Sunday, October 30, 2016


For anyone who missed it, below is the schedule for the Absent Teacher Reserve annual borough informational meetings. ATRs have no elected chapter representation in the UFT. We think this is extremely unfair and complained as high as the Department of Labor on the issue.

UFT personnel specialist Amy Arundell is usually the go-to person for the ATRs. She told a recent Executive Board meeting that the ATR informational meetings were delayed this year because the UFT was negotiating with the Department of Education concerning ATRs. We have absolutely no idea what specifically they were negotiating about.

It would be nice to know what was on the table in negotiations with the DOE.

Dear ___________,
The UFT will be holding informational meetings for UFT members in the Absent Teacher Reserve (ATR) pool in the coming weeks. Whether you are new to the ATR pool or not, we want to make sure you have the opportunity to ask questions and get answers.
Informational meetings will take place in each of the UFT borough offices:
Brooklyn, 335 Adams St.
Tuesday, Nov. 1, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.
Bronx, 2500 Halsey St.
Thursday, Nov. 3, 4 to 6 p.m.
Manhattan, 52 Broadway
Monday, Nov. 14, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.
Queens, 97-77 Queens Blvd.
Tuesday, Nov. 15, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.
Staten Island, 4456 Amboy Rd.
Thursday, Nov. 17, 4 to 6 p.m.
You are welcome to attend the session that is most convenient for you. We hope to see you there.
Amy Arundell
UFT Director of Personnel


  1. Our lives are up in the air based on these hidden nehotiations. But don't forget, they spend spend all our dues on electing a criminal for president.

    1. Who cares. They even stopped giVing refreshments at these. It's gonna be the same chat, you all have supervisorsection, watch your attendance, report problems which will be ignored.

  2. Amy just shouts people down when there's a disagreement.

    1. She has a lot of nerve. If I were her I'd be embarrassed to show my face. I don't know if I can go, I'm seriously worried I'll lose my temper and it takes a lot for that to happen - but that bitch will do it.

  3. Yeah, 2 years ago we got crackers and cheese and soda, last year, all gone. I guess $57 per check from us isnt enough.

  4. Make sure to obtain the age and demographic data for the ATR pool.
    ATRs have a winnable lawsuit for racial and age discrimination.

    Hold the feet of the UFT and DOE to the fire.

  5. Because she makes $150K plus expenses, travel, food, etc...To not be in a classroom, to not get cursed AND THREATENED BY STUDENTS, TO NOT HAVE TO PUT IN GRADES AND EXPLAIN THEM, TO NOT GET HIT AND RUN OBSERVATIONS...

  6. Just some more hot air coming your way from this do-nothing UFT
    Since ATR 's have no representation with this union ( not that any of us really do anyway) why the hell do they still have to pay dues??

    There just seems to be something very wrong about this whole mess and I think a smart lawyer may just be able to make a fortune suing the DOE and the UFT, who by the way BOTH collaborated to create this leper class known as ATR.

  7. And I travel 5 hours by public every day, tell UFT this is a contract violation, they tell me too bad, I'm lucky to have a job.

  8. She also doesn't put her life on the line going into these crime infested neighborhoods 200 days per year...

  9. Nice job working at UFT. That is why people join with Mulgrew.

  10. THE ATR situation is like the clinton email scandal in that both seem to never end. The DOE is still keeping the ATR pool open even though they hear screaming from the trenches. Teachers guidance counselors, social workers, secretaries and even APs are SCREAMING to the DOE to end the insanity as the pool is a total waste of money, bad for employees moral whether you are in the pool or not. For example, schools who receive ATR educators have not idea what do do with them because the schools know the educators will be there for such a short time. So you have a double wammy in that the schools are confused, atr educators certainly are confused, students are confused,,so the magical 99,000 question is why??

  11. The elite DOE and UFT are like the rich, they have all the power and pay none of the taxes. The teachers are like the middle class, they do all the work and pay all the taxes. And the ATR's are like the poor, they're just there to scare the shit out of the middle class/teachers.


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