Tuesday, March 07, 2017


Last week we  posted the Alliance for Quality Education's first rate TV ad showing that Governor Andrew Cuomo and President Donald Trump have very similar positions on education.

We now have further proof. Governor Cuomo was speaking to students for the Orthodox Union last week when he made the following statement:

"My opinion is I aggressively support the religious schools," Cuomo said. "My budget reflects that. I’ve given the religious schools in my budget more money than ever before in history. We did that last year, and we’ll do it again this year."

Politifact confirmed the $238 million Cuomo is putting in his budget for private, mostly religious, schools is a record.

OK it's not much compared to what public schools get from the state but why is it anything at all? Private schools are supposed to be private.

So much for the 1st Amendment separation of church and state.

For the Governor to boast about his private school spending in public shows a little about his thinking on education.

I would argue Cuomo is not now and never has been with the public schools and I doubt if he will ever be in our corner.


  1. Cuomo is the devil. He's much, much worse than the Trumpster.

  2. Is it just me or is there anybody else out there who is getting tired about hearing about Cuomo and Trump when the real problem is right here in our backyard. The elephant in the room is the UFT. They are the ones who got us 4 observations instead of 2. Seems like everybody is forgetting about this but I am not. Is there any, possible, way for a petition to get circulated or a resolution proposed to fight the DOE to get us our 2, legally mandated observations? One of my fellow teachers had yet another stressful Danielson drive by the other day. We are all facing this crap while the majority of other teachers in NYS are having only 2 observations. (One announced and one unannounced)

  3. To 6:34-
    You really sound immature whining about observations. Just do your job and you'll be fine. If you don't like your performance being evaluated by your supervisor then find a new line of work.

  4. To 6:52.... Hey Moron, Teachers have always been evaluated & observed. I have no problem being evaluated: I have a problem being randomly observed by an person who has an anti-teacher agenda using an insane rubric. Big Difference. There is no way you are a teacher.

  5. one prep, one room; basic classroom supplies & technology, a discipline code that works. State Ed needs to release Test Questions/topics if scores are tied to evaluation! Exceptions for ELL & SPED teachers! That is what I want and I would strike for it!

  6. The problem is far greater than one, two, three, or four evaluations. Our society has turned its back on the pursuit of the common good. Why should billionaires be forced to pay for health care and education for the underclasses? Instead, the wealthy should have the education of their progeny subsidized by the formerly middle class, who will soon be challenged to put food on their family tables. Sufficient funding will be available, however, to support multiple intelligence gathering agencies and military adventures. Furthermore, the undocumented whose labor is vastly unappreciated will live in terror that they will be deported leaving their beloved children behind. We are not at liberty to escape the bigger picture.

    Abigail Shure

  7. DEAR ANNO 6:52: am the person who "wined" about my 4 observations in the above post. Just to let you know: I have been teaching for over 20 years. I never had a problem with being observed back when there was no gotcha mentality, Danielson rubric, or admins who have a bone to pick. After we got tenure we would only get observed once or twice a year. Principals trusted us and let us do our jobs. If they had a suggestion, they would let us know. Now it all about nit picking, micromanaging, and putting fear into the hearts of teachers with these observations. So, you got no right to tell me to go find a new line of work. I have been here through it all and I will be here for a long time to come. I put in my dues and I have every right to complain about the fact that after 20+ years that I am pissed that I have to go through 4 observations like some newbie teacher when the rest of NYS teachers only have 2 observations. If you hare happy with 4 observations, more power to you, but you should back off telling me how I should feel. How long have you been teaching by the way? (Just curious)

  8. Love the comments on here. The lack of solidarity is why we get nowhere. Teachers are our own worst enemy.

  9. Anon 6:52....explain to me the reasonableness of giving a teacher a "developing" in a component for preventing a fist fight between 2 students. Two kids started arguing and immediately went for each other. The teacher used a loud commanding voice and they stopped in their tracks. Danielson requires kids to police themselves so she received a developing in that componenet. You're the immature whiner and you don't have your facts straight. Teachers have legitmate compaints and frankly no one gives a shit if you don't see that. Roseanne McCosh

  10. "Teachers are our own worst enemy". I half agree. The UFT is the other half of our enemy. I have noticed over the past 5 or so years that many newbie teachers have no respect for veterans and think we are just a bunch of washed up old farts that should just retire. Worse yet is that many of these young teachers in their 20's grew up where everyone gets a trophy and feel entitled to rat out fellow teachers to admins. These newbies need some serious people skills. Just my thoughts.

  11. anyone else having "wombyn" at their school go on "strike" today? at my academy, only 3 of 34 female educators will be at work today.

  12. The women are all here in my school.

  13. Women are at my school

  14. Leaving a comment on this blog now requires logging in each time. What's going on???

    1. It shouldn't. Nothing that I know of has been changed.

    2. It shouldn't. Nothing that I know of has been changed.

  15. A school in lower Manhattan just fought off a co-location.


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