Wednesday, August 17, 2016


Donald Trump wants school choice, merit pay for teachers, and ending tenure policies that hurt good teachers and reward bad teachers. Oh and he is pushing those charter schools. He says students and parents first. It sounds like Joel Klein.

Let's just repeat bad policy that has not worked and will not succeed.

Any public school teacher who votes for Trump needs more help than this blog could possibly give them. I'm no big Hillary Clinton fan either on education and other issues including foreign policy but at least we have a prayer with Hillary.

See Trump's education remarks for yourself.


  1. I believe that merit pay and tenure policies are state/local level items. Maybe I am wrong but that is how it seems. I do not see how the federal government could impact these topics. School choice on the other hand could be impacted. I would like to hear from someone who has indepth knowledge on how all three of these topics could possibly be impacted by the federal government.

  2. I really don’t expect anything different from Secretary Clinton. Updates and useful link: UK Dissertation Avenue

  3. With a republican congress and Trump, they could write regulations or pass laws that say anything. Forget the Supreme Court too.

  4. Simple bill: No state shall receive federal education funding that does not have tenure policies based on one year renewable contracts based on principal's judgement. How is that?

    Write in new regulations the way John King is already doing to deny funding based on current law. It is easy for the federal government to mess with anything.

  5. Look no further than how Obama made No Child Left Behind into Race to the Top without passing a bill. It is easy for the federal government to manipulate policy in any area. If you are counting on the tenth amendment to save you from Trump, think again.

  6. "I believe that merit pay and tenure policies are state/local level items. Maybe I am wrong but that is how it seems. I do not see how the federal government could impact these topics."
    Have you been alive for the past 16 years and seen how the entire local structure of education has been affected by federal and private Gates type money? And have you seen how every state has also been affected by the hedge fund money? How come our mayor has to pay Eva Moskowitz rent? It seem even having faith in state over federal is as bad a dead end. After all you have NYSUT and the UFT to fight for you.

  7. We already have all of that in Newark. So what else is new? I would not pin my hopes on Hillary. Do a close read of her donor list.

    Abigail Shure

  8. Tenure is just about gone thanks to our mighty UFT. Our "Raises" amount to nothing more than cost of living increases. Class sizes are enormous, with the mighty UFT powerless to do anything about it, and discipline in schools just keeps getting worse.
    The list just goes on....And this is something we want to preserve??

  9. And lets not forget how senior teachers are now considered by the administration as well as junior staff to be a "Financial burden"

  10. You are all correct. I am not counting on Hillary to do much. The answer has to be for us to pull together for labor militancy. We are not ready to threaten a strike but union power comes from an engaged rank and file.

  11. Race to the Top had nothing to do with tenure or merit pay. (It had to do with providing money to states that adopted more evaluations/testing, etc to get federal money) I have been teaching for 22 years. Tenure and merit pay were not impacted by Race to the Top. Presidents do not make laws but can push for policy change. Could the federal government withhold money if states do not agree to changes to tenure or merit pay? Possibly, but that has never happened before in any state as far as I know. Trump is hated by many, however, I do not see him really getting involved in education too much. The sound bite in this blog was 4 seconds long. He has not repeated this statement over and over and is not trying to ram it down everybody's throat. Hillary is already in the pockets of the ed-deform movement and that is a fact.

  12. Merit pay is a component of Race to the Top reforms.

    Abigail Shure

  13. I don't trust either candidate. But, Trump seems like he is just paying some quick lip service to changing education in the country. Hillary does not need to say much because we already know how much damage she and her ed-deform cronies have done to our profession. (Hello Obama) I think there are a lot of silent teachers out there who are gonna vote Trump just as a referendum against the obvious/proven ed-deform policies of Hillary. Maybe I am wrong, but that is how I see it.

    1. 6:55

      You may be right. Two of my teacher friends are voting for Trump. One is an R and the other is an I.

  14. He right, as has been stated many times, education an schools are a disaster. Look at student behavior. I am voting Trump. How much worse can it get? Look at whats going on now. DeBlasio, Democrat, gave us the worst contract in history. Obama, Democrat, has been in for 8 years, look how bad everything is.

  15. Our society is turning into a cesspool. Maybe Trump could help restore some law and order here. Hillary refuses to even talk to the heads of fraternal order of police unions. She does not care for law enforcement. Maybe if our society can become safe and orderly then our schools will become better. At least Trump has made an effort to reach out to the law enforcement community and that means a whole lot to me as both a teacher and a civil servant.

  16. You are all dead wrong. If Trump gets elected and replaces Scalia with a crazy arch conservative; and then replaces Ginsburg with a conservative when she retires; the Union movement will be DOA. For us as union members the SCOTUS appointments are the key to our future. We are at a crossroad. One currently vacant seat and three more possible vacant seats in the next presidential term. If Trump gets elected; our concerns will be urgent and existential; not local and parochial.

    1. So let's forget how bad it is now, and it is disgusting, because Trump might make it worse. Nah I'm not playing that game. It already is worse.

    2. I get told to suck students dicks everyday. Student are on phones all day, can't read, can't write, no pen, no notebook...we can't suspend, college ready rates in most Brooklyn schools are below 10 percent...But Trump will make it worse?

  17. I get the same thing everyday anon 12:10. But that Ed Notes guy tried to blame me and even James came to his defense. Get it through your heads.... It's Not The Teachers Fault We Are Disrespected!!! Please say it over and over my Ed notes friend. We are not bigots we are not evil we are just trying to get through the day and not be written up by evil admins. Please repeat it over and over again my ed notes and nyc educator friends.

  18. I'm shocked to see how ignorant many of the posters here are. Vote for Trump? Things are bad and disgusting? LOL go get a private sector job or go work for a charter school, then you'll see how much better you have it. Try working and physically being at your offices/schools everyday until 7:00PM. See how quick you're fired for being late 5 times. See if you have any form of due process when you are let go for no reason whatsoever. Pension? Forget about it. Healthcare? Try kicking in 10% - 20% of your gross BEFORE co-payments. Maybe you won't have a kid telling you to suck his dick, but you will have a boss fire you the day before Thanksgiving because they found a new college grad to do your job for 1/2 the salary. 11 weeks vacation? Paid sick days? Full pay if you get injured on the job?
    If Trump gets in and appoints justices to the Supreme Court who destroy public sector unions, you will lose everything. How much pressure will you be able to put on lawmakers to make sure that we still have pensions, or very reasonable healthcare, or continue working 180 days a year or to make sure you have prep periods and duty free lunch periods? I can go on and on but if any of you think that having Trump as president would be a good thing, then you are as dumb as people think you are.

  19. 12:46 pm is right. Public school teachers voting for Trump are voting to cut off their nose to spite their face.

  20. We have to put up with the naive fools who vote for Unity and the people who should know better and think that voting for Trump will mean kids won't curse them out any longer. No wonder we are in so much trouble as teachers and are such easy targets for the right and the left. Most of us do not seem that intelligent.

  21. Sorry to be so blunt again but the closest comparison I can think of on public school teachers voting for Trump is the Jewish voters who voted for the Nazis in 1932. Vote for the guy who is promising to crush you. I would rather have someone tell me to suck his you know what and still have a job then have our profession privatized. Do you know what school choice even means?

  22. Do we hear what we are saying? This job is so, so, so bad and it might get worse. We need to think about why it's so bad now. It's pretty pathetic this is what the,teaching job is. I'm embarrassed and disgusted this is how I spend my life. And again, this is with a dem president and mayor. So my choice is get fired or have 19 year olds with 5 credits tell me to suck all their dicks. Great job...glad I got a masters degree.

  23. I hear you Jeff and feel the same way. I'm embarrassed to be a teacher these days. Taught for 18 yrs until my school was closed and now rotate as an Atr. Been mistreated, disrespected, cursed at constantly with no Union support. I've been ignored and abused. And trump is going to make it worse? He might with pension and health care changes but fuck everyone. Everyone in our school system, our city, our state and our country needs to wake the fuck up and trump might be the worst person for the job but he has my vote. Yes yes I know I'm a bigot and stupid and ignorant but so are all of you. I'm disgusted I'm more than disgusted by the vile trash we are forced to teach. What has happened to this city what has happened to me.

  24. I really do not think Trump really cares about messing with education at all. Think of it this way,: do you see Gates and the rest of the billionaire ed-deformers endorsing him? Do you see Trump constantly spewing anti-teacher propaganda? Yes, he mentioned it a couple of times but it is really just an afterhought for him. Dudes like Bloomberg made it their life effort to dismantle the teaching profession. Trump is small change compared to guys like Bloomberg. Trump has bigger fish to fry than messing with education. Of course he has to pay some lip service to show off his republican credentials but he really is just postulating. The fact is that Hillary and her cronies have already damaged the teaching profession.

  25. What about who Trump appoints to the Supreme Court? Do you think they will be teacher friendly? If the job is so bad, quit and go to the private sector you Republicans love so much. Go teach in a charter school.

  26. Do you think another Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court will be union friendly? You make close to $100,000 a year and you get the summer off. Yeah the job sucks but it is better than working in a charter school. Democrats have accepted Republican education policy. Voting for Trump or any of the modern Republicans like Flanagan brings self hating to new heights. The democrats have to give us something. If we got together and stood up to our unions, we could force the Dems to move. Voting republican is suicidal.

  27. Again I'm not going to quit. Go Trump!!!!

  28. You can't make a reasoned argument that we can easily shatter so just keep sloganeering.

  29. I will not vote for Trump but his Education policies sound a lot like what Obama has already implemented and Clinton will continue

  30. A. If Trump wins, any Ed, policy he endorses will be stymied by Dems. All of these hypocritical "progressives/Communists" nationally, will all come out of the closet and fight against ANYTHING he proposes. When their , The Party guy is in.....they are quite silent, enjoying the fruits of doing so. When The Other Party is in...they all suddenly start to whine , and kick and scream about that Big Bad Man in the White House.

    Ergo...Trumps Ed. Policy won't float....and all of you will be safe.

  31. What about when Scalia is replaced on SCOTUS and Ginsberg retires? We will fight those new justices too. It took a democrat majority in the senate to beat Borke and get us Kennedy. What do you think a majority Republican senate will do with a republican president? Scalia on steroids. You can't possibly be a teacher. You went to college? Unbelievable.

  32. Only some of the membership of this union is as stupid as the leadership.

  33. Same college as you my friend! No need for name calling my very intelligent friend.

  34. By the way education is already dead in this city. We give out fake grades by the millions everyday to students who curse many of us. Not sure about trump but I'm more than a 1 topic voter

  35. 6:04 is probably right but the lesser of the evils is better for us.

  36. What should we do about those fake grades 8:09?

  37. Stop it. We are doing the students a disservice.

  38. I completely agree with you. What do you do about school administrators who intimidate the teachers into passing everyone? How do we stop it? I am asking for real.

  39. Do what your told and count the days until retirement. Pathetic but sadly true these days. Only 3 more yrs of doing what I'm told by admins who have less than 3 yrs of classroom experience. What a profession we have chosen!

  40. I just posted something asking for other alternatives.

  41. I am not a yes person. I am threatened with insubordination. I have learned to keep my mouth shut as much as possible. I have hypertension. I have run out of solutions. I am trying to keep my head above water and teach my kids as best as I know how.

  42. B. Trump is far from a "crazy conservative" , and won't automatically nominate a "crazy conservative" judge. Socially, Trump is far from being a "crazy conservative"- he is a social moderate to liberal. Also, Trump has been dealing with unions for decades. He has also been a New Yorker for life. We have no certitude that Trump seeks to destroy unions.

    C. Early on Trump stated his Ed. Policy would abolish the Dept. Of Ed., end Common Core, and return education to local control. What's wrong with that?

    D. For those genius "Progressives", for lack of a better term ,who are quick to hurl insults, if you had a brain, or any objectivity left, you would have noticed by now that Trump is as far from being an establishment Republican as possible! Where have you been the last 6 months? This is a guy who told Jeb Bush to "go home to your Mother" , and destroyed and humiliated the establishment's choices. Using an establishment Republican template to predict the nature of a Trump Presidency is faulty. If you haven't noticed, Trump is far more an Independant than a GOP...which is what his popularity is all about.

  43. Charter schools are going to proliferate under a Trump presidency with a republican senate. They will take the best students and leave public with the leftovers to prove our failure. There will be more unfair competition.

    And yes Trump would nominate those crazy, right wing Scalia type judges from the list he already agreed to. Who do you think he would nominate: a pro labor, pro public school justice? The republican majority in the senate would go nuts if he nominated a sane judge.

    You guys should look up how certain Jewish people and others justified their vote for the Nazis in 1932. They said the public really shouldn't listen to what Hitler is saying. Trump is no Hitler but for public school teachers he would be a complete disaster. If you guys represent how a large group teachers are thinking, we are totally screwed and the damage will be self inflicted.

  44. Trump takes advice from Chris Christie and Rudy Giuliani. They are two real friends of public school teachers? Yeah right.

    Have you looked up Mike Pence's education policy in Indiana? Not very favorable for public schools or teachers or unions.

    I have copied the definition of the term willing suspension of disbelief for you to look at as it seems to describe your Trump theory.

    The term suspension of disbelief or willing suspension of disbelief has been defined as a willingness to suspend one's critical faculties and believe the unbelievable; sacrifice of realism and logic for the sake of enjoyment.

  45. If trump isn't hitler why use the comparison? I know trump may be a disaster but it already is a disaster. I'm not in favor of charter schools taking all the better performing students but if they were forced like public schools to take everyone that would be fair. One more thing our union stinks and we are stuck with it!!!

  46. The worst contract in history? You will be making almost $120K in two years. Go teach in a charter because under Trump that will all that will be left. You Trump people are nuts and in fact clueless. See how discipline is when you have 40 in a class because they don't give a shit about you or the kids. And for those of you who hate teaching go do something else. No one is holding a gun to your heads.

  47. "Do you see Trump constantly spewing anti-teacher propaganda? "
    Are you kidding? Trump's son's entire speech at the convention was an attack on teachers.

  48. Boy discipline is so bad in your schools. There is a place you can go where a kid will never tell you to suck anything. An Eva Moskowitz gulag. Go and try a charter and you will see the alternative with no discipline problems. Have fun.

  49. To 10:13, 8:40, 8:33 :

    See A. Trump's Ed. Policy won't float. Hillary's (Obamas)Ed. policy WILL float.
    Expect a massive logjam for most of Trumps term , resulting in little real change here in NYC *

    * Here in the USSA, we have separation of powers as outlined in something called The Constitution. This system applies to everyone here, (except Hillary Clinton, or Obama). Therefore, in this imaginary Trump Admin., Trump would be subject to the Separation Of Powers as detailed in The Constitution, resulting in massive blocks on EVERYTHING he proposes. Upon this imaginary election victory, Donald Trump will NOT be made King.

  50. Must be other options except for working in a charter school gulag or quitting. By the way the girls tell us to suck their dicks also. They must have missed the lesson on anatomy but still received a passing grade. What a great profession we have chosen!!!

  51. A. (Cont)

    The overall revulsion of Trump by the Progressive/Communist group both in government and Not In Govt, (NGO) will lead to more Color Revolutions within the USSA. Example:

    The education ills which are all too apparent (overcrowding, etc., etc.) have a much greater chance of being publicized by the Trump hating Progressive main stream media. Suddenly, all of these Ed. Issues could be hurled at Trump, 24/7, if deemed necessary. You will see photo ops of inner city Af. American moms screaming about overcrowding, segregation, etc. al. This will be broadcast worldwide, and suddenly you have an official issue.

    Therefore, perversely, an educator's vote for Trump, is a vote for job security...if that's your sole interest in this election.

  52. So the regressive left will blame trump for the over 60 yrs of bad educational policies? That seems fair?

  53. Republican president+ republican Congress+republican Supreme Court= no more public schools= no more job for you. Is that simple enough for the separation of powers folks who have difficulty with understanding what a totally republican government would do to our jobs.

  54. 60+ years of bad education policy. I guess you want to overturn Brown vs Board of Ed too. Your Trump Supreme Court could do that too. Then you wonder why we call you bigots.

  55. Yeah that got one thing right good for all of us. But you sound stupid when you keep calling us bigots. Look in the mirror my foolish friend. We can have a mature debate but using bigot and racists doesn't help. You can make you points and allow them to stand. You don't see us call you bigots and racists for defending 60 yrs of failed liberal policies that have made minorities in this country dependent Uncle Sam instead of themselves. Yeah you will say it's the obstructionist republican policies that have hurt them but that's a debate for another day. At the end of the day the kids are not being educated and we are not being protected. Sucks from every side.

  56. You call us communists. Red baiting or race bating. Not much difference.

    Why should you be protected if the kids aren't being educated? That is where your argument falls apart. The republican philosophy is to apply the free market to education. It is your fault that the kids aren't being educated so you should be terminated and the kids should have the choice to go to a charter school. It's competition. That is the magic of the market place. The invisible hand at work. You should just go to a successful charter school and work for less. Social Darwinism at work. Survival of the fittest.

    The fact that Democrats have bought into this bs too is duly noted but they have to moderate it a bit to placate us since most teachers vote for them.

  57. When these "Progressives" have no answer, which is quite often, they start in with the insults. "Racist, bigot, ignorant," When that doesn't shut down logical arguments, they become violent, as evidenced on various levels here in the USSA. They are the modern day Brown reverse-dangerous brutes.


    What the DNC did to Bernie (without Vaseline) was truly abhorrent.

  59. I agree with you. You never acknowledge when we criticize democrats. Do you understand what lesser of evils means? I notice you don't respond to requests that you work for Eva who agrees with your free market ideology.

  60. Her model of free market is to take the best students which leaves the more challenging students for the public schools to teach. That model is not sustainable. Eventually the charters will runout of the better students. But by then public schools will be a memory and they will have succeeded in killing public education.

  61. Teachers who support Trump don't get it. It's not about education policies, it's about the end of freedom. He will end free speech (see how he treats the press) and then teachers will be targets. They are jailed and killed. Learn some history. Yes, I think Trump is that bad. You worry about tenure. I worry that Trump will be the next Hitler, but with different targets (for now).

  62. Funny enough....the only group using Hitlerian. Nazi intimidation tactics....are the Hillary supporters. Trump supporters are not putting their hands or anything else on Hillary supporters One old guy in Jersey was beaten to a bloody pulp with a crowbar, merely because he wore a Trump shirtt the other day.Look at the video of young teen
    girls (helpless white girls of course), being beaten and bloodied while cops stand down and watch, in California.
    "Lady, thou protesters too much!" As far as "free speech" ..Trump is the greatest proponent of the 11st Ammendment, of which political correctness is the antithesis He's destroying PC bullshit before your eyes...and that's ALL about free speech .

  63. Those Scalia style judges Trump would appoint would love the 1st amendment. Please Look at how the Garcetti decision restricted 1st amendment rights for employees. That was the five conservative justices. Wake up. Just read some polls and thankfully most Americans seem to agree with sanity and not Trump.

  64. Those emails that resulted in Wasserman Shultz leaving her leadership position of DNC were extremely damaging to the DNC...but even more damaging to once hallowed American the media Those emails prove conclusively that the mainstream media is a complete TOOL of the DNC. Schultz was literally reprimanding cable talk show hosts and giving orders as to what points they should make on their "free press" shows. That's a travesty. Of the "media" is willing to throw an election, they can't be trusted with telling the truth on anything. Who the he'l l believed the polls? The oldest trick in the book is to suggest a candidate is winning large to discourage voting for the opposition. The "free press" (LOL) here in NYC did the same to push Bloomturd through for his immoral third term. Remember??? The media here falsely played the time of "landslide...landslide for Bloomberg" he ended up winning by a mere 5 points. Many people listened to the polls...and didn't vote...because they were told Mikey was guaranteed. WE DONT BELIEVE WHAT THEY BROADCAST any more !!! So stuff your polls darling...wherever you prefer!

  65. Obama
    Corey Booker
    Rahm Emanuel
    Mark Zuckerberg
    Bill Gates
    The above have many things in common but two in particular with regards to this post;
    1. They have ALL helped destroy public education.
    2. They ALL are supporting Hillary Clinton for president.
    Enough said!
    If you are a lock step lemming voting for Clinton simply because she's the democratic nominee and you're a public school teacher, you need to wake up! Aren't we supposed to be New Yorks smartest?

  66. We are new yorks weakest!

  67. Germany had separation of powers until 1933 - if Hitler didn't like his congress he just burned down the Reichstag. Bondfire at the capitol with future Trump brown shirts. The deputized poll watchers with 2nd amendment backers are the early stages. Trump or his successor is looking beyond this election.

  68. California's supreme court just kept tenure and seniority in a 4-3 split vote. That is a very liberal state. Trump supporters it is important who the judges are. Conservacrats don't like us but the radical republican right wants us done forever. Obama is terrible on education but not on judges.

  69. So Trump is Hitler...? Hehehe....u GOTTA come up with something better than THAT ! What I DO notice about the 2nd Ammendment's application is that those beat downs on " Whitey" (peaceful Trump supporters) by organized gangs of scumbag thugs, didnt happen in Cleveland. Why? Could it be its a right to carry state , and the peaceful had openly displayed handguns on their hips? Not one severe incident of violence, where in the weeks before , Trump supporters were being beaten to a bloody pulp. Seems like these scumbags DO respect two people in this world-The Great Equalizers, Mr. Smith & Mr. Wesson.

  70. Clinton is funded by Wall Street, hedge fund managers and the chamber of commerce. Don't hold your breath on those "labor friendly " judges. Wake up people, the Democratic Party is not a friend to labor, they're bought off by big business. Stop letting them take your must precious right of citizenry for granted. Trump is self funding and said he'll give education back to states, where the constitution says it belongs.

    1. Look at who Obama and Bill Clinton appointed and compare it to GW Bush.

      Clinton: Ginsberg, Breyer.

      GW:Roberts, Alito

      Obama:Sotamayor, Kagen.

      Working people do much better under Democrats as far as judges go.

    2. Besides their liberal view; which you seem to side with, what evidence do you have to support that statement?

  71. Clinton is funded by Wall Street, hedge fund managers and the chamber of commerce. Don't hold your breath on those "labor friendly " judges. Wake up people, the Democratic Party is not a friend to labor, they're bought off by big business. Stop letting them take your must precious right of citizenry for granted. Trump is self funding and said he'll give education back to states, where the constitution says it belongs.

  72. Friedrichs! Same sex marriage. I believe it is Obergfell v Hodges.

    Savana Redding for Ginsberg.

    Sotoymayor: How about this one for labor?

    Silverman v. Major League Baseball Player Relations Committee, Inc., 67 F3d 1054 (1995) - In some camps, Sotomayor is considered the judge who "saved" Major League Baseball. Her decision to grant a temporary injunction against the Major League Baseball owners on March 31, 1995 ended the 232-day -long baseball strike of 1994. The injunction prevented the owners from installing replacement players and temporarily reinstated a five-year-old collective bargaining agreement allowing the 1995 season to take place and allowing players and owners to come to a new agreement nearly a year later. Her decision would later be upheld by the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.[8][9][10][11][12][13]

  73. Some of you guys would love Elena Kagan's position on reverse discrimination.

    No reverse discrimination unless justified by other reasons

    In 1997, the Clinton administration wrestled with an affirmative action case. The Piscataway NJ school board was defending its decision to lay off a white teacher over a black colleague, with equal seniority and similar qualifications, to maintain racial diversity of the district's lone high school.
    [The Clinton Administration] filed a brief in the Supreme Court in support of the white teacher's reverse-discrimination claim "on the narrow ground that the board failed to offer an adequate justification for the particular race-based layoff decision," and predicted that the Supreme Court would likely rule that the Civil Rights Act never permits nonremedial affirmative action: "Such a ruling would be a disaster for civil rights in employment." In the margin, Kagan penned, "I think this is exactly the right position--as a legal matter, as a policy matter, and as a political matter."
    Civil rights groups came up with money to allow the school board to settle the case with the white teacher.

  74. On tuition tax credits for parochial schools.


    Tax credits can achieve the same result of supporting a religion as do payments from the treasury, and no principled distinction exists between them. Sometimes no one but a taxpayer has requisite standing to challenge government support of religion under the Establishment Clause.

  75. I'd rather have another Kagan than a new Scalia. We would be better off.

  76. Would you like to discuss first amendment cases concerning employees now?

    Garcetti v. Ceballos

    In a 5-to-4 decision authored by Justice Anthony Kennedy, the Supreme Court held that speech by a public official is only protected if it is engaged in as a private citizen, not if it is expressed as part of the official's public duties. Ceballos's employers were justified in taking action against him based on his testimony and cooperation with the defense, therefore, because it happened as part of his official duties. "The fact that his duties sometimes required him to speak or write," Justice Kennedy wrote, "does not mean his supervisors were prohibited from evaluating his performance." Justices Stevens, Souter, Ginsburg and Breyer dissented.

    Look who the dissenting judges were.

  77. Would you like to do some more? Can you find some cases where Alito, Roberts, Thomas or Kennedy were on the side of public employees or teachers?

    Go search please.

  78. Straw man arguments. Eisenhower and Nicon appointments voted in favor of Abood vs Detroit. Many Republican appointments side with liberal justices. You never know. The lead up to the Freidrichs decision had many on both the left and right speculate that Scalia was the wild card. Clinton is bought and paid for by those that wish to destroy public education. Vote for Clinton, vote for
    Bill Gates
    Rahm Emanuel
    Arne Duncan
    John King
    Corey Booker
    Etc, etc
    And all their education policies

  79. If there is one thing this race clearly has proven- The ESTABLISHMENT Democratic and Republican parties ARE ONE AND THE SAME !!!!

    The aristocracy keeps the peasants at each others throats , in order to protect themselves and their interests. If we ever united against't that be wonderful? A new Golden Age...Trump is no saint....but he is our last chance to rock their boat profusely...he has fought them tooth and nail all year...Amerca...unite behind Trump...he is your last chance !

    The nation , and world are in flames...and teetering at the abyss , EXCEPT FOR THE .5 PERCENT ! THis is what Obama and Hillary' have created for us...America....this is what u want more of?

  80. Straw man arguments? You asked me for evidence and I found plenty. These are real actual cases. Obama is pretty good on judicial appointments and so was Bill Clinton. Hillary's senate record was not that bad. GW Bush was horrible and Trump already announced the names of those who he would consider for the SCOTUS. You only base your argument on who some of Clinton supporters are. Eisenhower and even GHW Bush led a very different republican party. Scalia was not going to vote for labor in Friedrichs. Face reality.

    You say, "You never know," on appointments. I would rather base my vote on somebody's record and in terms of the judiciary, the Clintons and Obama have been pretty good. Trump has already put out a list of judges who are dreadful.

  81. "Straw man arguments? You asked me for evidence and I found plenty. These are real actual cases. Obama is pretty good on judicial appointments and so was Bill Clinton. Hillary's senate record was not that bad. GW Bush was horrible and..."

    Here is an argument for "you never know"...

    Justice Roberts, a GW appointee, CAST THE DECIDING VOTE FOR OBAMACARE ! Are you against Obamacare , Strawman? Wow...I would think someone with your rhetoric would SUPPORT Obamacare , no? You dont want universal healthcare, Strawman? How could you be against Obamacare if your so pro-labor?

    A GW Bush Supreme Court Judge pushed Obamacare into law...

  82. One decision. How many other cases was he on the side of the corporations against the people.

    Just about all. How did he vote on Friedrichs? Against the unions. John Roberts is your judge on the side of the people. I think not.

  83. I like the idea of a 5-4 liberal court with the conservatives trying to get a liberal like Breyer or a Garland to switch over. If the election goes as expected, you fools on the right might regret not confirming Merrick Garland. Or, do you plan on blocking all judges until 2021?

  84. Latest poll has Trump down 12 and now he is backing off on throwing illegals out. Nice try but he isn't getting the Hispanic vote.

    A 5-4 liberal split on SCOTUS is much better for unions, working class and teachers.

    Want to talk about abortion rights?

  85. Most teachers are women. They aren't going to vote for a misogynistic, racist, anti immigrant candidate who says he will appoint judges who will overturn Roe v Wade and loves gun rights. Dye is cast on Trump. Teachers would rather have a corrupt politician. Hillary easily gets teacher vote. Move on friend.

  86. Straw Man...a GW Justice saved Obamacare...get over it...I just proved the " who knows" u are going into your Straw Man song and dance again...hehe...about "polls"...we r back to about 20 comments ago with "polls"...In reality...Hillary is getting her but
    t whipped ....and the Establishment both Dems and GOP will do

    Trump...and The Powers That Be (from Mitch McConnel to The Pope) are freaking over a possible change in the STATUS QUO...THE MEDIA IS A TOOL OF THE ESTABLISHMENT...AND IN THIS CASE...THE DEMOCRAT PARTY....READ THE EMAILS OF WASSERMAN SCHULTZ BROWBEATING THE NETWORKS and sabotagi g Bernie Sanders. Polls=Propoganda of evil forces.

  87. Straw Man...a GW Justice saved Obamacare...get over it...I just proved the " who knows" u are going into your Straw Man song and dance again...hehe...about "polls"...we r back to about 20 comments ago with "polls"...In reality...Hillary is LOSING as we speak
    and the Establishment both Dems and GOP (from Mitch McConnell to The Pope) have desperately attempted to destroy the non establishment candidate.


    Polls are for Sheeple who must be led by the nose and told what to think..

  88. "Most teachers are women. They aren't going to vote for a misogynistic, racist, anti immigrant candidate who says he will appoint judges who will overturn Roe v Wade and loves gun rights"

    LOL...u r so stereotypically funny...cant you do better than that...? Did you leave any other tired, hack PC psychobabble out?

    Anyone who allows polls to determine their vote doesn't know their own mind, can't think for themselves, and are being led around like the sheeple they are (see Bloomberg third term propoganda)


  89. "The 2009 election for Mayor of New York City took place on Tuesday, November 3. The incumbent Mayor, Michael Bloomberg, an independent who left the Republican Party in 2008, won reelection on the Republican and Independence Party/Jobs & Education lines with 50.7% of the vote over the retiring City Comptroller, Bill Thompson, a Democrat (also endorsed by the Working Families Party), who won 46.3%.[1] Thompson had won the Democratic"

    "The polls" all predicted a Bloomberg landslide discourage voting turnout ..,Oldest political trick in the book...

  90. When Trump cited polls continually in the primaries, I bet you weren't saying that.

    That PC psychobabble happens to be the truth. Teachers are mostly women and they aren't voting for Trump mostly. Did you happen to see where his African American pitch is on charter schools?

    Your best hope is that he tells his most ardent supporters to stick it after he wins and turns into a public school teacher loving president. Not likely.

    Please get a job with Eva.

    As for the rest of us, we can acknowledge our candidate Hillary has major flaws. As they said in Louisiana when KKK David Duke ran against the criminal Edwin Edwards, "Vote for the crook-it's important." We'll borrow that for Hillary.

  91. From the NY Times the day after Bloombergs election:

    "Still, the margin seemed to startle Mr. Bloomberg’s aides and the city’s political establishment, which had predicted a blowout. Published polls in the days leading up to the election suggested that the mayor would win by as many as 18 percentage points; four years ago, he cruised to re-election with a 20 percent margin"

    Bloomberg won by 4.4 points ...

    Why...? People stayed home because "The Polls" told them they had no chance.

  92. All those national and state polls including Fox are rigged? Best you can come up with.

    Is your next argument going to be that Trump only loses because of election fraud in Pa? Oh no. Please spare us that one.

    NYC polls in 2009 were off because of reaction to Bloomberg extending term limits for himself. Their models didn't bake that in. Many fewer polls in a local mayor's race as opposed to a presidential race.

    I can read what a margin of error is. Your guy is falling out of the margin of error in many states.

    Eva could use you as a PR guy.

  93. LOL....same old tired insults...When logical arguments someone a played out...

    1. Who called you a racist? You are delusional if you believe Trump supports public school teachers.

  94. A. FOX NEWSCORP tried their best to sink Trumps run months ago. Therefore I wouldn't believe what FOX says about polls. Murdoch is in the same club...THE CLUB...that all the mainstream media is in...Big Brother propaganda...

    B. Why base your vote in polls? Can't you make your own decision? " You don't need a weatherman, to know which way the wind blows..."

  95. Women also have a craving for safety for their families, both in and away from work and home. They want a safe future for their kids and grandkids.

    One question they will all ask themselves..."who will protect my children best, Hillary or Trump?"

  96. Check the news today? "Young Woman And Her Dog Stabbed To Death By Jihadi In Australia" In this escalating bloodbath, this type of slaughter can happen anywhere. In your local laundromat, gas station, church, synagogue, or place of work.

    Who is the best bet to protect Americans against this bloodbath ? Is it Hillary Clinton...or Donald Trump?


    Here's another Jihadi attack 2 days ago in Virginia. Read it and weep.

    Last year, a woman was decapitated at work , another jihadi attack.

    Two cops were sliced up last year here in NYC, while they walked the beat. Commisioner Bratton called it a terror attack.

    80 dead in Orlando....Jihadi attack on gay bar. Did Obama protect these people? Did Hillary? Did they ever try?

    San Bernadino...Jihadi attack at a work related party...the last place you'd expect many Americans did those Jihadis kill? 12?

    Boston Bombing...on and on...and counting...This is all on Hillary and Barracks watch.

  98. ...did they REALLY try to protect those victims and the widows and children...Did Barrack...and Hillary REALLY give a crap about these people...? Do u think they give a crap about ANY of you...INCLUDING public school teachers...?

  99. Hillary is very close to Randi. That cannot hurt us. The stuff here from the Trump supporter is off the hook.

  100. Hillary's closeness to Randi is no benefit to us.

    Abigail Shure

  101. If Randi is so close to Mrs. come u r all getting sooooo screwed....??? Hillary AND Randi have been at the top of The Pyramid for decades...Where is your capacity for
    simple logic?...Ya I learned this in grade school...U r either incapable of basic logic...OR being intellectually dishonest...only U know for sure...

  102. Hillary isn't president yet. Secretary of State has little influence on education policy. She has to throw us some bones. Yeah she loves charter schools or rather their money but she admitted they don't accept all students. Let's see who she appoints as her secretary of education. We will learn fast if it is same old shit. Trump we know will continue to destroy us. He might just finish us off.

  103. Those Trump supporters here are quite logical and capable of very reasoned argument. If he wins and starts charterizing schools and right to working nationally, they can use their second amendment rights to buy guns and shoot themselves when they have no job or their pay is cut in half and they are paying loads of money for their health insurance.

    Oh yeah we're just scaring people. Trump is going to really be cool with unions and public school teachers. And he will appoint judges who love us. Not.

  104. 10:14

    We already have national big box charter chains. The federal government is contributing a nice piece of change. Charter caps are being lifted in various states. Democrats such as Obama and Booker have done an admirable job of advancing the reform agenda. Clinton is in the same mold.

    Abigail Shure

  105. It is still better than Trump to have a Democrat appoint more liberal judges.


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