Friday, January 27, 2017


Lindsey Christ on NY 1 reported that the NYC Department of Education is spending much more on central bureaucracy now compared to when Mayor Michael Bloomberg was mayor.

She reports:
Under Mayor Bill de Blasio, the Department of Education is spending a lot more on its staff at headquarters.

Under the preliminary budget the mayor unveiled Tuesday, the city would be spending 70 percent more on education bureaucrats than under Mayor Michael Bloomberg four years ago.

Later in the story Lindsey provides some specific figures:

The city spent $123 million on central staff at the Education Department in the year that began July 2013. That number has steadily grown to a projected $210 million in the year beginning this July 1.

UFT President Michael Mulgrew is interviewed in the story but he doesn't quite sound agitated about the increased spending on the central DOE bureaucracy. UFT criticism of the Mayor and Chancellor is usually quite mild these days.

The city argues that new programs like pre-K and Renewal Schools have forced the bureaucracy to expand. Their defense even sounds ridiculous.

Non personnel spending is up too at central.

Is anyone surprised?

We covered why hiring a "Senior Adviser for Talent Management" is a waste of money earlier this month.

Anyone else know of any excess spending by the DOE?


  1. Exactly what a UFT President should be on top of the roof screaming about for all of NYC to hear.
    Problem is this clown Mulgrew is so crooked he has to screw his pants on every morning.

  2. The DOE gets $23,000 per kid in NYC. That money sure isn't going into the classroom. The vouchers and charters will get $10,000 a kid. A tremendous saving for the NY taxpayer. If you're the average Joe with or without a kid, what are you going to choose the dangerous dirty warehouse schools or the private and charters?

  3. True and if Meathead Mike had anything inside his head besides meat, he would see that writing on the wall.

  4. They need a lot of lawyers and top officials so they can go after experienced teachers.

  5. The UFT should be hammering them over the head publicly for each and every lawyer they have.

  6. Mulgrew and de Blasio are sadly, still taking their marching orders from Bloomberg and the monied elite.

  7. De Blasio is going to be lucky to avoid arrest:

    Perhaps best thing at this point is that de Blasio is arrested and Stringer runs and wins. Nothing will change under de Blaiso. We know that. Maybe (slim hope, though) things get marginally better under Stringer.

    Our nightmare - Paul Massey, the real estate exec/pro-charter guy beats a weakened de Blasio (or Stringer or some other Dem if de Blasio is charged) and becomes Bloomberg Mach II.

    Of course, maybe de Blasio talks himself out of an indictment. We'll see. Even if he skips charges but those around him are indicted, it weakens him against potential challengers.

  8. I heard the DOE is building a new wood shop for Mulgrew since the UFT will be gone in the next 3 years.

  9. The writing is on the wall. Actually it's in neon lights. It's over. All of this stems from the AFT disregarding their members and allowing Weingarten to endorse Hillary over Sanders. Oh well, I guess Randi will be opening up charters with DeVos and telling us it's a victory. Eva will give Mike a technical high school charter - another victory.

  10. Actually it is all over for the UFT since they have done nothing but massive harm to the teachers of NYC since 2005: 1) 4 observations, cut our parking permits, ATR situation, no seniority transfers, no grieving letter to file, agreeing to Danielson, not fighting for reducing class size. Tell me why I should pay dues to an organization that is actually harming my working conditions?

  11. Notice that at the (Republican) march yesterday, there were no burning cars, no cracked windows, no destroyed businesses...

    1. Why burn anything when you won and can oppress everyone else.

    2. The Republicans just tried to block everything Obama did. More effective than rioting.

    3. @7:35: 3:31 is an angry angry person who hates the kids, colleagues, the administration, on and on. Non stop complaining but no solutions. Oddly enough, thjs glutton for discomfort contunes to "teach". I guess he or she needs to have a temper tantrum like most small children do early on in their emotional development.


  13. Look at that video above, typical classroom behavior...

  14. Where were the Republican riots after Obama won twice?

  15. Very interesting how Trump had the trade union leaders at the White House last week. Barely a peep from the dishonest media. And I bet little Mike Mulgrew crapped his pants when he saw that.

  16. You guys on the left always have an excuse. Just look at the facebook post above, typical black students, cell phones and fighting, what a system...

  17. Left wing double standard. Trump is rude, crude and unprofessional...Meanwhile, blow up the white house, Trump is hitler, shut white people up, burn down cities, light cars on fire, break windows, kill cops...

  18. 7:24
    Trump is reaching out to the traditionally Republican unions. I'm glad he's talking to unions, but I think it's a divide and conquer situation.
    For some reason, most politicians hate Teachers, unless they want union money and support. In that case they only hate so-called "failing schools" and by the way, also like charters.
    According to Peggy Noonan's opinion, Trump is going to remake the Republican Party into a "friend of those who feel besieged".
    It's time for the Democrats to get their act together and champion dignity and a fair chance for all. Treating teachers poorly, criticizing parents who opt out and bowing to the testing-data collecting industrial complex is not a winning strategy.


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