Sunday, November 13, 2016


The UFT is holding its annual information sessions for Absent Teacher Reserves in November. As an ATR-Provisional Teacher since 2014, I realize that much of what the UFT does in these sessions is top-down and leads to frustration among the ATRs.

To show that there is another way of running a union, MORE-ICE are sponsoring our own interactive session with the ATRS and their supporters.

The meeting will be held on Saturday, November 19th at 1:00 p.m. at the CUNY Graduate Center 5th Avenue between 34th Street & 35th Street in Manhattan on the fifth floor (room 5414-please have ID).  

  • The blogger Chaz will be a featured speaker.
  • UFT Executive Board member Arthur Goldstein will be there.
  • Norm Scott (Ed Notes) will be in attendance.
  • My wife Camille and I will be there.
  • Other notable people from the ranks of the opposition to Unity Caucus will be attending. 
We are not looking to talk down to anyone. We pledge not to tell you that you are lucky to have a job and that in Chicago after schools are closed, teachers have 10 months to find a new position or they are out of a job. If we say that, it will only be quoting the UFT officials.

We do need to share strategies on how to survive as an ATR, how to use the contract to protect yourself and importantly how we can work as a group to further the cause of ATRs.

Here is the agenda from MORE advertising the event. Please spread the word to any ATR-provisional teacher who is in your school or who you know.

History: How the DOE and UFT created this mess starting with the 2005 contract, the 2008 ATR rally, the UFT wine and cheese party, the 2011 deal where ATRS were sacrificed (weekly rotation) for no layoffs, the 2014 agreement plus recent updates.

Know your rights and lack thereof; how to deal with roving supervisors; survival techniques.

We will have an extensive Question and Answer session with former chapter leaders/ATRs on hand to assist you.

Fighting back. What do we want? What can we do to pressure UFT and DOE for change?

Special guests: blogger Chaz's School Daze, Chapter leaders/Delegates: James and Camille Eterno and UFT Executive Board member Arthur Goldstein.

Saturday, Nov. 19, 1:00 PM-4PM
CUNY Grad Center, 5th Ave between 34th and 35th St. Bring ID. Room 5414

RSVP and share with ATRs in your chapter

Sponsored by MORE/UFT and Independent Community of Educators


  1. how about the uft and doe ignoring the travel hardship clause, making people travel 5 hours roundtrip?

  2. I believe that the change in license means they will get rid of us by sending high school teachers to junior high schools and we are not trained to babysit that group. This will force us out. This has to be a violation of nysed laws and regulations. Why else would Arundel send us this wonderful news? Not a word before the Human Resources wing of the Doe forged this Faustian deal.

  3. PD: 2 arrested for beating up man holding Trump sign. People of color, yet again, showing how love trumps hate. Yeah, right.

  4. Plenty of stories of Trump supporters beating people and then there is that sign on the Maryland church saying, "TRUMP NATION WHITES ONLY." This crap goes both ways.

  5. Enough with the Trump and Clinton BS, its done, move on.

  6. Vision Education Services and Hearing Education Services both have functional Chapters protecting teachers as they work in multi-schools and travel from school to school. Many aspects of Related Service Teachers daily jobs are unique to these positions, yet they do qualify for Chapter Leaders and delegates solely representing their own teachers (as well as school based Vision teachers). This seems a precedent to the formation of ATRs forming a Chapter. James, though I met you and spoke with you about this, you seemed disinterested in using their existence as a strategy in this fight. I think you would be wise to look at these Chapters.

  7. I think one thing coming out of the Saturday event might be forming a shadow chapter.

  8. We need a shadow union because this one sure ain't working.


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