Monday, May 22, 2017


Correspondent Mike Schirtzer from MORE just texted that a question was asked tonight about the status of the Absent Teacher Reserves at the Executive Board.

UFT Secretary Howie Schoor said we're working with the DOE- we are bargaining - near an agreement - nothing to report now.

He added that we should have something next meeting- city wants a deal we want a deal, but can't bargain in public.

On our friends from the High School of Applied Communications, Borough Rep Ron Freiser said it's two or three teachers. We must talk to all of them. VP Janelle Hinds is going in.

Howie Schoor said steps are being taken but we need to get steps straight.

More on the meeting from NYC Educator.


  1. Again, they are bargaining for atrs with no knowledge of what atrs want. They never asked, never held a meeting, never gave us the school or boro choice some of us did want. Some would prefer to rotate rather than forceplaced in a bad school with a bad admin with no parking 30 miles from home.

  2. Not bargaining in public? But we have no idea what will come out of this, could be worse. I am a Brooklyn Atr living in staten island? Where is my choice? What are my options? What does bargaining mean? Do atrs trust the uft to bargain for us?

  3. So right at the end of the school year they will drop this agreement on us. I can only imagine...

  4. I doubt it will be anything we will like. The secret negotiators are at it again and with no accountability.

  5. The deal is done already. Mulgrew said it Florida. They don't want to hear the screaming.

  6. Its ok, the uft is spending all their time doing immigration forums and telling everybody islamaphobia is a bigger problem, even tough every single time there is a terrorist attack its an act of muslim. But make sure to keep flooding the country with them, protecting them, saying trump is bad because he wants safety, and let the uft members continue to get abused. Dues well spent...Until janus lets me pull them.

  7. So confused! How can the UFT discuss the ATR situation without ATRs? The last agreement(and I use the word loosely) was a disaster with the clause "probable cause" in it! It is like the UFT is shooting itself in the foot. The UFT should be strong on ATR guidelines because if ATRs continue to be treated unprofessionally it weakens the UFT as a whole!

    1. ATRs are discriminated by the UFT and the DOE, but they are having problems recruiting new teachers.

  8. They say it as a cover, we dont negotiate in public...That allows them to have secret negotiations, announce an agreement, then say too bad, its really a good deal, while we have no say. And of course, notice the time, right at the end of June, as said at the meeting, so the school year will be over, then they will again say, too bad, talk to us after school starts in september, which would be too late. In other words, too bad...

  9. Let's avoid any difficulties with the ATRs. Make the announcement August 31st. Repeat after me, 'there is no new ATR agreement'. Ignore the mayor's budget and Mike's slip of the tongue in Boca. Just keep repeating that phrase -' there is no new ATR agreement.' Maybe some of them will believe it, then again who cares? What can they do anyway?

  10. The key thing in negotiations is how to get rid of those Muslim ATR terrorists. And we know how those Muslims Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, in the Oklahoma City bombing killed 168 people, injured more than 680 others, and destroyed one-third of the building. The blast destroyed or damaged 324 other buildings within a 16-block radius, shattered glass in 258 nearby buildings, and destroyed or burned 86 cars, causing an estimated $652 million worth of damage.
    And how about that white guy who killed that black guy about to go into the army to serve this country this past weekend? He must have been a muslim too.

    1. Huh? WTF does that mean and what does it have to do with anything? We're all idiots btw.

    2. @ 11;07am... please try not to impede on the rants of the angry "anonymous racist poster(s), you will only confuse and interrupt their chain of spineless thought.

  11. You win, its almost every single attack is from muslims. Anyway, yes we are stupid for taking this uft shit for so long and now its too late to change.

    1. @12:01...are you ever happy with anything besides your small cloudy world?! Probably not. I hope you're NOT a teacher. If you are, may the students see through your reckless frailties and cowardly ways.

  12. Salmam Abedi, what a surprise, who wouldve guessed?

  13. The discrimination and abusiveness on ATRs will stop, when they can no longer find enough inexperienced and less qualified teachers. The ATR pool is about age discrimination.

  14. The discrimination and abusiveness on ATRs will stop, only when they can no longer find enough inexperienced and less qualified teachers which is starting to happen. The ATR pool is in nature discriminatory against the most veteran workforce. Most schools that have pushed out their most experienced workforce are now in trouble. Many principals went after experienced teachers, unfortunately now they realized it was a big mistake. They are going to have problems recruiting and retaining new teachers.

  15. People keep posting how they can't wait until Janus to stop paying dues. My guess they are ALL talk and no action. If they were really that mad at the UFT (and we know they have good reason) they could right now stop letting their money go to the UFAT - United federation against teachers and instead have it go into a contingency fund or something like that I believe.

    1. These UFT reps have no shame, and they should be removed.

  16. You people who want to stop paying dues why not leave the UFT now and become agency fee payers which is less than UFT dues I believe. So you can save some money and leave the rest of us alone.
    I'm a retiree and don't have to lay dues but I have for 15 years as do almost 60,000 retirees. Yes at a reduced rate but we still pay.

  17. Can't be done. Tried it years ago. You have to pay the UFT.

  18. Rate is reduced if you are an agency fee payer. Don't say it can't be done. You are dead wrong.

  19. Mulgrew is a useless puppet of the DOE.

  20. You have to pay dues but you can get a refund of part of your dues each year. I don't recommend but it is possible.


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