Saturday, June 04, 2016


I received the agenda for Monday's UFT Executive Board meeting and in it there is a resolution calling for the Department of Education to stop monthly rotation for Absent Counselor Reserves and Absent Social Worker Reserves but not Absent Teacher Reserves. This resolution was approved by the Administrative Committee (12 officers).

In the Whereas clauses the Union states that monthly rotation to different schools is not appropriate for counselors and social workers because of the nature of their work. The implication here is that monthly rotation is educationally sound for teachers because we are not included in this resolution. Are they kidding?

I know some of you like the rotation when compared with forced placement in a full time job (I favor preferred placement) but to not even ask teachers how they feel about this is the kind of top-down "we know what's best for you" management style that characterizes UFT leadership.

The line on the resolution that most irked me is the one where the union leaders say they "value the dignity of all of our members." Judging from the communication I have with so many UFT members, this statement is just not at all accurate. UFT leadership is satisfied to leave so many of us hung out to dry according to what I hear.

The ATR agreement that allows weaker due process for ATR's sunsets this month and must be renegotiated. Has a new deal been reached? I have heard nothing.

At least the high school teachers know better as a majority of those who participated in the recent UFT election voted for MORE-NEW ACTION. I hope the New Action people on Monday evening will question this resolution and vote against it or amend it to include teachers.

The entire resolution on counselors and social workers is below.

WHEREAS, there are UFT Guidance Counselors and Social Workers in the ATR pool; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Education rotates those Guidance Counselors and Social Workers each month; and
WHEREAS, schools have counseling and social work needs, but these require professionals who are assigned for a longer period of time; and
WHEREAS, the United Federation of Teachers values the dignity of all our members; therefore
WHEREAS, the United Federation of Teachers have consistently argued to the Department of Education that the current rotation system is not appropriate for Guidance Counselors and Social Workers due to the nature of their work  and have advocated for assignments to schools for longer periods of time such that they can be a tremendous benefit to the schools and students of New York City; be it
RESOLVED that the United Federation of Teachers will work with the Department of Education to change the rotation system so that Guidance Counselors and Social Workers in the ATR pool will be assigned to schools for a sufficient period so that they can continue to serve the children of NYC.


  1. Did you think anything will change with the disconnected leadership in charge?

    By the way who are the 12 members of the administrative committee?

  2. Resolutions don't mean squat in reality. The DOE has to agree to any changes for ATR's.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Just a humble opinion but one idea to help MORE grow could be to actively challenge our union by using petitions. Mulgrew and Unity do something dumb like this resolution create a petition explaining exactly what this blog post just did and circulate it for member signatures. There is enough grass roots support to make this work. Let MORE begin to educate the rank and file about all the dumb things Unity does and for that manner doesn't do. As members begin to see the reoccurring bigger picture of Unity caucuses ineptitude support for change will grow. I think this issue would be a good start, but better yet would be a petition explaining the whole High school seats and how Unity appoints the High School leadership. Help the people to understand how BS the UFT is. Nothing will change if the members don't even know how BS everything is within the UFT. I could get MORE 60 signatures in a heartbeat protesting that the High Schools should vote for their representation.

  5. Great idea Unity Must Go. Hope you become actively involved with the opposition. We need a hundred or more people like you and this would be a totally different union.

  6. So what happens with ATR teachers? More garbage next year or some type of change? I hope MORE will do something, especially after listening to Norm blowing his horn all year about how much they do for us.

  7. Norm, nothing. Just like to see some of the action he's always claiming that MORE does for ATRs.

  8. I'm sure the ATR Social Workers and Guidance Counselors will be ecstatic to know that MORE/New Action will be voting against the resolution that they want so desperately. FYI, all functionals are unique which is why their contracts are tailored to them specifically. If you are so concerned about global equity in the contracts why don't you propose having their work hours reduced to that of teachers, advocate for prep periods for them and reduce the calander days they work(they currently work 2 extra days per year).

  9. They get paid more for those 2 days...

  10. They also work at a minimum 30 minutes longer per day (6 hours and 50 minutes exclusive of lunch) than teachers and if extrapolated equals roughly 20 extra days, plus the extra 2 days. The discrepency was even worse before the 2005 contract. So they work over a month longer and get paid a little over 3K more at top salary. This doesn't include zero prep periods, which is why they were some of the biggest beneficiaries of the SESIS money. If you figure it out they get paid less per hour than a teacher. It's just not two days.

  11. Talk about being out of touch. Do you really think most ATRs want an end to rotation? Perhaps being on Exec board will open your eyes a bit.

  12. I want to continue rotating. Beats being stuck in a place I dont want to be...

  13. Read the posting. I want ATRs to be consulted on whether they favor rotating or some kind of preferred placement like we used to have when schools were closed before 2005.

  14. Those that want to rotate are force placed. Those who want to be placed are left to rotate. Just tell your ATR supervisor the opposite of what you want. It's all to get ATRs to quit. The UFT doesn't give a rat's ass.

  15. Anon whatever: You might want to read what I write. I have said MORE people try to assist ATRs in their schools. And counsel ATRS behind the scenes. I don't have to tell you who I talk to or what ATRs we help. Or that I spend hours on the phone with people. MORE as an organization can do very little for ATRs as a whole.
    We can bring up resolutions like we did in the past. And try to pressure the UFT leadership.
    But as long as ATRs don't organize - and why aren't 1000 ATRs standing outside 52 Broadway screaming their heads off if things are so bad?
    You know what I'd like to see? Why don't you go out an organize ATRS into a force. Always waiting for someone else to do something for you will get you nowhere.
    If you don't like that never vote for us. You will find out that no matter what happens over the long run MORE will be the only group that has any capability through its outreach of fighting for ATRs where it counts - in the schools -- and by connecting people in trouble with some sources within the UFT.

  16. I've never been helped by MORE nor has any ATR I know. The opportunity is there now to do something publicly. You won't have to keep blowing your trumpet to try to get people to believe you.

  17. There is a difference working one on one then in a classroom of 32 students. I would gladly work an extra 30 minutes, give up my prep and make a little extra money than handle 150 students daily that greatly increases the stress level.

    Compared to the classroom teachers the functionals have on the job retirement.

  18. We have enough concerns and don't need to divide ourselves based on who has a tougher job. I know the counselors at Middle College and previously at Jamaica work as hard as anyone. I was college advisor which is mostly counseling and the stresses were just different compared to the classroom.

    I don't feel any more or less stressed now that I am teaching a full load again.

  19. James, what "preferred placement" are u referring to? In the past, excessed teachers were just assigned, period. They may have had some say in it, as a courtesy, but you went where they sent you. So, your proposal is great, but would take us beyond the place we were pre-2005.

  20. For excessed teachers whose departments or schools were downsized you are correct 6:07 but if your school was closed, you got a wish list pre 2005 contract of six schools and you were given one of them. That is what preferred placement was. They even created openings in certain cases. We got a few teachers from closing schools at Jamaica that way.People didn't mind as much when schools were closed because they usually ended up in a decent school. ATRs deserve a wish list after what they have been through the decade.

  21. That sounds fair! The UFT should do something fair and equitable for a change.

  22. What help do you want and if you want help have you ever asked or are people supposed to find you on their own?
    The problem is that different ATRs have different priorities. Some would like out of the atr pool. Others not. Some want end of rotation. Others dont. The key assistance needed is when an out of control supervisor. That is the bulk of the time spent - figuring out how to respond.
    On the bigger issue - more can move a call to end atrs as a contract demand. Then i bet more will come under attack from some atrs. We should also call for ending fair school funding to control discrimination of senior teachers.
    more can use the exec bd to push issues like these.


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