Tuesday, January 03, 2017


The email below was sent to chapter leaders just before the break. It was forwarded to us. We knew the spin was coming on the new evaluation system from the leadership. We just didn't realize the extent.

Here is a line from President Michael Mulgrew that is kind of intriguing:

Though we are starting the MOSL selection process late this year, you will find it is much simpler than in the past because the state and local measures have been replaced by a single measure with lower stakes. 

There you go, it's now lower stakes testing. Enjoy the new system folks. You don't know how good we have it.

It's now one test instead of two and it counts for half of your rating. The President is calling it lower stakes because that one test alone cannot give a teacher an ineffective rating. However, the test certainly can lead to a developing rating which can have some of the same ugly consequences as an ineffective rating.

Also, please question your local Unity representative on why there are so many observations for teachers in New York City that teachers outside the city are not subjected to.

Dear Chapter Leader,

As we reach the holiday break, I’d like to extend to you and your loved ones warm wishes for a wonderful holiday season and all the best in the new year. Thank you for representing your colleagues as chapter leaders and delegates.
While we are anticipating our share of challenges in 2017, we are never better equipped to face those challenges than when we stand together. I appreciate everything you do to make the union stronger.
We ended 2016 with a major accomplishment: an agreement on the new evaluation system the UFT and the Department of Education announced on Wednesday. This agreement achieves our goal of reducing the impact of standardized test scores and incorporating ways of measuring what students learn during the regular course of instruction. We depend on you as chapter leader to help us ensure that the new system is implemented properly in every school.
As I promised at our December Delegate Assembly, we have set up informational meetings for chapter leaders in every borough before the January Delegate Assembly to brief you on the new evaluation system and answer your questions. Please sign up now to let us know if you’ll be attending.

Upon your return from winter break, it will be time for schools to convene their school-based MOSL committee and select their Measures of Student Learning (MOSLs) for each grade and subject.
Though we are starting the MOSL selection process late this year, you will find it is much simpler than in the past because the state and local measures have been replaced by a single measure with lower stakes. This should make choices easier for you and your school. Please note the new Project-Based Learning Assessments and Student Learning Inventories announced on Wednesday are not available this school year.
Your school-based MOSL committee will make the decision about what measure works best for your school for any grade and subject where it is not mandated by state law, unless your principal and the committee do not agree. In that case, a default schoolwide measure selected by the schools chancellor will be used.
Here is some basic information you will need to get started with your MOSL committee work when you return from the break:
  1. Carefully review the DOE MOSL guide.  Shortly after you return from the winter break, the DOE will release its MOSL selection guide. As in past years, this guide will walk you and your committee through the decisions you need to make. Once the guide is released, we will post it on our website and send the link to you as well.
  2. Be aware of the role of state assessments: The use of grade 3-8 ELA and math assessments are prohibited for use in evaluation until September 2019. (These assessments will continue to be administered, but your school will be able to select an alternative measure, such as a NYC Performance Based Assessment, for purposes of your student learning measures.) Aside from that important exception, if a course ends in a state assessment, that assessment must be used. That includes high school Regents exams and other state assessments. NYSESLAT and NYSAA also continue to be part of evaluation. All of these assessments, however, carry lower stakes because of matrix scoring.
  3. Set aside time for the committee to meet and for teachers to be engaged in the process.  The extended time for professional development, parent engagement and Other Professional Work will be used for MOSL committee work, discussions with staff and professional development around Measures of Student Learning. The exact timeline for when you can begin to use this extended time will be determined by the DOE in consultation with the UFT. Be sure your school uses these opportunities so that everyone understands the process and the measures.
In early January, you and your school will receive more specific information so that your committee can complete its task. We will let you know when the deadline for submitting your school's MOSL selections has been finalized. We will provide further guidance in the Chapter Leader Update in the new year.
Again, thank you for everything you do for our members and a happy, healthy new year to you all.
Michael Mulgrew


  1. As a teacher of a non=tested subject, I am FURIOUS mainly at the 4 observations when the rest f NYS is going with 2. I am not sweating the portfolio stuff as I can still choose to use a NYC test that my school usses instead of doing an insane amount of paperwork. Every single teacher should ask the Unity reps why, why, why, we are going with 4 observations. It seems to me this could be changed in the future by writing the NYSED and say we want to go with 2 observations as this is the law.

  2. Yeah,well, blame the low class teachers, this used to be a bunch of intelligent people, now we are just a bunch who couldnt do anything else. Just look at every pic in the NY Teacher.

  3. I'm glad to see that the "President" who can't be bothered to attend union Executive Board meetings was able to sign his name to the statement someone else wrote for him. It really makes me feel like my interests are being defended.

  4. Does the algebra 1 regents count in growth scores for 8th grade teachers?


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