Thursday, May 19, 2016


Here is a link to Arthur Goldstein's May Delegate Assembly report.

Some interesting tidbits:

Mayoral Control from President Mulgrew's Report
NY Assembly passed a 3-year mayoral control bill, no changes. Waiting on Senate, UFT does not support current version of mayoral control. Refers to NY Post editorial saying mayoral control ought not to mean total control, and says it contradicts what they said when Bloomberg was in power: Says NY Post are hypocrites, say what they say at any given moment. Says someone can tweet that out.

Since when did the UFT oppose mayoral control? It's news to me that we don't support the 2009 law.

Will the UFT have the guts to ask the Assembly in June to let the current law expire and go back to the pre-2002 school governance system? 

From the question period:

CL-Observations-deadline is coming up, but not everyone has been observed enough. How will it impact members?

Part of the Mulgrew answer:
SED will take a rating as long as there are two observations. But if admin doesn't do job, no harm should come to our members.

This is good to know.

Congratulations to Arthur for working to get the ESL resolution through.


  1. I would like to see that in writing. It is a catch 22. Those who have had effective observations are good to go. However, if you are one observation short due to your principal not doing enough observations and you are only developing up to that point you are screwed. Thoughts?

  2. I'm told some teachers in Long Island are getting only 2 observations. Why are city teachers forced to choose between 4 or 6 observations?

  3. "New" NYS education law says that only two observations are required. I am really, really, really, wondering if NYC principals can get away with doing less than the 4-6 contractually required observations this year, According to ADVANCE all observations must be done by Friday, June 3rd. How many observations have you all had? Roll call please!!!

  4. UFT and guts. You must be joking.

  5. Setting up number three for next week.

  6. Still waiting for #4

  7. Just had number 3. I'm expecting #4 next week.

  8. ANNO 1:25-How are you "setting up" your third observation.

  9. I like to have the one formal to plan it with AP.

  10. Pre observation conference

  11. three written up so far
    3 visits from principal and visitors
    still waiting for formal full period
    I think as a union we should all request a formal and make these people do pre obs and post obs and sit in a classroom for 45 mins...
    for some APs this would mean hours more of extra work
    also it gives teachers some control over when they will be observed
    as the date must be scheduled in collaboration with the teacher


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