Sunday, May 01, 2016


For those like most of the world who are way too busy to follow all of the specific details of the Buffalo Billion federal investigation that is now at Governor Andrew Cuomo's doorstep, there is a simple timeline from the Buffalo News. Here are some highlights:

January 2014: State selects LPCmiminelli of Buffalo as construction contractor to build state-owned plant at RiverBend.

September 2015: It becomes public that U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara issued subpoenas sometime in June to scrutinize state's lack of competitive bidding for construction at RiverBend, and whether campaign donations or political considerations figured into awarding of contracts.

April 2016: Bharara subpoenas Cuomo's office. Alphonso David, counsel to the governor, acknowledges "questions of improper lobbying and undisclosed conflicts of interest by some individuals" that may involve cases in which the state was "defrauded."

For a television report go here.

For in depth coverage on New York's corrupt politics from a fellow teacher blogger, see Perdido Street School which is back up and running. RBE today leads us to the Susan Lerner piece in the Daily News which shows how basically everyone is involved in getting around the state's weak campaign finance laws.

1 comment:

  1. I've been holding my breath too long.
    Wake me up when Cuomo does the perp walk for the feds.


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