Thursday, April 27, 2017


The NYC Executive Budget has been released by the mayor's office. The city is projecting a bright financial picture which is no surprise in a mayoral election year. The big news in the budget for teachers is it looks as though the city is planning on placing the ATRs.

I found this line buried in a budget document on page 22 of somethinig called Citywide Savings Program that is part of the mayor's Executive Budget for Fiscal Year 2018.

ATR Savings generated from permanently placing teachers who were previously working as provisional staff. 

This is followed by dollar figures on how much would be saved in the next four fiscal years (2018-2021) by placing the ATRs.

 - (1,870) (1,870) (1,870) (1,870) -

Those numbers are in thousands.

How placement is going to occur I do not know but it would be nice if our Union would let ATR's know what is going on instead of letting a blogger find this in the middle of a city document.

As for the budget in general, there is an abundance of black ink and savings which is not a surprise in a mayoral election year.

From the Summary:

$2.8 billion total savings from the November, Preliminary, and Executive Budgets:

• $1.3 billion healthcare savings in FY 2018 and every year thereafter. 

• With the release of the Executive Budget, there will be a partial hiring freeze affecting certain managerial and administrative staff.

Capital Stabilization Reserve: $250 million a year over four years. This reserve was first created by this administration. – Highest ever achieved. 

• Retiree Health Benefits Trust Fund: $4 billion – Highest ever achieved. 

• General Reserve: $1 billion a year over four years – Highest ever achieved.

When the UFT boasts about our 4.5% raise coming in the May 15 check, please remember that the city's economy has never been stronger and we are still having money added to our pay that most other city workers have been receiving since 2008-2010. That money won't be added in full until 2018 and the money we should have earned won't be paid back in full to us until 2020 if we stay employed or retire. Those who resign or are terminated will never be made whole.

When our contract is up in the next fiscal year, expect the 2019 city budget to contain gloom and doom.


  1. "... expect the city budget to filled with doom and gloom."

    And also expect the Chancellor's Lapdog, otherwise known as UFT President Michael Mulgrew, to endlessly repeat that "fact" when pressed by members for a raise.

  2. I guess we got screwed again. I thought Mulgrew said Farina and the mayor were so wonderful, you would think he would have known the ATR stuff. DO we have a choice? Can we leave after the year if it doesnt work out? What happens when we are stuck in a real shithole for the year? What about teachers who live in a different borough from their job location, can they now request a change in work borough? As usual, not a word from the UFT.

  3. All we will get is huge dollar signs on the UFT website now and in October when we get an oh so tiny piece of what we should have had 8 years ago, and thats what they will do up till 2020 as well..."Remember all those lump sum payments we got you, no interest, waiting 11 years, etc."

  4. Does this mean schools will be hiring their newbies very early, like now,to show no vacancies when ATR placement begins. I do not think they will be bumping people but one never knows.

    1. You are correct as principals have been sending out emails and getting around open market, in addition there is the select recruits program matching newbees to district 7 8 9 inthe Bronx before open market.

  5. So that means the approximate number of ATRs are 1,870 if the average ATR salary is $100,000. More lies from Mulgrew on the real numbers. Mulgrew had to have signed off on this weeks ago.

    1. When I saw the number I wondered if that number was just teachers , and if it didnt include those who signed up for a placement this year. What about Guidance counselors?

  6. Amazing in several ways. If they are so smart and this saves so much money, why was this not done 10 years ago? If we are so buddy-buddy with those in power, we should be given right to choose where we are force placed. Remember, Farina said years ago, there will be no forced placement.

  7. Yeah, this is what we get when the chancellor is a "teacher" and the mayor is so willing to work with us. Scam from day 1. When are we pulling dues again after the next SC vote?

  8. Not a word from the UFT or Mulgrew in those Executive Board meetings. Total bullshit.

    1. Dont worry, we have the open market.

  9. I registered to see what is out there. Nothing on open market. 5:28 had to be using some clever sarcasm for sure.


  11. I was using sarcasm. And when there is stuff up and I apply, dont even get a response...And thats with 18 years of nothing but good...

  12. What's really outrageous is the lack of information from the UFT. Taking our dues, pleading for COPE, and not even giving us the minuscule amount of respect, that is scraped off the sole of Mulgrew's shoe, that is afforded to the rest of the rank and file.

  13. My biggest fear is being trapped in areally bad place next year. After 5 days, if I have a disastrous travel situation or a really vindictive admin, or the worst of the worst in terms of students, what can i do? Im stuck.

  14. "ATR Savings generated from permanently placing teachers who were previously working as provisional staff." So does this only apply to ATRs who are provisionally placed? Let's face reality, this is Red Bill's attempt to show he's trying to "fix" the ATR me$$. For instance, if there are only , let say 100 open spots for ELA teachers citywide, but 200 ELA ATRs, what happens to the ones not given a spot? Or, conversely, if there are 200 spots for 100 math teachers - will they be forced out of district/borough? But come on, what will most likely happen is that ATRs will simply replace schools' substitute budget. And will Principals go along with it? I have been in schools that only used their own subs and were loath to use ATRs in the classroom. Anyway, the city budget is not yet done (June 30th deadline), and so far I've heard nothing on a continuation of Mayoral control for next year, so who knows what really will happen? (Other than Mikey shouting "Victory" and ATRs getting screwed.)

  15. I'm not positive, but should ATRs be forced placed, it could be considered an "administrative decision" and therefore possibly argued in an Article 78 legal proceeding.

  16. I'm glad the uft is so open and forthright about what is happening with ATRs PSYCH

  17. So who is calling Amy?

  18. Amy and uft will spin it or flat out deny anything is happening

  19. I cannot wait to end my dues...don't respond and tell me how great our union is. I am ending my dues and with my 17 years, I have another 10 or so, I will NEVER PAY! Our union totally screwed my friend who died of breast cancer and her family. I think the UFT is disgusting and I will never forget this contract! I will also get many others to end their dues. Our union will hear my anger and nothing they ever due will mend this wound!

    Other unions like that which services the NYPD, NYFD, NYSD, school custodians, etc. they received their money...we go totally and utterly screwed.

  20. 3:21,
    Almost every veteran teacher I know agrees with you, as do I.

  21. Does anyone know a good attorney to handle an in line of duty accident case? A student assaulted me causing me to be disabled. I would like to retire early due to this injury.
    Do you know what retirement income I could get? I am teaching 12 years.

    1. Bryan Glass at Have you you been denied LODI? Had medical arbitration?

      It's astounding how many LODIs are denied even when there's proof.


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