Friday, February 10, 2017


This is from the LA Times and it isn't very promising for public sector unions. Thanks to Jeff Kaufman for sending it out.

A conservative group has joined with eight California educators in a lawsuit filed this week that seeks to eliminate the right of unions to collect mandatory “agency fees” from teachers — even if they are not full members.

Similar litigation challenging the fees failed last year when the Supreme Court deadlocked 4-4, leaving the current policy in place. If this latest litigation were to reach the court following the confirmation of an appointee by President Trump, teachers unions could lose a key source of funding.

Agency fees, which are employed by unions in 23 states including California, are meant to cover the cost of representing teachers in such things as salary and benefit negotiations. Teachers can opt out of the portion of membership dues for activities labeled as political, but they still are on the hook for about two-thirds of the total.

For Los Angeles teachers, full union dues are $988 per year.

We pay well over $1,000 in NYC.

With this and a national right to work law being introduced in Congress, one would think the UFT would show some urgency about defending our union but President Michael Mulgrew said basically we are exploring legal options to fight right to work. They should be talking about working with the membership to show them the value of a union.


  1. Oh well, we deserve it. I for one hopes the uft goes down in flames. They have been useless the few times i asked for assistance, and I am someone who has zero negative ratings and attendance better than 99 percent of city teachers. The teachers are complicit in allowing the disastrous situation we are in because of lack of knowledge, stupidity, not reading the contract, voting in the same people over and over, the list goes on and on...

  2. So you mean we couldnt have gotten the zero plus zero in 2010 and 2011 without the UFT? At least we got every penny of retro...oh, nevermind.

  3. You forgot about a crooked evaluation system, raised medical, 100 hours of PD to keep certifies which we have to pay for, abusive admin, forced atr placement, constantly raised uft dues, raises nowhere near inflation, but this has been said over and over, so why bother anymore? According to the uft, all of these were victories...

  4. Unfortunately, the UFT is not worth a nickel, yet they have a gall to charge us $1200 a year in dues. The bulk of that money would be justified if they would get their membership contracts that were lucrative and improving of our working conditions. Sorry, but a 1% raise doesn't qualify as lucrative. And I were working conditions have only gotten worse over the years.
    So therefore, they have no right to charge us this outrageous some of money as dues, which is so obviously just going to pay THEIR lucrative salaries.
    Throw the bums out .

  5. Is the rotation gone back to week to week? Right before the break and with all this crazy weather. Me and most of the ATRs I know are on to new places Monday.

  6. Can't wait to pull my dues, UFT.

    Can't. Wait.

  7. Maybe it's time for the UFT to negotiate our continuance of paying outrageous dues. Quid pro quo and about fucking time. How many will pay anything? Only the outspoken members and bloggers that the UFT hate the most.

  8. I'd swear that Mulgrew wanted to kill the UFT. He's the Manchurian candidate.

  9. Its not $1200 a year, its $1300. And here we go again, another important UFT tweet by Brian Gibbons, he tweets all the time, doesnt do much else, and makes about $180,000 from our dues. Prefect example of corruption, waste of money, and why i will pull my dues...Smaller class sizes, ive never heard that before. And if the uft is earning their money, why has this been said for the last 50 years, and not done yet?
    Brian Gibbons ‏@BrianUFT 22h22 hours ago
    #PublicSchoolProud is fighting for smaller class sizes so that every student gets the individualized attention he/she needs. @UFT @AFTunion

  10. public school proud, another ridiculous uft slogan that means absolutely nothing.

  11. 8:04,
    I got a new school also for Monday. I guess the lesson is don't get too comfortable. Either way make the best of it and good luck. The UFT will eventually learn the same lesson. Karma.

  12. Wake up everyone, be careful what you ask! You will be done on a personal level if this all plays out the way you preach. Then what will you blah, blah, blah about??? What just happened......

  13. Pull your,talk talk.
    Can you say bbq, barbecue. ....

  14. As an ATR, although not pleased; I would say that if we were in Detroit, would we be saying the same thing? I do not think so....job security is a great thing, let's not forget the basics. We would seem like a bunch of spoiled babies in Wisconsin.

  15. "it's over Johnny, its OVRER".

  16. I'm ending my dues as soon as I can. Yes, working conditions will decline over time, pay may falter, and teaching will be drastically hurt, but it will be a slow decline. Those of us with 10 or less years are assuredly not going to see the ship sink while we're working. If I can get the services of the UFT for free, I'd be an idiot to pay for them. I'll take my extra money and put it into 529 plans for my kids/grandkids in hopes they won't need a union.

  17. Then you are not a unionist, but a true freeloader.

  18. Perhaps there might be a way where we could instead choose to pay our dues to a union caucus, like MORE, who would fight for our rights. We could have the right to choose the union representation which we feel best suits us.

  19. I will pull my dues
    for the simple fact that my"union Leader" has zero interest
    in my hardships. Further more he supports agendas that i disagree with.
    If I could pay dues else where i would- as i believe in unionism just not my union unfortunitly. i dont care if i am cutting my nose etc at this point- cause its going to get chopped off anyway. maybe if some of the leadership head back to schools they would understand our struggles-- and support teachers then they would get my dues back

  20. Your extra money will be going to increased insurance coverage.....we will all be making less money and paying for more. Don't you people get it. I taught in Wisconsin..teacher layoffs, salary steps frozen, salary cuts etc. You will not be saving money without a Union. Trust me, we will be paying more in many ways.

  21. By your comments than it is more about an individualism....remember Safety in numbers folks....forget Caucus now....we need to galvanize the troops for what is ahead. We are fighting for one common cause, our livelihoods.

  22. I've been following the discussion here and find it quite interesting. I see both sides, wanting to hurt the UFT as they're not helpful and seem to only make teaching worse through their bargaining, always leaving us with less money and under worse conditions, vs. the fact that things will only degrade further without a union.

    I can only take the path of paying dues based on my personal beliefs, however I have felt let down and put down by our union too. I feel the same pain and agony all those members who no longer want to support the UFT feel. I don't begrudge members anything, including getting the benefits of the UFT and no longer deducting for dues. It has been a bad decade for the UFT and paying the retro money through 2020 was a terrible mistake; I doubt many can look at the UFT and be proud.

    I feel horrible that I can't standup and be proud of my union for anything at all. I can't encourage people to continue to support the UFT. I list a litany of reasons why I am absolutely ashamed of them, the way ATRs are treated, the fact that abusive administrators run so unabated, the contract where members who left never see their raises or money from 2009-2011, the fact we're paid in 2020 for work done a decade earlier, the evaluation system which is punitive, etc.

    I'll pay my dues, but I would never step out and tell anyone else to, and I think that pretty much explains how the UFT killed itself.

    1. have expressed my thoughts and feelings...sigh

  23. The big question for me is more about job security in regard to tenure and LIFO. These two items are what keep veteran teachers like me on the payroll when working during a recession. Tenure and LIFO seem to have nothing to do with the union as they are NYS laws already on the books. IF NYS becomes a right to work state, I am assuming tenure and LIFO will still be in place and as such, veteran teachers would still be "protected" even without a union. Thoughts on this???

  24. It all depends how the laws are written. Remember that there is safety in numbers. Our lovely politicians look at numbers very closely.

  25. There are both pro's and con's to our union.
    Let me start....

    No Layoffs...
    We do not have to pay into to our insurance....

    Before you answer please survey the rest of our nation?

  26. The city has 300,000 employees. The non union ones pay nothing for their health insurance either.

    Unions are in it for themselves not us.

  27. Layoffs are conducted in NYS via last in first out. (LIFO) That has nothing to do with the UFT. All municipal workers are covered under this law. Tenure for NYS teachers applies to all public school teachers and once again has nothing to do with the UFT. If I am wrong on this, please let me know. Seems to me the only "advantage" to being in the UFT is that they will provide a union lawyer for you if you are ever brought up on charges. However, if NYS becomes right to work and no more union dues, a person could save up and get an educational lawyer on retainer.

  28. Layoffs are by state law. That's right. Seeing the UFT do nothing for us leaves us wondering if we need them. They are so arrogant that many of us have had it. It may cost us. I'd like to see us start all over from the ground.

  29. Politicians make law...helloooooo. Lets show up with 10 people and try to start over....not going to happen. You are all about individualism in your comments, think globally.

    That retainer will run you dry....unless you use a desperate lawyer. Good Luck!

  30. UFT leadership is arrogant and doesn't care about us. They cannot be replaced because the election system is a joke. That is why nobody cares and people are willing to take the losses just to be free from Mulgrew and company.

  31. Your pedagogy must suck if you need to put a lawyer on retainer.

  32. You should try Success Academy, I hear there are some vacancies if things are so bad.

  33. Hey; bring your song and dance up to Wisconsin. They would chase you out of the school.

  34. Mulgrew and company are the problem.I'm willing to bet the transit workers won't be running out of TWU when the unions lose.

  35. Yep, my pedagogy does suck. I guess that is why I have been teaching in NYC for 21 years. Ed lawyer is the main benefit to being in the UFT. Once it is gone, what are we gonna do in regard to this?

  36. PBA members won't run away too.

  37. Teaching doesn't have to suck to need a lawyer. All that has to happen is you work for one of the disgusting principals and assistants that have been hired in the last decade.

  38. Tenure and LIFO in state law? Yes!

    Did you ever think that those laws could change without the UFT. The State legislature can even make a cut out for the Teachers in NYS cities with populations of over 1 million people. So the cops (who will pay dues) keep LIFO while NYC teachers are out,

    ATRs treated badly? How about no ATRs at all without the UFT.

    Right to Work does not mean Right to work! Right to work means right to be fired without due process. Laws can change without unions. The GOP legislators and they will take control in NY without full unions DON'T like you.

    Your lawyer on retainer will not be able to save your job when you are employed at will.

    How about starting school before Labor Day.
    How about teaching 6 classes in a row, or 7.
    Weekend tutoring for no extra pay, like the Charters,

    If you think your administrators are bad now, just you wait.

    Most of you complaining have never worked in a non-union job or city.

    You have no idea how good you have it!

  39. Exactly. Or have some crazy kid or parent make up a story against you. I have seen it happen a lot over the past 20 years. Having a lawyer ready at the UFT seems to me as the biggest benefit to being in the UFT.

  40. I like the comment about being able to funnel our dues to representatives that will actually represent teachers. I WOULD PAY DOUBLE for a UNION like the PBA or TWU! Hey, maybe we can get Pat Lynch to represent us too. Maybe we could pull Toussaint out of Retirement. All due respect to MORE, you are too social justice orientated. We need a union that will fight for teachers and that is that. After we get ourselves fixed, you can try and fix the world. What more does not realize also, it that teachers are way more conservative and republican than most think. We also need a union who is not afraid to strike....although I think we missed the boat on that one. We are in big trouble now. Charters will rise up all over and seriously, no one cares about union employees. People want to drop their kid off at school and then go to their NON-Union job where their working conditions suck. We are in a uniquely bad situation. Fire & police are not threatened by a privatized workforce providing the same exact service with a media campaigning that is praising choice and demonizing public sector employees. We are in big trouble. Buck up because it is only going to get worse. If you are 15 years in try and make it to 20. In the next 5-8 years, this system may not even exist in any recognizable way. In the meantime, hang in there. Do your job. Have a lesson plan. Teach. ( and for any Catholics Pray: St.Joseph -work & St.Juan Diego- happy employment)

  41. Almost at 20 years in now. What is the NYC pension percentage for 20 years?

  42. I find it funny that certain folks can talk on behalf od PBA and MTA. They have their issues too...
    Body camera's.....etc
    Focus on what is a stake...
    Less money in everyone's pocket PERIOD.
    This is a losing battle if we all do not galvanize.

  43. This....We dont pay for medical is another UFT slight of hand magic trick. While I agree we have it better than many, remember our payments to visit a doctor went up, and will continue to rise. So instead of taking it from your check, you pay MORE when you go. Its a ploy to say...Ya see, you arent contributing to medical...Yes, we are paying more, its just a matter of which pocket they take it from. My dentist used to be free, now $15. ER 50 to 150. Urgent care 15 to 50...That adds up. Its just like how they were screaming, we will get every penny of retro, with 800 conditions attached to it

  44. PBA and TWU are better unions that look out for their members. UFT has contempt for most members.

  45. NYC public schools are on life support and we're the nurses. The doctors have repeatedly misdiagnosed the patient. The bald vulture of victory = defeat (Mulgrew) is hovering around has a protective talisman, don't forget to feed him or he'll poop on your head. Once the patient passes we're finished too, don't forget it.

  46. But the graduation rate has never been higher.

  47. Too bad the uft has out us in such a position that i dont even care anymore...

    Dear Pennsylvania legislators:

    So now you want to take away teachers’ sick days.

    Sabbatical, sick days, bereavement leaves – the Senate Education Committee voted 7-5 to strip them from the law and make teachers bargain for them with their districts.

    So the next time I get sick, you don’t want to guarantee I can take the day off. If my mother dies, you don’t want to protect my right to attend her funeral.

    The full legislature still has to vote on it, but that’s pretty cold.

    Which brings me to my first question: Why do you hate public school teachers so much?

    Seriously. What did teachers ever do to you? Did we give you a bad grade when you were kids? Did we give you detention? What did we ever do to earn such animosity?

    You obviously must have something personal against teachers.

    It’s understandable. Even though the majori

  48. why would anyone put a lawyer on retainer?
    whats the benefit?
    just hire a good lawyer when the time comes.

  49. Why would any teacher be late 50 plus times in 6 months, because they are trash.

  50. It is clear that there is a vast and largely oppressed majority of teachers who feel let down, disaffected, abused, and simply see no value in the UFT. No one has ever bought the Unity spin on the contract, "getting every dime you're owed" in retro, the 6th new evaluation system in a decade being a "huge win," etc. and every loss we have endured is echoing eternally in members minds:

    Tier 6 where members must pay 5.75% for life and can't retire until 63.

    Losing our 8.25% interest on our TDAs(while administrators still have it).

    The 100 hours of continuing education hours we now need and must pay for(UFT will gouge you for $30 more for each 2 hours, even though they have a building with dozens of unused rooms to do the training and 100's of staff that don't do much).

    Paying a huge amount more for our medical benefits. In essence we paid for any raises we received.

    Being paid for work from 2009 in 2020, without any interest on our money.

    Paying dues and being sold out- if you leave, die, are fired, or come off payroll- you lose your "retro."

    While all the other unions have the 8% raises in their salaries already we are still waiting for 4% of the raises from 2009-2011!

    And as the NYPD gets over 12k in retro, we wait for over 87.5% of what we're owed(as well as 4% of the raises they received in 2009).

    ATRs have been made 3rd class passengers on the Titanic, with the UFT's encouragement, shuffled around until they quit, die, or can be fired.

    The UFT has never fought for class size reduction and now the DOE is using an arbitrators decision(teachers get relieved of one C6 duty for oversized classes) to create 1000's of classes across the city for the second term. The UFT IS AGAIN SILENT ON THIS TRAVESTY!

    I could go on...but suffice to say I wont be paying for this crap anymore!

  51. Mulgew at least has many masters if not being directly blackmailed or enticed to let the UFT die. He and his new wife, who was married at the time they were rumored to be having sex at Grady, both work for the UFT. His wife also still works for the DOE. Mulgrew's sister works for a firm that receives tens of millions in contracts from the DOE and makes a good six-figures.

    Mulgrew is purposely sabotaging the union. He either has Swiss bank accounts established by Bloomberg, or they have video of him and his new wife in Grady having relations. He doesn't care about the union at all, he come to the meetings for 2-10 minutes and leaves. He simply doesn't give a damn about members and wont be hurt a damn when you all stop paying your dues.

  52. That's a harsh. Who cares who he's banging? I don't like the guy either but he's a comparable saint compared to Weingarten. Scratch the surface of that beast and you'll be knocked out by the stench.

  53. Where is Norma Rae --when you need her.

  54. I have spoken to Ms Friedrichs in the past. I salute this attempt to remove mandatory union dues. I hope we don't have to wait for long. LA teachers pay $988 in union dues, NY City teachers pay in excess of $1200. for little if any representation.

  55. anom 6:40
    sadly you are right mulgrew will not be harmed but i hope the rest feel it.
    maybe tht provides motivation?
    who knows?
    sadly this could have been easily adverted by listening to teachers needs,
    even if i lost some battles i would have supported the uft more- if i knew they supported me and fellow teachers insted of willful neglect

  56. Sadly, I hope all of you shit talkers burn when this comes to fruition. Then you will be saying that you don't know what you have till it is gone.

    Spoiled to the core...can't wait till the rubber hits the ground.

  57. I agree, focused on BS right now. Pull your dues .......all shit talkers.
    Same old story year after year...I am going to pull my dues...THEN DO IT AND SHUT UP!

    1. We can't pull them now except for a small agency fee refund. After Supreme Court says our free speech right are being violated, we can walk.

  58. I've been up for a 3020a for raising my voice in a coverage. The principal wanted me out because I am disabled and cost too much., I've faced 4 years as an ATR, I've have 28 years in service, but I am only 49 and need my medical and salary. The UFT has been no help. I won't miss the union, let the union burn!

  59. Really???? For a coverage, c'mon man?
    And I was 3020a for coming to work....pathetic.

  60. Where were all you dudes during the vote for the last contract? Or did you guys vote for that? That was pure stupidity and pure stupidity if you pull your dues. (And I DETEST the UFT/AFT.) I went up to the Mulgrew's top minions last year in the Bronx and told them face to face what I felt. It was very akward because everyone else there was kissing their asses. I looked for Mulgrew but couldn't find him. I didn't curse or scream, but let them know the UFT didn't save ATRs and the UFT has been part of the problem, not the solution. They just completely stopped talking to me, making eye contact and then ignored me. Finally Sterling said he was trying to help ATR teachers. I believe him, but no one knows that because we aren't informed of anything. The UFT is an embarrassment on all levels and I understand the tremendous impetus to pull dues. Trump, Moskowitz, Cuomo, Puzder and DeVos want you to do just that. Don't fall for it. Go down to 52 Broadway and tell them how you feel. What's the worst that can happen? They won't help you when you ask? We're past that point. They work for us and we pay their salaries. Some of us seem afraid. Afraid of everything. There is no way paying members should be afraid of their own Union. Some seem to think we work for them. They need to be reminded of their roles. If enough people tell them we are pissed off and prepared to pull our dues they might believe it and we might see some change.

  61. I have told the UFT over and over again how angry I am at the contract, the evaluation system, the training hours, the way ATRs are treated. I raised my anger with Leroy Barr, Richard Mantell, Amy Arundell, etc. and sent dozens of letters to Mulgrew, no one gives a flying F! They're still pulling in six figures and just ignore me...not any more!

    Ending our dues might be a "nuclear option," however for us ATRs it will be MAD(Mutually Assured Destruction). The union is killing us with these terrible deals, now we get to strike back. We're being abused to no end, shuffling from school to school, and back to another school. They wouldn't even let us have a chapter!!! I'm sorry the UFT isn't getting another red cent from me!

  62. Maybe being placed back in a school full time is the best way to go about this. ATR's should have a place where we belong. I have been saying force place us please.

  63. The debate here is different than much of what we've seen on this blog lately. I believe there are some newer people commenting and that is healthy. Many sides are being represented on this post. Thank you very much readers. Traffic is generally up here so I hope you stick around.

  64. i went to 52 bway a few years ago, before danielson passed as the evaluation system.
    when i raised my obegjections to some uft heads they called me "chicken little".

  65. ps myra ettenburg was the one who called me chicken little

  66. You know what really got me this week? I'm an ATR who had been to four miserable schools last semester, some for close to two months. I finally got to a good one and they rotate me out after a week. It totally destroyed my weekend.

    1. @10:04am...I think the goal is to break the spirit and sap the resolve of teachers who happen to be ATRs. Stand your ground, vent often and keep working. It seems like the war on teachers and ATRs is headed for a full on hand to hand combat. This sh*& is demoralizing.

  67. I would forgo any pay raise if I could spend my time and energy on planning and teaching instead of DOE and UFT nonsense.

  68. Looks like to me based on the sample of comments I am reading the union may lose thousands of members (and dues money that goes with it). I am concerned that the union is ambivalent toward it's members and this may hurt all of us if we become right to work as a nation.

  69. That will never happen as the DOE/UFT treat us like errant children - actually the kids have less rules and can do just about anything. I'm 50 years old and have to constantly ask people to unlock the restroom door for me. The kids restrooms are unopened all day long, but I guess they'd prefer to see ATRs piss or shit their pants than put a key in the main office or leave it open. It seems like a trivial thing, but its the tip of the iceberg. Hey, Mulgrew why don't you go under cover in disguise (just wear a toupee) and be an ATR for a few days, it might give you some perspective.

  70. Just read that entry from 8:48. I agree and disagree with him/her. I'm tired of hearing people say they will opt out, but I do believe people will. They don't do it, because legally they can't - I tried to opt out of paying union dues in the 1990 when I was bumped 12 times in one year. Opting out is not a legal option. I must say however I've matured and would never opt out if it became a legal option. At the beginning of my career I shuffled around from school to school and now at the end as an ATR I'm doing the same thing.

  71. Waiting for Support,
    Thank you.

    1. You are welcome. Stay strong my fellow educator--don't let anyone break you. Have a peaceful day tomorrow.

  72. I'm in my third year, I am just finishing my Sp. Ed. M.A., my fiancé was hired in September in Manchester, NH. He worked in NYC for 4 years before getting out. He's respected now, the administration is totally supportive, the kids are perfectly behaved, and he is making just a little less than here, but we were able to buy a perfect little house for 145k and we will now be able to have kids and I can stay home and care for them

    Everyday in school I am abused, I've been hit, called a "white bitch," "whore," cursed out, and so on, and the administration doesn't want anything reported. But they don't bother us either and just give positive evaluations. I've had no UFT representative at my school in the last three years and never had anyone from the UFT come to my school or talk to me. I didn't even know what COPE was when someone told me to stop putting in, since I never was asked to start.

    This isn't a school system, it's a ghetto zoo, where the kids run free and there is already no union

    Would I pay dues to the UFT? No. I wish I could get my money back.

  73. I agree 11:31. Kids are out of control. I'm not in a good school and haven't been abused yet. Spent months in the rockkaways and feel sorry for the appointed teachers. Groups of kids roaming the halls smelling of weed and cursing out each other and anyone who ask them to go to class. Why should we be rated based on the progress of students that have many academic, emotional and social issues. I'm glad I'm out of that school and rotated into another. But for how long? Would love to have a union that I can trust and is looking to protect my rights. What can we do? Opt out or continue paying into a union that is against its own members. What a mess.

  74. Here are ten good reasons to stop paying union dues. Without the hapless UFT, the following issues will be resolved:

    1. There will be no ATR rotation issues. They will be permanently placed on the unemployment line.

    2. There won't be any new Evaluation outrages. The Principal will just fire you when he wants.

    3. There won't be any pension reductions like Tier 6. You'll just have your 401k.

    4. You won't have to weep over 7% TDA. You'll just have your 401k. (Currently 1.45% fixed rate)

    5. You won't have to complain about 32 (or 34) kids in a class. It'll be 50.

    6. You won't have to complain about $20 co-pays on doctor visits. You can buy your own insurance on the competitive free market.

    7. No more long drawn-out 3020a hearings. Your career will be ended with dispatch.

    8. No more listening to Mulgrew and Leroy drone on and on at DA. Instead, you'll listen to your Principal drone on and on at mandatory PD.

    9. No more Teacher Improvement Plans. You're just fired.

    10. No waiting around for retro pay. Your pay cut will be effective immediately.

    This is not to say that the UFT is faultless. Many of the issues presented here have merit, and how. But, most of the terrible things we're experiencing are the result of victory by our political enemies. I'm reminded of the Confederate general, sick of the blame game over the lost war, declaring in response to a query about who was responsible for the disaster, "I think the Union Army had something to do with it."

  75. So I guess we are stuck with the uft. What a conundrum!!

  76. 1:34,
    I agree with you on paying dues, but ATRs would be the last group on that unemployment line - unless LIFO rules are changed for all unions in NYS.

  77. 2:10

    Not true. LIFO laws don't have to be changed for EVERYONE. They can easily be changed for only a particular title in a particular city. If the UFT was not around.

    Bloomberg and his folks in the State Senate already tried it. It was only stopped by the UFT and the Assembly.

    If the UFT is weakened, the ATRs are history.

    We all know that ATRs have it tough but nobody has been saved more then them by the UFT.

    Check out Chicago and see what happens to ATRs there.

  78. We are ALL potential ATRS...just reach a certain age/salary scale and you and I can be an ATR. UNION or NO union--what is the answer. I say union under different leadership. I can't take folks blocking the path of those who really want to teach and who are not afraid to honestly fight for all members. I hope Mulgrew, etc are learning something by reading this blog. Herein potentially lies the answer to how to save the
    union. Selfish and clueless representation. Fools who do not realize they are fools...bye bye union

  79. I have been working over two decades to try to change the leadership. The system is rigged because the leadership from Michael Mulgrew's Unity Caucus basically controls the flow of information to a huge majority of the membership and opposition's only chance to reach them is once every three years in a NY Teacher ad. Add in that if one wants a union perk (trip to convention or union job), virtually all go to Unity supporters who agree to support leadership positions in union and public forums. Unity Chapter Leaders go to their schools and repeat the Unity party line.

    Where we can get to most of the members in the high schools, it is a fair fight and the opposition can win and has won many times. Will there ever be a level playing field throughout the rest of the union in elections? I hope so but Unity is one tough machine to break.

    That said, I agree with the points 1:34 made on the value of the UFT. However, the sheer arrogance of the UFT leaders means many members will cut off their nose to spite their faces and quit the union if given the chance.

    1. James, folks need to think outside of the box. I'm reading about how the graduation rate is rising😂😉😕. Parents would be heated if they knew how the wool is being pulled over not only their eyes but the eyes of the students and city. I mean a real open discussion/disclosure moment.

  80. 2:34,
    I disagree. Each state has it own laws. The UFT didn't save ATRs, they helped to create them with the 2005 contract. They aren't subpar teachers that have been removed from the classroom- they are veteran teachers that have been replaced with cheap labor when their schools were reshuffled. If the city attempts lay them off, with or without the union, they open themselves up to litigation on a federal level for age discrimination. The city knows it and the union knows it, otherwise the UFT would have given us up long ago.

  81. Some people are very short-sited. I am NOT a UFT apologist, but not paying union dues, if it comes to that, is foolish.

    A large group is stronger than a single person.

    Oh, I am not happy with what’s going on with our health insurance and told everyone at my school to vote no for this contract.
    But, if you look at your W2, you will see that the city paid $7500 for your insurance (individual plan with my choice of insurance). I also noticed that I have a maximum in-network out of pocket of $2175 expense. Still not near $7500. I know people who are spending $9000 a year (single person), and still have huge co-payes, etc. I was ill a few years ago and I’m guessing that with all the new costs of scans, biopsies, surgery, etc, my output of $550 would triple, maybe quadruple, and that upsets me, but it’s still better than most people.

  82. What if there was an attempt to change the law that says the UFT must represent those who don't pay dues? Why should a chapter leader in a school go represent someone who doesn't pay? If there is a salary issue the non dues payers should not be able to call the UFT.
    Also, all those big shots who can't wait to quit the union -- you cab quit the union right now and become an agency fee payer at a reduced rate. Why wait? Do it tomorrow. UFT should post lists in every school of non-union members.
    UFT should also stop automatic dues increases and force a vote.
    UFT should reduce dues.

  83. Insults and scare tactics will not get members to reach into their wallets voluntarily. The UFT has no winning game plan to keep teachers paying dues. Bargaining power is laughed at in the wake of our last contract and one snow day for an endorsment swap. Setting the bar so low as to compare us to Wisconsin or anyone else worse off than us will not motivate the membership. If the UFT doesn't demonstrate they are fighting to improve the average day of the average teacher, they are sunk. Like the democrats in the 2016 presidential election, the UFT is underestimating the rage that exists. The NYC DOE and its administrators infantalize teachers. When every little decision is micromanaged down to when you are allowed to access a bathroom (ATRs), teachers feel powerless. As a result, teachers will exert the only power they have when Friedrich 2 gives them power over their dues. If the UFT doesn't see this coming and doesn't take steps to empower teachers, they deserve the blowback that will be inevitable. Roseanne McCosh

  84. So what do we as the opposition do Roseanne?

  85. If and when we become a right to work nation we should see which city unions keep their members and which don't. It seems like our union will lose a greater percentage of its members compared to other municipal unions.

  86. I think the UFT is doing their best, in as much as they are doing what they think is best. De Blasio isn't the best candidate for us, but he's better than the other options. I think. Maybe someone else is better. But it would be foolish for the UFT to back some upstart when they have a mayor who at least is willing to listen to them. And despite all the investigations, it's harder to unseat a mayor than it is for him to stay in office.

    The ATR situation sucks, but at least I have a job and a steady paycheck. It could always be worse. I've actually thought maybe I should look into being an administrator. This won't solve the problem, but being an ATR has given me some perspective on the issue.

    Eventually, UFT leadership is going to have to realize that they need to play ball with their members. I don't know what the silver bullet answer for this is. I don't think it's one person going down to 52 Broadway and yelling at them. 100 people might be better. They do what they do because they don't have to do anything else and I'd like to be more optimistic but it's difficult.

    This is my 10th year of teaching. The last three have been as an ATR. It sucks, it really does royally suck. I watch other teachers at schools, doing nothing extraordinary. I watch them at good schools, with perfectly behaved kids, and think, I could do so much more with these kids. It's frustrating when you know you have talent and that talent is being wasted.

    That all being said, it's better to be in a union, than not. Like, before you look for a job, it's best to have a job in case you don't get your dream job. I would continue paying dues, and hope things will get better, but also actively work with like minded individuals to ensure that it will get better. Otherwise, it won't.

  87. Veteran Teachers remember when the NY Teacher newspaper was delivered twice a month. Now we get it once a month. Fixed TDA was 8.25% Randy Weingarten had it reduced in 2009 to 7%. Teachers have lost thousands of dollars over this decision.
    Can't wait for union dues to be voluntary.

  88. Here we go again, well, it could be worse. That doesnt mean the UFT is doing their job. Somebody called schools ghetto zoos above, and I agree. This job is pathetic. And while med insurance is nice, our salaries, compared to cost of live are quite average, especially when we are adding in 1 percent a year for 7 years we just got. Who wants to spend a life like this? Bachelors and masters to work in a ghetto zoo, to be abused be welfare recipients who feed off my tax dollars because they are to lazy to pass classes honestly and work. To be abused by admins, who, in many cases, just got a job because they are black and fit in well, meanwhile, they cant even speak proper english...

  89.'s the racist--you're back. Those administrators who got a job because they are black must really get under your skin. Imagine some poor, black, english destroying black IS YOUR BOSS...oh my goodness--it's too funny. Someone must really think badly of you to put you in this situation. LMHO...former welfare recipients have surpassed your station in have to laugh. I guess that's why you're so hostile and at your wits end. The man has tossed your azz into the zoo's pit because you are not worthy to be around civilized folks. So sorry...not

    1. Yikes!!! My man is back. The racists calling wonder. I think that's racist calling the pit a zoo and the person who made the comment is not worthy to be around civilized folks. Shame on you. I'm glad you are still fighting the fight.

    2. I don't have the energy or interest to define the word racist so ask someone at home for an explanation. The person is NOT worthy. I'm always ready to fight the good fight.

  90. P.S. @ 12:31: "they cant even speak proper english" can they at least write proper english? Did you attend Trump U? I ask because he,too, uses "to" when he should use "too"...can't make this sh*# up.

  91. 9:49 AM
    too bad the union feels its more important to have a Seat at the table. then negiotate whats important for their members

  92. As we all know the uft is horrible is so many ways. If we stay and pay dues we are feeding the beast that has continued to undermine the rank and file in numerous ways that has been discussed to exhaustion on many blogs. If we stop paying dues the union will have less power and bargaining leverage with the city. Our rights will erode faster and working conditions will get worse. It's crazy that the union who is the most educated imembers is in this position. What can we do? We know the schools aren't zoo like but we need to admit the decline of behavior and academics. As an atr I've been to almost every high school in queens and can honestly report the collapse of basic social norms. The language, the effort, the drugs the violence is an epidemic. When many kids come to school stoned and act unruly just adds to the collapse of the educational system. mulgrew isn't going anywhere so how do we fix the problem. Prayer?

    1. I agree with some of the things @5:19. I'm going to play devil's advocate: How different is the behavior witnessed in schools from the behavior witnessed in society? Heroin and opioid abuse? The Donald destroying the English language? The vulgarities that he spewed during his run for office? The DOE and UFT using teachers and students as pawns in their game of "don't teach/fire the experienced teacher/graduation for all/discipline for none"? The kids haveca role to play--be respectful and learn--but they too are pawns just as we are but we are adults,we should know better. We=DOE,UFT, parents, teachers,etc.

  93. James...I sincerely do not know what the opposition can do to keep union membership if members are given a choice on paying dues. As far as getting members on your side now....teachers I speak with do not care about social justice issues for the most part. They care about their money, benefits and working conditions such as the unreasonableness of Danielson, tying teachers to test scores and disruptive out of control kids who abuse teachers and classmates on a regular basis. Commenters on this blog jump on a zoo comparison and cry racism. This is a liberal reaction that alienates those who are abused. Would it make people feel better if she/he said, schools are like Rikers Island or sewers with rats in charge? My point is there are many teachers who feel abused by students and parents who are clothed and housed by our tax dollars and the anger and resentment these teachers feel should be acknowledged as being a legitimate reaction to daily abuse at the hands of people that we the tax payers are financially supporting. Of course, not all people of color are monsters but let's not pretend we don't encounter monstrous behavior on a regular basis. If these same kids and parents were white, their behavior would still earn them the same labels. You can fight for social justice but if you do not have a message that resonates with those who don’t care about social justice, you’re excluding a good number of NYC teachers in your call to arms. Roseanne

    1. Roseanne, please define or list a few "social justice issues".

  94. Oh boy can't wait for waiting for supports response to Roseanne!s post. Should be good reading. We all know the truth

    1. Get your popcorn and a pen and paper because Im about to take All of you to school TODAY.

  95. Why should we bring the supplies? What time are you picking us up?

  96. Home schooling today and yes, you bring the supplies. You and your compadres aren't on welfare are you?
    I'm waiting for Roseanne Roseanne to answer my question and then your lesson shall begin...

  97. Welfare.... Good one my friend. This should be interesting my man

  98. Of course, because its a problem in the black community, it is racism. Te truth speak volumes. Look at all schools that are primarily black, pretty much all failing and/or closed. Where do the threats and fake grades from. Look who fills the jails and is in the papers every day. Its the truth. How can you deny a 30 percent college ready rate from a city system thats 80 percent minority? How an you deny 7 percent of the population being 46 percent of the inmates? Come on. And yes, you guys are victimizing the teachers, who did the right thing, got educated, go to work, in order to say the students are wonderful. Will it take us all just walking out? Somebody on here wrote a few months ago that a he was bitten by black kid, you all made jokes about it, saying its because the students detected he was racist. Really? Thats pretty sad that you all would lay blame on the teacher.

  99. It's the fault of white supremacy don't u know. Historical oppression is the cause right my support friend.

    1. Donnie said to O'Reilly America isn't innocent....I love it.

  100. Racists teachers, politicians, mail carriers, auto machanics, security agents, store clerks, bus drivers, toll collectors, hair stylists, corner store workers, subway workers, cafeteria workers, school aids, etc... Can't make this crap up but I know waiting for support will give it a try. Blame everyone and make certain groups the victims. Should be enlightening. Popcorn check pen and paper wait I didn't bring any.

    1. Yes yes yes and yes. I see you read up on history: US & Global. Go see Django Unchained;Malcolm X;Hidden Figures.
      Read up on Nixon's war on drugs, do your research. Or I will continue to enlighten the blind on this site.

  101. WaitingForSupport: Social justice....fighting for illegal immigrants is one. Sharpton March (Black Lives Matter) is another. Let me be clear. I have no problem with people fighting for what they believe in. I admire activists even if I don't always agree with what they are fighting for. My point is no one is going to get the majority of teachers on their side if they do not make it clear they are fighting for what teachers care about most...their paycheck, pension, medical benefits and dignity in the workplace.

    1. Cliff notes for the ahem "educated" benefitters of privilege:
      Look at BLM as the new Taxation w/o Representation patriots who fought for their rights.
      Black on black crime is the new civil war(north vs south whites);
      Black/brown community has high crime rate is akin to when whites raped, murdered, hung,lied,cheated, sold and
      destroyed families w/o blinking an eye. Stealing, killing and interest in only what is important to you is in the lifeblood of
      the founders of America--white america. The trusting and kind Native Americans welcomed their soon-to- be killers/thieves/disease spreaders--
      and were horribly rewarded. Who does this? Blacks...guess again. Blacks/brown have a higher crime rate in their community? Chalk (no pun intended) it up to their learning from your white ancestors.
      Next, welfare moms soaking up our tax dollars? (40% of food stamps users are...white). Lazy black/brown people who don't want to work? Lmao...white
      people went across the ocean in order to bring people back to do their work: THAT SH*^ IS LAZY. I mean what type of subhuman has another breastfeed their young? Raise their young? Cookyour meals? Etc? THAT'S LAZY.
      Evil subhuman people care only about their needs. What's true is that Despite the hardships,murdering and barbarism placed on brown/black they are strong proud confident people who continue to forge ahead. White people have done immense damage to people around the world but as you all have demonstrated in your weak, alternative facts rantings above, you can easily list the struggles,damage that black/brown
      folks commit but just as easily poo poo the horrors of your ancestors. Black/
      brown continue to suffer at the hands of self centered folks who exhibit signs of delusion and selective memory. I guess it's easier for your psyche to believe that whites are somehow better than black/
      brown. Since the country was stolen from the native Americans white folks have killed them with disease and guns.
      The times have changed but your psychological illness remains. Lying until caught red handed just like Flynn. Delusional like Donny. Bat sh^* crazy like Kellyanne. One thing is certain--what happens in the "ghetto" will visit your ghetto. Case in point: heroin epidemic. Black/browns are used to adversity. They are survivors ans thrivers. It's
      I dont give a damn about your struggles in the inner city schools or your opinion. In my opinion you are probably horrible teachers and yes, the students know phony people coming to their school for the check, and medical benefits. They dont respect you because you dont respect them, let alone like them. You are ridiculous. You want dignity in the workplace? They want a real education.
      Look it's Valentine's day let's all get along kiddies. P.S. Whatever you say,right back at ya!!!

    2. My man! Nothing but the best! Very enlightening in so many ways.

  102. forgot to sign my name...Roseanne responded to waiting ForSupport @6:24:00pm

  103. Gotta blame somebody for the continued failure in work, education, crime, etc...

  104. WaitingForSUpport.... You've characterized all teachers who care about their paycheck and benefits as not giving a damn or respecting their students. That has not been my experience with the teachers I know. The most pissed off teachers I know have bought food, clothes, supplies for their students. One of us even paid for cab fare years ago during the transit strike when she found out that one of her kids' parents was walking 40 blocks to and 40 blocks from work. They, like me, are not phonies. We want a union that fights for us first. War has been declared on teachers by corporate interests and the politicians and media who are now nothing more than corporate whores. There are many good fights to fight but a union or caucus of a union that does not demonstrate it fights for its members first is a union that will lose its dues paying members when members are given a choice. That's what started this commentary. If James or any other union activist wants to mobilize the mebership they have to start with common ground. Unless you're a trust fund baby or the spouse of some guy/gal making really big bucks, there isn't a teacher out there who doesn't worry about the fate of their regular paycheck, medical benefits and pension. And here's a shocker---some of these teachers I speak of are black and hispanic. Some even live in the neighborhood in which we teach. The causes we care about and our politics may sometimes differ but what always unites the teachers I know is our disgust with our union's lack of balls. We are waiting for them to fight for us--the working teacher. What's truly ridiculous is for anyone to think they will gain any ground with the majorty of teachers if they don't demonstrate an ability and willingness to fight for our survival. It may be easier to just see us all as a bunch of racist selfish phonies but that's not who most of us are. I didn't lump all welfare recipients together. I specifically commented on those who attack teachers. My thinking is more nuanced than you are willing to acknowledge. If it makes you feel better to label me and people like me ridiculous selfish white priviliged racist phonies, so be it. Becasue truth be told it makes me feel better to think of you as a bat-shit crazy liberal blinded by white guilt. Roseanne

  105. Another day trying to stop white oppression.

  106. My response is to the teachers/anonymous bloggers and you Roseanne. You and the others characterize the parents&students as dependent on your tax dollars. So if you don't like generalizations dont make them yourself. People like you want to give folks stuff and then go back to your corner and make disparaging remarks about the same people you are so-called helping. If their parents had the opportunity to have an equitable and quality education they wouldn't need your handouts thank you very much. As it stands, the issues will continue since kids continue to receive a half-azzed education. Puhlese Roseanne if you wanted to have a valid discussion about the next steps for the rank and file you should have stayed on topic. Instead you fed into the ignorance sometimes expressed on this blog. "Of course not all people of color are not monsters?" Well I'm sure they appreciate your kindness. You read what I said in my earlier blog and I continue to stand by it. If we are to be successful moving this union in a different direction,you and some of your anonymous pals need to tone down the " black boogeyman" rhetoric. Not only ddo you make assumptions about the economic status of your students, you are making assumptions about my political standing. Just because I speak out against nasty, prejudicial statements doesn't make me a liberal sufffering from white guilt. It makes me a human being who happens to dislike rude people. My parents simply raised us to treat people respectfully, regardless of color. By the way: how do you know these parents are on welfare? Did they tell you because it's against the law for teachers to see and share this information.

  107. Wow you are beginning to make some real sense. Assumptions and generalizations are bad. Now back to the 40% poverty rate out of a 13% population. Now back to the 70+% out of wedlock birth rate. Now let's get back to the crime , graduation, welfare rates etc... Bravo my vino drinking friend. What can we do to help all Americans especially the ones that are impacted by these rates. What can the ones who are being impacted by the high poverty welfare out of wedlock births, crime and low graduation rates do for themselves to help. God Bless

  108. For starters if we stop accepting mediocracy as quality--alot of the privileged folks would be on the unemployment line. Secondly, return America back to the original inhabitants. Third,
    as was done in sports--remove the barriers that keep black and brown from truly reaching their
    potential(quality challenging education) and see how they surpass the mediocre students
    who test well but know nothing. Hopefully the best that we have Donnie and them will not royally lead us back to the days when the privileged were raping, killing, stealing,lying, lazying about and robbing brown folks out of EVERYTHING under the sun. Glad you asked.

  109. Why is Donnie's vocabulary so limited? His speaks English so poorly. I mean he's not black so what the heck is his problem. I know he's on his 3rd marriage and he berates women but come on...these are issues only seen in the black community. Why is his cabinet filled with liars...that is what black/brown people do all day. Hey Anonymous "Yikes" did the kids curse you out today?

  110. This comment is beneath you my friend! You can do better. Enjoy the vino!

  111. I be good boss...just tell me what I should say boss you so smart boss why you so smart boss how you so good boss you sho be smart boss you the best boss i love my boss him best boss. Teach me some mo boss..

  112. Waiting showed your true colors with your "illegal" comment. How do you they are not on welfare? Did you rummage through their recorda illegally? PUHleeze! With all that anger, I'm now suspecting you're one of those angry undercover Trump voters. I have as much evidence for that as you do with your bullshit accusations. Roseanne

    1. How do I know they are NOT on welfare?????? You ascribe to the school of "guilty until proven innocent".
      I showed my true colors how, by not assuming our students are on welfare? frighten me.

  113. My are a piece of work Roseanne.
    You detect anger but I actually think you are deflecting that emotion. Here you go again making assumptions about my political affiliation. Which allegation did I make is "bullshit", Ms. Roseanne? Try to stay on topic as there may be a test after the winter break. The initial topic/question was something about "what can the opposition do"?

    1. Try NOT to bring race into the discussion unless it pertains to union members/leaders. Just try your best.

  114. Next month's (March) placement will end June 28th.

  115. My response was related to "What can the opposition do.." Stop attacking abused teachers is part of that. The "ghetto zoo" commenter was attacked. She was a teacher who was abused by her students and should have our support. Her anger and resentment should be acknowledged as legit. Your bullshit accusations are that anyone who calls out a welfare recipient no matter how badly they behave is a racist. It can't be the behavior we object to, it has to be the color of the person's skin in your eyes. If we complain about a kid who beats up other kids and abuses his teacher daily, we have to be saying it only because he happens to be a black kid....that's your thinking. You see color more than I do. I look at behaviors not skin color when I characterize someone. You even assumed the welfare recipients were not white. That's the bullshit. I'm angry alright....angry at a union that fights for everyone except those of us who pay dues. I'm angry at the American greed that looks to hire illegals to avoid paying higher wages. I'm angry that kids on the Upper East Side get more in their schools than my Bronx school. I'm angry at the Democratic Party for fogetting about what they once stood for. I'm angry at mothers who neglect their kids who then act out in school---and I''m angry that some of these very same mothers are supported on our tax dollars. you don't know me yet you try to lump me togther with people who think all blacks are on welfare and are lazy and stupid. Nothing I've written suggests any of that. I voted for Obama in 2008 and donated my hard earned money to his campaign.....then he screwed teachers with RttT. But you'll probably argue I turned on him bc he was black. You're worse than FOX News with misrepresenting facts. Roseanne

  116. Another day trying to stop white privledge and historical oppression. Wish me luck!

    1.'s been a battle fighting Mulgrew so good good luck with that

  117. Roseanne: You're full of it. You don't remember what you write. I suggest you re-read your posts so you can see how "don't see color". You said I have white guilt, im bat shit crazy. Is it too difficult to stay on topic???

  118. Roseanne apparently went on vacation to end this. Good for her.

  119. White privilege and oppression never takes a vacation in the minds of some.


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