Tuesday, September 27, 2016


Not that much to report out of last nights UFT Executive Board meeting. The big topics, according to Arthur Goldstein's minutes, were an election appeal and the high school reps advocating for their schools and lowering class sizes. The high school reps did not ask for the resolution on abusive supervisors to be taken from the table so it dies. Hopefully, it will be revived in a different form at a future date.

The only surprise from the meeting was to learn that the UFT and Department of Education are in negotiations for a new Absent Teacher Reserve agreement to replace the one that expired last June.

According to President Michael Mulgrew via Arthur's report, "ATR negotiating session did not go well-no agreement."

I have one question: Why don't they ask the rotating ATRs how they feel about negotiating a new ATR agreement? When the union goes to talk with the DOE, we can usually count on our working conditions worsening. I believe that will be the case here as well. I want to be wrong but the union's track record leads me to conclude nothing will improve for ATRs if there is a new ATR agreement.


  1. what agreement are we talking about here...let us just get all the teachers, social workers and counselors into the schools where they belong....how much longer is this political bullshit going to go on for people

  2. Hey Jamed, I thought you had a position and not an ATR anymore?

  3. Can they renegiotate atr agreement in writting without a new contract?

  4. The whole ATR nonsense is an injustice to all teachers. Shame on the UFT for allowing it and for perpetuating it. I've been teaching 5 English classes since I got to this school in September. I have a CTE license. They took those classes away today and this evening I went to Open Parent-Teacher evening. Several students told their parents and the principal I was their favorite teacher. I don't blame the principal, she can't leave me teaching out of license. I'll be leaving here in a couple of weeks, only to start all over again. I've been teaching 25 years and feel disgusted and discriminated against.

  5. How about renegotiating the contract for a lump sum payment this year? Mulgrew is so unethical.

  6. Wishful thinking. The UFT gave the city a chance to say it's broke by making us wait until 2017 for a measily 12.5% of what they owe us. I don't think we will ever see the full amount owed to us and the UFT knows it.

  7. You can bet that the next ATR agreement will be worse than the last. Why? Because the last agreement didn't work in that not enough ATR's resigned. That is the whole purpose of this ATR scheme to begin with, to get ATR 's to resign. Of course, I am stating the DOE's position, and our very effective UFT will just open wide and swallow.

  8. HOW ABOUT PLACEMENT IN THE BOROUGH WE LIVE IN? For example, live in Staten Island, was excessed from a Brooklyn school, can never get into a Staten Island school despite 20 years of satisfactory...

  9. To commenter 7:31 am:
    Your missing the point. Your being PUNISHED.

  10. Understood. AT least then the UFT could claim victory, giving teachers some say in where...The last thing I want is forced placement. The odds are great that I would be in some shithole that I couldnt get out of. Thats why I prefer the rotation.


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