Thursday, June 16, 2016


In the year when Donald Trump is rewriting election rules, the Unity Caucus, fresh from their disappointing election results where non Unity endorsed candidates won a majority in the high schools (one of four divisions) for the first time since 2004, is changing post election protocols. The rules of politics say that candidates can attack the opponent during a campaign but that after it is over it is the responsibility of the winner to try to unite the people. In a true moment that Trump would be proud of, Unity came to the post UFT election Delegate Assembly with a strange leaflet attacking MORE/New Action.

Talk about sore winners.

This blog said right after the vote count that elections are about expectations and Unity expected to sweep all four divisions (elementary, middle school, high school, non teaching [functional]). I guess they are in panic mode now that the opposition for the first time since 2001 got well over 10,000 votes while winning one of the four divisions outright. The Unity reaction, which should have been to congratulate us at the DA for running a solid campaign and winning the high schools, is to attack MORE.

What is even more outlandish is the issue Unity is choosing to attack the opposition on is the opt out from testing movement that MORE and New Action endorse. Unity in their leaflet makes the case that by encouraging students to opt out of state exams, we are costing certain schools grant money. In response all I can say is the main reason we have any leverage at all with the state is because of the 225,000 who opted out of taking the state exams last year. That scared the daylights out of the politicians much more than Michael Mulgrew going up to Albany to lobby.

Unity in their leaflet shows yet again where they stand and that is right with the people who want to have test and punish education. The high school teachers have awakened and voted for the opposition. We know what's going on. Now we are working so that everyone else will follow.


  1. That moment when Michael Mulgrew and the rest of #UNITY dissolve in a puddle of bile attacking NYC's most dedicated student, educator, and parent activists for resisting high stakes testing, and double down on the attempt to silence and intimidate the opt out movement. Your true constituents in the ed. deformer community salute you! #OPTOUTNYC #REFUSETHETEST

  2. Mike Lillis- President of Lakeland Teachers Union and chair of the statewide NYSUT Stronger Together caucus 
    "What's actually funny is, the UFT UNITY delegates voted unanimously at last year's RA (NYSUT convention)to support opt out. Leroy made a big production of going to the microphone with (former leader of ST caucus) Beth Dimino. Wait, I'm sorry, it's not funny, it's sad.

    This is a picture of Beth Dimino and Leroy Barr both speaking in favor of a resolution requiring NYSUT support opting out.

    This kind of doublespeak fools no one any longer. It's like they don't understand the Internet exists and they cannot control the information people have access to."

  3. With all our problems, salary, contract, student discipline, opt out is the least of our problems.

  4. It is according to Unity.

  5. I would first try to find our who wrote it. I would then create a flyer for distribution refuting its claims. What about the ATR provision that expires this month? Shouldn't there be some input from anyone other than Mulgrew, who is Unity?

  6. Unity Caucus is responsible for the leaflet. You are right about ATR provision.

  7. My atr yearly review is dated from Sept 2014 until June 2015. What a bunch of ineffective tools!

  8. Took me 3 hours to see my rating sheet, and no, it wasnt my fault. It wasnt reading my correct username and login. Had to email several times, call for an hour, changed passwords twice, then finally got in. Business as usual.

  9. But Mulgrew says we are a beacon for urban education.

  10. Meanwhile, students are doing "makeup work" all day, every day. Of course you know they cant fail, so they no show all year, curse teachers etc, so they sit for a few day after classes end and graduate. DOE at its best. College Ready. Job ready. First time ever grad rates above 70%. Congratulations.

  11. Sounds legit like every other school. Biggest scam going. Students who cant read and write graduating and pumping up phony stats.

  12. 3:48,
    Mulgrew said we are bacon for urban education.


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