Based Educator's back and forth with someone from NYSUT on testing. This is required reading.


  1. Sorry that this is off topic but isn't it interesting how New York City officials claim to care about the children yet they send school kids out on schoolbuses through snow covered streets and to walk along ushoveled sidewalk? Hypocrites.

  2. Thank you so much for posting that flier from NYSAPE. It needs to be widely circulated, not only because it is thorough, clear, and CORRECT, but also because we need to educate the public AND members of the teacher unions that organizations like NYSAPE are where everyone should get legitimate, useful, accurate, and honest information. The internal problems at the UFT, AFT, and NYSUT are huge and complex and will eventually lead to their downfall or will lead to the current leadership being voted out. Neither of these will happen soon enough so for now, advice to those wanting information is to just delete all the misinformation from the "teacher" unions and as more of us do that, NYSUT, UFT and AFT will become even more irrelevant than they already are. Agree or not with decisions of the former NYSUT leadership, they were honest, hard working and regularly communicated with the membership. There was transparency, thought and representation growing under the Iannuzzi team and it was their decision to confront the incompetence, dishonesty and pay to play practice of the Putin/Mulgrew/Pallotta dictatorship that forced them out. On that note, it is so important that NYSUT local presidents protect themselves and start being honest and frank with their trusting memberships .... there is no system in place to ensure that VOTE-COPE contributions are not going to our enemies; in fact there is substantial evidence going back to the infamous Pallotta/Magee stealing of VOTE/COPE money for a 10,000 dollar table at a Cuomo fundraising dinner. Where there is smoke, there is fire, and only a really naïve person would think that that Cuomo dinner move was an aberration. You just have to look at the millions of dollars just spent on UFT/NYSUT pro-Cuomo ads that were paid for without any vote from the Board of Directors. This latest example as well as other evidence proves that the 10K given to Cuomo in 2013 is just the tip of the iceberg in the cynical misuse of VOTE COPE money. The fact is that there is no transparency in how that money is spent and if down the line, it is exposed how corrupt this money flow really is and how we have allowed Michael Mulgrew to control millions of these dollars through his puppet, Andy Palotta, then all local presidents should be held accountable to their memberships for not having provided thoughtful leadership and representation. The same "opt out" from shelling out money to COPE should be widely practiced in New York City until there is a guarantee that those honest union leaders who see things differently are fully represented on any committee that decides on the disbursement of COPE money and that those decisions are fully transparent. So, again, thank you for all you expose and all that your write. I encourage you to do some deep research into the VOTE-COPE scandal about to unfold .... I believe that you will discover some horrible truths about the corrupt practices that surround this huge sum of money. I think this will give you more material to write about than you ever dreamed of. Keep it up James! You are being heard my many more than you know. Peace.


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