Friday, May 05, 2017


Over at the Valerie Strauss Answer Sheet on the Washington Post website, Network for Public Education Executive Director Carol Burris does a comprehensive critical analysis of school privatization.

Burris presents three main arguments on why giving public money for private schools is a bad idea.

1. Privatized school choice will inevitably reduce funding for your local neighborhood public schools

 2. Direct and disguised vouchers to private schools and other public school alternatives start small and then expand, increasing the burden on taxpayers

3. Additional administrative costs coupled with a lack of transparency waste taxpayer dollars and open the door to excessive legal and fraudulent personal gain

Higher costs on taxpayers and opportunities for fraudulent personal gain seem like primary objectives of government in this day and age.

Don't worry, however, because the Union has the Public School Proud campaign to stop school privatization. Then again, maybe we should do a little more.


  1. Dont you think the issue is more things like...Kids bringing loaded guns to school, students with no work ethic, students cursing and threatening teachers, cutting class to trespass in the gym, no pen and pencil, no motivation, life of crime, no or lousy parents, cell phone in hand sll day in school, the free ride welfare life...

  2. You forgot to mention,"I cant make it to first period because its first period" Ya know, because its too early. These are the people you are gonna hold jobs? But you are up all night drinking alcohol and standing on the corner and on facebook and smoking weed...But just pass me, or else.

  3. 1st period attendance is a problem everywhere. I teach at a good school and while most of them show up by 830 it's still an issue. That being said I have worked in places where I had 2 first period if I was lucky before the crowd of disruptors showed up to hamper education for the day.

  4. Well, that's 2 negatives. Lateness and disruption. Point is, I think the students are far more of the issue than even the mayor, chancellor or uft.

  5. Oh those kids. Why not put in next contract all kids are banned from school. Teaching would be wonderful.

  6. Right on ed. These regulars clearly have never had a kid who is nice, smart, decent, etc. What sad teaching careers.

  7. Do you clowns even read the postings? The comments are the same, no matter the topic.

  8. I am talking about comments 1-4, not the last 2.

  9. Or they have to behave themselves, and if not, simply enforce the discipline code. We do have rule of law in society, unfortunately, many dont respect or follow that. Must be why half the country pays zero federal income taxes but still has very expensive material goods.

    1. You can't reason with the likes of Ed notes guy. He's a legend in is own mind.

    2. If Ed notes guy is a legend "in his own mind" what are you @2:30 pm? A blind observer?

    3. @1:04 are you referring to The Dumb D???

    4. Not blind my friend. Enjoy your vino and violin tonight. God Bless.

  10. Yeah, i mean you guys always jump to calling other staff names. Look at the previous days messages, complaint after complaint, just saying who the biggest culrit is, the student body.

  11. Dozens of ATRs have written and called the UFT for clarification and information. Has anyone received a response? I haven't.

  12. Congratulations, the new check posted with our huge raise. GUESS WHAT. UNION DUES WENT UP.
    NOW OVER $58.


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