Saturday, November 26, 2016


One of the mistakes that I have constantly criticized the UFT leadership for is not demanding real contractual gains at the start of collective bargaining negotiations.

When a union asks for a little, in the final settlement we will end up with even less but if we ask for more, we start the negotiations from a greater position of strength. The argument against my thinking is that a union that demands too much will lose public support.

A public sector union that agrees with me and has traditionally worked that way is Transport Workers Union Local 100. They are led by President John Samuelson.

Earlier this month TWU Local 100 held a 7,000 strong rally at MTA Headquarters in Manhattan where they made real demands for a fair contract. Their current agreement expires in January 2017.

Take a look at what they are asking for in negotiations with the MTA .

The list specified the demands as follows: 
Wages – 
Substantial wage increase – continue raises above rate of inflation, 
Eliminate health benefits deduction, 
Increase DIF, 
Increase longevity pay, 
Cash out all unused sick leave – when resigning, retiring, or dismissed, 
COLA for active and retirees, 
10% night differential, 
Improve Workers Comp benefits and procedures, 
Workers Comp pay in first pay period, when not contested, 
MTA to match 401(k) and 403(b) at 20%, 
$20 meal allowance, Increase equity fund payment to maintainer titles to $960. 

Health benefits and health – 
Improve health benefits – including optical and dental for retirees, hearing aids, 
Lifetime medical coverage for spouse if death before retirement, 
Raise Medicare Part B to national coverage, 3D Mammograms covered (Women’s Table), 
Improve High option, 
Facilities for those who are nursing to express milk, 
Increase time and coverage for cancer and wellness screenings, 
Improve air quality in TA facilities, 
Eliminate diesel powered equipment in shops and stations, 
Healthcare upon hiring, 
Braces for adults, 
No placement on FMLA while on comp, 
More restricted duty jobs, 
Health club membership, 
Back support as PPE.
These demands are local-wide. There are additional Departmental demands submitted by each of the seven Departments within TWU Local 100, specific to Departmental concerns.

The divisional demands would include the work rules.

This chart shows how they did in wages and benefits compared to the United Federation of Teachers in the last round of bargaining.*

Labor militancy is the only possible answer to our plight as public sector unionized employees, including teachers.

*Before anyone comments that Transit Workers pay a portion of their checks for healthcare, I know that but they didn't agree to the givebacks (savings) on healthcare that we agreed to in 2014 and we still must come up with more this fiscal year. The purpose of this post is to compare bargaining strategies of the two unions and suggest a path forward for labor that Verizon workers (in the private sector) were successful with also.


  1. Remember we are people also told that we are too big to get retroactive oay. A smaller union with far fewer members than the UFT would get more upfront money per member even though the city has a labor reserve fund.

  2. UFT, not ok with Devos. But ok with members waiting 11 ears to get retro pay with no intetrest, and some die, never getting the pay. Ok with their president fucking a guidance counselor, in a school, while cheating on wife. Ok with class sizes thru the roof, and principals simply say too bad, im not lowering them even though im breaking the law. Ok with raises of 1% year after year. Ok with Field Supes walking in on a teacher who has 20 years of S, and all of sudden being U. Ok with me know longer being able to use or pay for my doctor. Yeah, right UFT.

  3. The Mulgrew and the guidance counselor stuff has nothing to do with the terrible shape the union is in. That alleged affair took place before he was an officer and way before he was president. Very misleading to think it has anything to do with our current plight. The rest of your comment makes a great deal of sense except 75% of teachers voted for the contract. I have fought Unity out in the open for two decades saying that there is a different way of doing things but it won't happen until people come out in the open and demand it.

  4. It means a guy with a checkered past got the job, makes 300K plus expenses, and is teflon. If I forget my lesson plan on Monday they will nail my ass to the wall.

    1. We are sheep. If Mulgrew and Weingarten ordered us to strike, then we would. They will never do that until their positions of power are threatened. That is coming.

  5. TWU has the balls to strike. Last strike had some of their union leaders put in jail. That ain't happening with the UFT.

  6. We're not getting anywhere until we are ready to strike too. it is the only thing these people understand.

  7. And it can't be a one or two day strike. Got to go out for as long as it takes.

  8. PBA is also a hardcore union. Yes, they are not working under a new contract. However, they are not working under a new contract because they are fighting for a real contact. They play hardball like TWU. The UFT needs to man up but I don not ever see this happening.

  9. PBA is as fake as UFT. They just boast louder and then take crap. NYC cops lowest paid with worst working conditions in region. TWU fights for real.

  10. Our contract is a year and 1/2 away . Thoughts on when our union leaders start negotiating? And what's your prediction on one our new contract ?

  11. Our contract actually expires in 2 years, 11/30/18. 75% voted for it because TECHERS ARE DUMB. THE TEACHER QUALITY HAS BEEN GOING DOWN FOR YEARS. They werent smart enough to even understand the setup. This job has become for losers who cant get a job in another field, or who are desperate for a salary or medical.

  12. Crap haha I thought it was may 2018 . For the record I've always voted no on every contract

  13. It was another month earlier but we gave the city our own money back when it was extended a month to pay retirees money they had coming to them. Plus gave back 6 weeks of a raise in spring 18. Thousands of dollars per teacher thrown away.

  14. Ever notice that it seems 90% of the staff is minority now? And in minority schools, almost all supervisors are...

  15. Yeah, looks at the pics in the uft newspaper, all black. just an observation.

  16. Prediction on next contract...Since last pattern set, we will never get more than 2%. 3 years, 5-6%, maybe...1 plus 2 plus 2.5, backloaded. Lousy.

  17. Transit will raise future settled for public sector union workers. UFT can just say me too for the third year.

  18. NY TEACHER politically correct. Most teachers are white women.

  19. Remember Guiliani's contract demands? Ask for the sun,the moon and the stars and when he just bets half of that,which is twice as much as really wanted to begin with, he settles. Well just where do you think he came up with that? That's right,Trump wrote the book THE ART OF THE DEAL.
    Our leadership was duped back then and they haven't learned a thing since.

  20. They fear looking bad to the public. Couldn't care less about members.

  21. When the recount spectacle (the latest pathetic incarnation of the protest marches/riots, electoral college deniers, et. al.)is shown to be precisely the sham Trump is labeling it, who wins? Again.

    Trump's tweets on Castro, surely reflecting the sentiments of the populace (minus a few unreconstructed lefties, the elite media, and Obama/Kerry) are being covered relentlessly in the media. As if their message is from another (incomprehensible) universe. Concrete evidence that peculiar group (a few unreconstructed lefties, the elite media, and Obama/Kerry) is wildly and permanently out of touch. And the Republican ranks grow.

  22. There's going to come a time when you have to decide which side you are on. Those who spout privatization, misogyny, racism, anti-Semitism, anti-immigrant, anti-disabled or not.

    Also, a lot of the anger today is from the hollowing out of our lives from the disastrous neo-liberal policies of the last 30 years.

    These 2 articles explain much better than I can.

  23. And look at the dems running cities and schools ssytems, decades of poverty, failure, etc. I could go on, but i would be called racist.

  24. Whose fault is it the students in NY, Baltimore, Detroit, are failing so miserably, for so long, all are black, and all leadership is dem...

  25. The mantra of "failing schools" was made up by privateers, backed up by privateer testing, and perpetuated by privateer backed politicians. Don't advance the lie unless you are also "getting paid".

    Can't speak for any city other than NY, but Bloomberg ran the city for almost 12 years. At the end he retreated to the glamorous world of fashion and weekly trips to his Caribbean home. Don't think he was worrying much about the "regular people" much less the "poor ones".

  26. Absolutely right. I guess the Trump supporter wants us to just sit back and take it.

  27. The only similarity between TWU Local 100 and the UFT is they both have a T in their initials.

  28. If I go into my HS tomorrow and ask for a paragraph on anything, nearly 100 percent will be completely inaccurate English. That's clearly failing. Can't write proper English...

  29. And also 30 percent citywide college ready.

  30. 10:54

    Teaching is a very hard job. If you're unhappy or burnt out, look for a transfer or another job. It's a very hard job, but stop complaining. Pinpoint what the students need to succeed otherwise you are just a complainer.

  31. "Teaching is a very hard job. If you're unhappy or burnt out, look for a transfer or another job. It's a very hard job, but stop complaining. Pinpoint what the students need to succeed otherwise you are just a complainer.Sunday, November 27, 2016 11:13:00 AM"

    Complaining about complaining helps nobody.

  32. That's in every school. 19 year olds who can write proper english. Failure

  33. I hate to sound like a school reformer but you are one of their teachers. Do you have any responsibility for the fact that they can't write a proper sentence? No it is all on the administrators who force you to pass them. Did you do anything to stand up for standards over the years? I doubt it. You pass everyone because you don't want a fight? But we have nothing to do with the problem?

  34. just admit the kids are too stupid, lazy and criminal. its a 99% fact that you dont break socioeconomic status. they would rather spend time doing credit cxard scams and spending their govt assist on sneaers and weave.

  35. single parent poverty leads to same, teenage pregnancy...

  36. There is no way the UFT will replicate the contract demands of the TWU.

  37. Speaking of demands, my school has oversized classes, in almost every class. for years. principal constantly told, obviously knows, does nothing. UFT, does nothing. Punishment for the principal, none. Its nice when the rules only apply to one side. Should I refuse to teacher until the classes become legal?

  38. I agree with above. It seems the contract only matters when we are doing something wrong. How is it possible a whole year can go by with illegal class sizes, and the UFT answer is, "Well, not much we can do, hopefully the principal will lower class sizes next term." And we still must do out job under illegal conditions. the principal can just say, Fuck you, im keeping the classes illegal.

  39. Agreed. So since Trump and Devos will make it so bad, you forget we are already being trampled, and a legal CBA is ignored.

  40. Come forward. An anonymous comment won't help.

  41. I did come forward, and my $58 per check union ignored me and let the principal continue ignoring the contract.


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