Newsday says the Opt-out numbers on the first day of the State grades 3-8 ELA tests are around 50% on Long Island. This is similar to last year's numbers according to the newspaper. Opt-out is a very impressive movement on Long Island.
In Westchester and Rockland Counties, the opt-out numbers are lower than Long Island, but some are still pretty high. Those statistics can be tracked here.
If anyone has any other opt-out figures, we will be glad to post them.
As a high school teacher, I just have a hard time comprehending how long these tests are. I have a very difficult time accepting that having kids as young as eight sitting for hours for days taking tests is developmentally appropriate.
If opt-out numbers remain anywhere near the 20% we have had the last two years across the state, it will be a win as there is turnover of students and parents and the State Education Department tells us everything is fine with the tests.
99,552 refusals on Long Island! And we're still waiting for some final numbers! Can we break 100k? I think we can!